The most obvious crime in history still goes unnoticed.

Two more studies have been published recently showing that the COVID Jabs led to worse health outcomes.  One study showed that COVID infection increases the risk of developing asthma in Children.  This would sound like a good reason to vaccinate children for COVID if were not for this pesky little piece of information.

The study highlights a strong link between COVID-19 infection and an increased risk of new-onset asthma in children, which is even more marked in those vaccinated

In case you missed the part that I conveniently bolded for you let me re-phrase.  Giving a child a toxic mixture that is not a vaccine increases their risk of developing asthma after a COVID infection.

The other study found that being jabbed for COVID increased the severity of your symptoms and the jabs themselves caused more hospitalizations than the virus.

Nearly 1.49% of respondents reported hospitalization after COVID-19, whereas 5.69% of the respondents reported hospitalization after vaccination in our cohort. SARS-CoV-2-related severe symptoms were reported by 9.3% of COVID-19 vaccinated versus 6.7% of unvaccinated individuals (p<0.001).

In the first paragraph I did not say 2 studies had been published.  We need to be clear.  These are 2 more studies added to the ever increasing pile of evidence that the COVID vaccines only made things worse; especially for children.

Crimes against children are the most heinous of all crimes and the Jabs are a crime.  Not a single healthy child died of COVID therefore the jabs offered zero benefit to children yet they still carried significant risk.  The risk reward balance for children and young people in general is highly negative.  This was apparent to anyone who was not an imbecile long before the first child was jabbed.


Officially no single cause of the unprecedented rise in sudden death and disabilities has been identified.  Attributing it to the vax is my own assessment and I have now medical training.  But I am also not an idiot. I can put 2 and 2 together.  I do recognize that injecting everyone on earth with known toxins will not be without problems.

For more than 18 months study after study has been published about the overall negative health outcomes from COVID vaccination.  This was inevitable since data and common sense led me to the same conclusion long ago.  That is why I wrote this almost 2.5 years ago.

And in 2021 younger people began to die from COVID more frequently.

 “In 2021, you see the mortality impact of the pandemic shift younger,” said Ridhi Kashyap, a lead author of that study and a demographer at the University of Oxford.

Of course the answer is boosters; the answer is always more boosters.  It is hard to tell if this Times reporter is cognitively impaired or just a good foot soldier march towards the great reset and depopulation.  In the event that he is just stupid I will re-phrase his findings for him in a way he might understand.

  1. After vaccinating nearly 100% of all seniors, more of them died to a milder version of the virus.
  2. Prior to vaccinations younger people were not dying from this virus.

It should be apparent by now that the vaccines made things worse not better.  More of something that simple did not work is a waste of time.  More of something that makes things worse is incredibly stupid.  

I have stated many time on this blog that I have no medical training.  I am just not an idiot.  When known liars tell me something unbelievable I am not inclined to believe it.  I tend to check the data for myself and the data on the Jabs has never been good.  I was supposed to believe that the jabs protected people but I could not see a change in the case fatality ratio that would have been apparently had the Jabs been effective.  What I did find was a surge in deaths immediately following the roll out of the jabs for each age group.  It was obvious that the jabs were neither effective nor safe.

That has been the most frustrating thing for me over the last nearly 5 years now; just how obvious this whole crime has been.  Nothing the government said or did make any sense unless their objective was always to abuse us.  When COVID was declared a pandemic it was a lie.  When the lockdowns were announced it became a crime.  The COVID response is a crime that people are still paying for with their health and their lives.  It is way past time for another Nuremberg.

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