Entries by richardsuffron

Arresting Fauci starts the Ball Rolling

When the origins of the SARS COV-2 virus were first questioned Anthony Fauci was adamant; the virus was naturally occurring.  His evidence was a paper that concluded the virus had no characteristics that would be expected if it had been engineered.  We now know that paper was junk science produced for and at the direction […]

One was a Pandemic, the other a Criminal Conspiracy

When the proper accounting is finally done for COVID it will show very few people died of COVID.  They did not die from their comorbidities either.  Most COVID fatalities were the result of medical malpractice.  Doctors were convinced, coerced, or compelled to use protocols that increased the number of people dying.  Over the last 3 […]

An Article everyone must read

I found an excellent article on Ivor Cummins’s twitter (@FatEmperor).  There is no doubt this article by Michael Bryant will be linked a thousand times today and it should be.  Please send it to all your friends to read.  Bryant methodically dissects how the COVID hysteria was started in Northern Italy.  COVID was a manufactured […]

When you spend Billions no one notices Missing Millions

A friend of mine sent me this unique business opportunity.  The province of Manitoba is about to auction off 105 visitation pods.  If you have never heard about a visitation Pod before you are likely not alone.  They are a uniquely COVID invention that I only discovered when my friend sent me this article. Visitation […]

Can a Professional Politician even understand Freedom?

During the COVID lockdowns Pierre Poilievre was the finance critic.  Every day he would stand up in parliament and question the Trudeau liberals about rampant, uncontrolled spending.  I thought this was useless because it did not address the economic elephant in the room which was the unnecessary lockdowns.  I emailed Poilievre and asked him why […]

We only know what it absolutely cannot be

The largest propaganda outlet in Canada, the CBC, just noticed a lot of people are dying in Nova Scotia. “Unexpectedly high numbers of people are dying in an untimely fashion before they would normally,” said Moriarty, who is an associate professor at the University of Toronto. To prove their point the CBC provides this very interesting graphic. During the […]

Why did COVID skip Papua New Guinea?

My wife’s Uncle suggested that I take a look at Papua New Guinea.  It took me a few days to get around to it but he was right, Papua New Guinea is very interesting.  Papua New Guinea is a nation of 9.4 million people scattered across 600 islands, the largest of which they share with […]

A master class in how Evil People manipulate the Masses

A friend sent me this audio clip 2 days ago.  Michael Campbell normally discusses financial matters but on March 4th his opening monologue dealt with the COVID Pandemic response.   Michael Campbell is too charitable.  He thinks mistakes were made because we did not know enough.  That is not true.  SARS COV-2 is a new […]

We have not yet reached the bottom of the Dumb Ages

Every single COVID mitigation measure was stupid almost beyond belief.  Not a single thing we did had even the slightest chance of working but each one of them carried significant risk.  It was shocking how easily people accepted such dangerous, unscientific, nonsense.  From a public health perspective the COVID pandemic response was a disaster.  From […]

Border closures allowed Government time to do the Wrong Thing

A new study has been published that concludes border closures were not worth the economic cost.  My response to this study is to say simply thankyou Captain Obvious.  Border closures are the most extreme form of lockdown and even when lockdowns work they do not work.  All they do is delay the inevitable.  You cannot hide […]