Multiculturalism and structural racism are a package deal

I have stated before on this blog you can have a multiracial society but you cannot have a multicultural society.  A functioning multiracial society must by definition not be racist.  A multicultural society will inevitably be racist where different cultures get categorized by race and judged by a different standard.  Judging different races by a different standard is the very definition of racism.

Multiracial societies can work if all races agree to abide by the same rules, laws and be on the same team. Multiculturalism however, enables people to go by their own rules, laws and play their own game, and we’ve seen the effects of it. Just look at the Pakistani Muslim rape gangs in Rotherham, Rochdale and Telford.

For those of you who don’t know, over 1400 white underage British girls were raped by Pakistani Muslims in the 3 English cities listed above.  The rapes happened over a period of 20 years.  For 20 years British police overlooked 1400 rapes because the rapists were not white; a really odd form of white privilege don’t you think?

This is what happens when you hold different cultures to different standards.  Right and wrong is determined by where you were born or even where your grandparents were born.  But, we would never let something like this happen in good old multicultural Canada would we?  Sorry but yes we would and yes we do.  In fact it is enshrined in Canadian law that race determines the severity of the crime and the punishment.

The law of racial discounts was codified long ago and has only snowballed since. Indigenous-specific sentencing principles were codified into law in the 1990s, and since then those lighter sentencing principles have been expanded to apply to other groups depending on the province. The result is a gut-churning habit of courts to take a lighter touch to punishing sexual abuse depending on the identity of the offender.

“Incarceration is not the answer for (the accused),” wrote the judge. “It would only add to the problem of over-incarceration of Indigenous people 

30 years ago some lunatics on the Canadian supreme court decided that native criminals should not be held to the same standard as non-native criminals.  How stupid must you be to believe not punishing criminals is the way to deter crime?  So how is this policy of not punishing violent native men working out for Canadians? Well 30 years later we have a lot of missing and murdered aboriginal women.

The Trudeau liberals held an inquiry to get to the bottom of this problem.  They had to fire several people before they could find an inquiry leader who would blame the problem on white people.  Every sane person, of whom our current government has none, knows why this happened.  The courts released violent native men right back in to the communities that they had been victimizing.  What the F&$K did you think was going to happen?  The only white people who you can blame for this tragedy are the racist white liberal judges who made this insane ruling.

As always in Canada with time our lunatic judiciary has slowly expanded this ruling to encompass more than just aboriginals.  The 1990 crack that allowed this stupidity to seep in has become a chasm.  Now as long as you are not white and your family immigrated to Canada in the not too distant past you get to be held to a lower standard.

The rape was balanced against the man’s background: originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, he and his family left the country when he was two, moving to Zambia, and then Namibia, and finally Canada when he was 14. The court took into consideration the fact that his family had experienced “loss of security and safety” in refugee camps (though he did not recall witnessing conflict). Also considered was the systemic racism that he alleged to have impacted his life.

Since 1990 Canada has been structurally racist, just not in the way Justin Trudeau thinks it is.  That was the price for multiculturalism.

The obvious can’t be ignored indefinitely

An Austrian doctor was interviewed for a recent documentary.  In the documentary Dr. Cornelia Tschanett stated that she no longer vaccinates her patients for COVID.  She made the decision to stop because over time her patients suffered more and more injuries that she attributes to the Jabs.

“You may not notice the first cases that much or dismiss it as an isolated case. Possibly also as a psychological overreaction. Towards the end of the year, this increased. Then, more and more people came with supposed complaints after the vaccination. And then you question your own perception a bit.

She is now treating vaccine injuries in 10% of her patients.  Treating these patients is difficult due to the absolute silence around COVID vaccine injuries.  There is little to nothing in the literature to help doctors treat mRNA injuries because the official position is that vaccine injuries do not exist.

“And then, of course, you also try to look for scientific discourse. And that was shocking to me that that wasn’t possible. That was dismissed. It was actually an absolutely dogmatic and certain and rock-solid statement, this is not from the vaccination.


The willful blindness about vaccine injuries and deaths is really quite astonishing.  Since the roll out of the vaccines excess deaths have been high in every country.  Initially the deaths were blamed on COVID but we are now too far removed from COVID to continue using that excuse.  Now governments are trying to blame everything from climate change to poor lifestyles.

Hundreds more middle-aged Brits are dying every month than expected, with experts blaming unhealthy lifestyles and the NHS crisis for the surge in excess deaths.

The problem with all of those explanations is that Climate change did not produce excess deaths before 2021.  Lifestyles also did not dramatically change in 2021.  There is one big change that happened in 2021 that explains all of this, but as Dr. Kory points out, no one wants to acknowledge the obvious.


There is no question the jabs have injured and killed people but admitting this obvious fact is fraught with danger.  This was not some sort of accident.  People were forced in to this by governments.  There was no informed consent.  There was a time in our not too distant past when we hung authorities who forced medical procedures without informed consent.

Jab injuries and deaths are far more common than anyone wants to admit but don’t expect governments to put an end to this madness.  They will not stop.  If Governments stop killing people with COVID jabs they would be admitting they were killing people with COVID jabs.  Don’t hold your breath waiting for government to incriminate themselves.

This really is up to us.  People need to pull their heads out of their asses and stop pretending their 4th case of COVID would have been much worse if not for their 5th jab.


Getting ill multiples time with a disease that you have received multiple shots for is not proof the shots are working.  Dying after receiving an experimental treatment is not from climate change or an unhealthy lifestyle.  It is murder and the people responsible must pay, but that won’t happen until we stop denying the obvious.

How government kills without remorse

In 2020 our own governments declared war on us.  It has been, so far, an easy war for the government because only one side is fighting.  The fight is lopsided because most citizens still refuse to believe that their government harbors ill will towards them.  They still believe the harm done to them physically and financially was “for their protection”.

Most people find it hard to accept that their governments would do anything to intentionally harm them.  They personally would not intentionally harm someone else and they just can’t believe anyone in government would either.  What the public does not understand is that people who choose careers in government are not at all like them.  Many people who choose careers in government are just like this guy.

“First of all, I think my own personal ethics on life are, I think, enough to keep me going on the right path,” Fauci claimed.

That was Anthony Fauci discussing why he no longer needs religion.  He has transcended religion. First, he was science, now he is some sort of morally and ethically superior being.  A god walking among mere mortals.  Over the last 3 years Anothony Fauci has become the most prolific serial killer of all time but it does not bother him because we are inferior beings.  Fauci would be no more bothered by your death than he would be stepping on an ant.

Anthony Fauci is a sociopath.  Governments are full of people like Fauci because governments attract sociopaths like a moth to flames.  Megalomaniacs just cannot resist the power to control others lives and bestow misery upon them.  Of course, not everyone involved in government is a sociopath.  But the problem is that they do nothing to reign in the sociopaths within their ranks.  In fact, many unwittingly support them.

I was asked once to describe government.  My answer was that government is a handful of sociopaths sprinkled among an army of useful idiots.  This is exactly why governments do so many terrible things.  Sociopaths like Fauci are not just left unchecked they are enabled by the useful idiots.  The government is not your friend.  Your life is insignificant to them.  A society can either keep government on a very short leash or suffer the consequences.  Have you had enough of the consequences yet?

Phase out stupidity not fossil fuels

COP 28 has adjourned in Dubai and the climate lunatics are already lamenting that the agreement did not go far enough.  They had been pushing for a commitment to phase out fossil fuels completely.  Not only are these people lunatics they are also incredibly ignorant.  They scream about phasing out fossil fuels while they head to the airport to go home.  Where the hell do they think jet fuel comes from?

These people are dangerous because they think they are smart when all they are is useful idiots.  Put aside for a minute that climate science is horribly fraudulent and simply ask yourself what is the alternative to fossil fuels?  The answer is that we don’t have one; shutting down fossil fuels means shutting down society.

It is true that some load could be displaced by electric cars and nuclear generation.  The problem is that there is no way to even do that within the time frame that they want.

The Canadian Climate Institute expects that regulatory changes and the push for electric vehicles mean electrical grids will need twice as much power generation capacity by 2050. The electricity infrastructure that took more than 100 years to build will need to double in less than 30 years.

Canada as a country is so dysfunctional that we can’t even build houses.  How do you think we will do this?  We cannot build this much infrastructure in this little time for many reasons; one being the ridiculous environmental regulations we already have that make new construction next to impossible.

The Useful idiots in the climate movement do not understand that fossil fuels are used for many things that electricity cannot be used for.  Even transitioning to electric cars practically can’t be done because of infrastructure limitations.  The climate movement is completely disconnected from reality.  They have become just another religious cult and a dangerous one at that.


What the world needs right now is not less fossil fuels.  What we really need are some adults in charge but that is not what we have at the moment.  Currently the west is being led by ignorant, perpetual adolescents like Justin Trudeau who are no more qualified than any of the other useful idiots who attended COP 28.  If we want to save the planet what we really need to phase out is stupidity.


The data does not support safe or effective

When the COVID vaccines came out Pfizer and Moderna made fraudulent claims of 90%to 95% effectiveness.  Their data did not say this but everyone accepted it.  What followed then was a slew of studies showing the vaccines were highly effective at preventing death.  All of these studies were also fraudulent.  Their death prevention claims could only be made by reclassifying deaths and using inaccurate population estimates.

Hot on the heels of the UK decision to no longer vaccinate people under 50 we get this stunning admission form the UK statistics regulator;  nothing you have been told about vaccine effectiveness is true.  The vaccine effectiveness numbers were calculated using a corrupted data base and incorrect methodology.

Once everyone was vaccinated it became impossible to play these statistical games.  As a result we no longer see papers claiming the vaccines saved millions of lives.  Public figures still claim that the jabs save lives but when they do they always quote these old, obviously fraudulent, papers.  Without the statistical manipulation it is not possible to show any benefit from the jabs but it is increasingly easy to show that they are dangerous.

Last month Korean researchers combed through the government vaccine data base and found the jabs increase inflammatory disorders, blood disorders, and non-fatal immune related events.

It seems with every database leak we find more evidence that the jabs are harmful.  Some evidence comes from careful parsing of the data while others are blatantly obvious.  The link between the jabs and cancer stands out like a sore thumb in the VAERS database.

A quick search of the CDC VAERS database on the number of cancer cases reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections since they were first rolled out in the USA, reveals that from December 2020 up to 5th August 2022, a total of 2,579 adverse events related to cancer were made in just 1 year and 8 months.

In all between the 08/09 flu season and the 19/20 flu season, there were a total of 1,720,400,000 (1.7204 billion) doses of the flu jab administered in the USA.

The CDC also confirms that between 2008 and 2020, a period of 13 years, there were just 64 events related to cancer reported as adverse reactions to the influenza vaccines.

There is no evidence the Jabs work and mounting evidence that they are dangerous.  Safe and effective might be the most egregious lie of all time.  The entire COVID vax narrative is nothing but a series of lies stacked one on top of another.


These products are not safe and are not effective.  There is absolutely no reason to use them so why do our governments continue to recommend them?  That is a question everyone should be asking.  The answer will give you unsettling revelations into the true nature of government.  Government is not your friend.  Nothing that government does is for your benefit.  Wake up; we are at war.

COVID truth reveals the ugliness of government

Something incredible has happened in Germany.  Something that I doubt will ever happen in Canada.  A real expert, not one of the fake ones normally preferred by government and media, addressed one of the branches of the German government and told the truth about COVID.  Dr. Stefan Homberg addressed the Bundestag telling them that the data is clear; COVID was a completely manufactured emergency.  He went even further than that when he mused that the emergency seems to have been manufactured to justify vaccine mandates.


This is ground I have covered many times on my blog.  Most countries and Germany in particular, had no problems with COVID.  Excess deaths did not start occurring until government intervened and actively killed citizens by interfering with medical decisions.

I have shown this many times on my blog.  Most countries did not see an unusual number of deaths during the great COVID plague of 2020.  The only countries that had unusually high deaths were countries where politicians went out of their way to infect and mistreat seniors.

2021 in Germany was another story entirely.  Every age group above 14 showed significant excess deaths.  The excess deaths did not start until the vaccinations started.  Every time you look you see the same pattern.  COVID was not an emergency, it was barely even a problem.  We did not have a problem until the politicians and Pharmaceutical companies came riding to the rescue with the non-vaccines.

Many people have stated that the engineered SARS COV-2 virus was a bioweapon.  It most certainly was but it was only the jab used to set up the knockout punch of the vaccines.

The vaccines are also a bioweapon and are much more lethal than the virus for one simple reason.  Government can’t force you to get COVID but they can force you to take the vaccine.

Bio weapons are designed for war.  When you ask who deployed these weapons and who were they used against you get a terrifying answer.  Ordinary citizens were attacked by their own governments.  We are at war right now and only one side is fighting.  If we don’t wake up and start opposing our governments they will not stop.  Wars only end when one side loses and right now ordinary people are losing this war.

Climate alarmism wants no debate, or science for that matter

The UN is demanding the right to appoint people who will chose and implement climate policies for the world.  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a UN committee that regularly meets to publish political reports dressed up as science.  These works of fiction are compiled by lead authors who now demand the right to rule over sovereign nations.

“Five lead authors of IPCC reports” insisted “that scientists should be given the right to make policy prescriptions and, potentially, to oversee their implementation by the 195 states signed up to the U.N. framework convention on climate change,”

In a perverse way this would be a step up in how our governments currently operate.  At least we would know who our politicians are taking their orders from.  Currently we have to guess who our leaders take their direction from.  The only thing we can know for certain is that leaders like Trudeau and Biden definitely do not take their direction from their countries citizens.

While this new system would certainly make politics more transparent the real goal is to make climate science even more opaque.   Climate science works better without science.  It is most effective when we just do what we are told.  We should just accept our 15 minute prison sentences without asking why the data does not show much of a link between CO2 and global temperatures.

This plot basically says everything you need to know about the relative impact CO2 has on global temperatures.  The theory and the models say that every molecule of CO2 added to the atmosphere will cause warming yet when we look at the data that is not what happens.  This plot clearly shows CO2 concentrations rising for more than 1000 years while the temperature is stable.  Then the temperature falls dramatically while CO2 concentrations continue to rise.

According to the theory and the models this this could never happen yet it did happen.  The theory and the models are obviously wrong.  CO2 does not drive global temperatures.  In fact when you look at a more granular level the opposite is true.  Rising temperatures often cause increasing CO2 concentrations.

All evidence resulting from the analyses suggests a unidirectional, potentially causal link with T as the cause and [CO2] as the effect. That link is not represented in climate models, whose outputs are also examined using the same framework, resulting in a link opposite the one found when the real measurements are used.

Climate alarmism is based on fraudulent science.  A handful of sociopaths like the lead IPCC authors and Canada’s Prime Minister want to use this fraud to make your life miserable.  They have enlisted an army of useful idiots to shout anyone down who points out just how incredible fraudulent the movement is.  Don’t let them intimidate you in to silence.  Speak up; the climate emperors have no clothes.

Still waiting on good news about the Jabs

The narrative on the jabs has changed from safe and effective to the benefits outweigh the risks.


I guess we should call it a win that the government has now acknowledged that there are risks.  Now I would really like for them to explain where the hell the benefits are.  Even the government has abandoned the lie that the jabs prevent infection; they don’t because by design they can’t.  The partial immune response the jabs provoke cannot provide immunity.  In fact there is plenty of research showing the jabs make both infection and re-infection more likely.

One thing the jabs have not been shown to do is improve your chance of surviving COVID.  I have pointed this out many times on this blog.  The infection fatality ratio did not change after jabbing everyone.  So where is the benefit to a treatment that makes infection more likely but does not change your odds of survival?  The logic and data show that more people have died of COVID because of the jabs.

Yesterday my friend sent me this article with data from the US Veteran’s administration.  The thing about the military is that they keep meticulous records about everything.  VA records prove what I have been saying for almost a year.  Getting jabbed increases your chance of dying from COVID.

The jabs have increased the number of COVID fatalities.  That alone should have been enough reason to pull them from the market.  The Jabs were not pulled and people keep dying unnecessarily from COVID.  They also die of a multitude of other even more deadly side effects.

The recent leaked New Zealand data shows 10,000 new Zealanders have already died since being jabbed.  New Zealand is a small country where 80% of the 5 million residents have been jabbed.  That means almost 1 in every 400 jabbed people have already died.  Now some of these people were old and may have died anyway but still that number is shockingly high.  So shocking that no one wants to blame this on the jabs even though researchers have found multiple ways in which the Jabs can kill.

It seems that every month now we get another paper detailing problems with the jab.  Just 3 days ago another was released that proves the Jabs do more than produce spike proteins and there is no way to prevent these unwanted, undefined proteins.

Here’s the simple version: the researchers discovered that a necessary ingredient in the mRNA vaccines (1-methylpseudouridine) has an unfortunate side-effect: it messes up RNA translation one-third of the time by slipping a gear every so often. Instead of making the intended spike protein, these tiny mistranslational slip-ups create … other things. Other kinds of proteins. New ones.

I have discussed this before; RNA is not very stable that is why the mRNA jabs are supposed to be stored at -70C.  Methylpseudouridine is used to keep the RNA stable long enough to get in to your cells and teach them to build spike proteins.  The problem is that it is only successful 70% of the time.  So 30% of the time different instructions are delivered.  This means 70% of the affected cells build spike proteins; a known toxin.   The other 30% of the affected cells do something else.  We don’t know what the something else is but as the researchers point out stopping this would massively de-risk mRNA injections.

(Professor Anne Willis, Director of the MRC Toxicology Unit) adds it is very exciting that there is a way to fix the issue, which “massively de-risks this platform going forward”.

She accidentally said the quite part out loud.  If mRNA can be massively de-risked by solving this problem it means that until we do mRNA has massive risks.  Why are governments still using a product that researchers say have massive risks?

This problem affects every single person who took the jab.  30% of what they took is doing something that it is not supposed to do.  The other 70% is definitely building a toxin.  I am still waiting for research with good news about the jabs but I suspect that will never come.  These damn things are like Russian roulette except 5 chambers are not empty they just contain bullets of a different caliber.  How many people need to be injured before we stop this madness?

Why Canada can’t have nice things

A study has published showing Canadians continue to get poorer.

Another study confirms this. The standard of living of Canadians is in constant decline. The situation is even worse than before the pandemic.

The standard of living in Canada has been declining since the election of Justin Trudeau.  Trudeau is an idiot who has no idea what he is doing.  He could have been less destructive if he had at least surrounded himself with smart people but like all narcissists Trudeau will never allow anyone to outshine him.  So instead of filling his cabinet with smart people Trudeau chose those who were equally stupid as he is.

One of Trudeau’s least intelligent cabinet ministers, and therefore one of the least intelligent Canadians of all time, is Environment minister Steven Guilbeault.  Guibeault is currently in Dubai doing what he does best; saying incredibly stupid things on camera.


There is no such thing as a zero emission car because every car takes energy to build and every windmill is backed up by a natural gas generator.  Guilbeault does not know this because he does not know anything.  His idiotic policies are damaging to the Canadian economy but neither he nor his boss care.  They serve only the globalists who reward them with undeserved attention.

Trudeau and Guilbeault don’t care what their announcements do to Canada. They don’t care that Canada has lost an estimated $250 billion in energy investments since they came to power.

Just so long as the world’s eco-cultists fawn all over them.

Justin Trudeau has assembled the least intelligent most incompetent Cabinet in the world.  Canadians continue to grow poorer as long as Trudeau clings to power.  Canadians have no one to blame for this sorry state of affairs except themselves.  For some reason Canadians can’t see what is plainly obvious to the rest of the world.  Justin Trudeau is destroying what used to be one of the best countries in the world.


We need a do over with completely new rules that will not allow the cancerous growth of government that is driving us in to poverty.  Changing the leader and sticking with this corrupt dysfunctional system will change nothing.

Just say no to government

While the world is focused on the incredible stupidity coming out of COP28 the media is quietly changing the Ukraine war narrative.  NATO is finally acknowledging that they are losing their proxy war with Russia.

Amid growing concerns about Ukraine’s ability to continue the fight against the much larger Russian military and failures to recapture any meaningful amount of territory from Moscow’s army, there are growing whispers in the halls of power in the West about the ex-Soviet state’s prospects in battling back its former master.

The Ukraine summer offensive failed.  Ukraine threw men and equipment against a well-fortified Russian military in a plan that was destined for failure.  Ukraine is once again out of money and Joe Biden is promising another 60 Billion.  The next 60 billion will have even less affect than the previous 100 billion because Ukraine is now also out of men.  All the young men in Ukraine have already been killed, wounded, or have fled the country.  Ukraine is now conscripting men nearing retirement age.

That is what we have accomplished in the Ukraine.  We wiped out an entire generation of young men who should be working and raising families.  The next 60 Billion will likely be the last.  It is the last chance for kickbacks and theft.  The clock is running out on Zelenski and the knives are coming out.

That’s led to political infighting in Kyiv as officials search for ways to outlast Russia during a long war in which Moscow has more men, more weapons and a bigger economy.

The Ukrainians know two things.  They cannot win this war and they cannot end the war as long as Zelenski clings to power.  Rumors are that the US has offered Zelenski citizenship to get him out of the Ukraine.  He will take the money he stole with him and live a life of luxury in Miami while his country is in shambles.  We helped him do this with our money.

Next time the government tells you that we must act now, realize what this means.  Your money will be taken and people will die unnecessarily.  Remember this when COP28 ends with agreements where all the governments agree that we must act now.  No we don’t; the only thing we must do is remove these lunatics who put their finances and ideology above human life.