Government broke the #1 rule of Emergency Management

In the past I have supervised people in industrial environments.  One of my responsibilities was emergency preparedness.  By law we had to have an approved emergency response plan and had to run regular drills.  The reason for the plan and the drills was to make sure people knew what to do and would not panic.  Panic is the absolute worst thing you can do during an emergency.

When people panic they become irrational.  Their actions can endanger themselves and people around them.  Panic only amps up stress and makes a bad situation worse.  I doubt you can find anyone who will tell you that in an emergency you should panic so why did government choose panic as a pandemic response?

In March of 2020 western governments did exactly what they would have punished corporations for.  When faced with an “emergency” they threw out their emergency response plan and told people to panic.  They did not of course use the words “please panic” but they may as well have.  Daily press conferences were held to inform us they knew nothing about this invisible threat and therefore people should be afraid of everything.  Leaving your home or meeting family and friends was a certain death sentence.

When our political “elite” foisted this stupidity on us I told anyone who would listen, that government was breaking things they may never be able to fix.  They were breaking trust and breaking weaker minds.  Trust in our institutions is now irreparable damaged but worse even is that some people have been irreparably damaged.  There are now 15 million Japanese people living as recluses.  They are too afraid of COVID to resume normal life.

The crimes government committed and the damage they have done are too big to forgive.  The only way we get back our society and sanity is to punish the people responsible.  I don’t care how many jails we must build.  Maybe we could repurpose the COVID concentration camps government wanted to use against us.