Entries by richardsuffron

Are Variants Caused by the Unvaccinated or Government?

Even before vaccinations began there were real experts warning that it would lead to vaccine resistant variants.  We were making 2 fatal mistakes. Vaccinating during the pandemic. Vaccination programs should have begun in the summer not the winter when the virus was spreading freely through the population.  Anyone Vaccinated in the winter was likely to […]

Main Stream Media is Ignoring a Humiliating Government Defeat.

Last week Jason Kenney abruptly announced then end of almost all the remaining COVID restrictions.   COVID will now be handled the same way as influenza.  No more quarantining healthy people just concentrate on helping the sick.  This sudden re-surfacing of sanity in Alberta triggered instant condemnation from all the insane parts of the country.  That […]

COVID Vaccines are Snake Oil.

Al Gore, like all professional politicians, is a fraudster.  He was more successful at fraud than most of his compatriots.  Al made himself the high priest of climatology.  Al is not bright or scientifically illiterate.  Yet Al was still able to convince the world he had a unique understanding of climate science. Al narrated a […]

Media Apologies do not Absolve their Sins

Something incredible happened this week.  Germany’s largest newspaper issued an apology for broadcasting government propaganda for 18 months.   German BILD newspaper (circulation over 1M daily)…issued an apology for Covid deception! pic.twitter.com/RaQFxbU7tY — Julija (@Julija9Julija) August 1, 2021 He did not use those words exactly but I would guess it is difficult to admit their […]

COVID Vaccines are a far better Terror Weapon than the PCR Test

Iceland has the highest vaccination rate in the world. It is surprising that Iceland so aggressively promoted vaccines.  Due to their fish heavy diets Icelanders Have very high vitamin D levels.  Very few Icelanders are vitamin D deficient.  As a result Iceland had one of the lowest infection and death rates in the world. Unfortunately […]

Following the Non-existent Science

The CDC has changed their mask guidance, AGAIN. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/07/30/1022867219/cdc-study-provincetown-delta-vaccinated-breakthrough-mask-guidance The CDC now wants vaccinated people to wear masks.  They have changed their guidance after discovering that vaccinated people can catch and spread COVID.  The CDC tells us that as the science evolves so does their guidance.  I think this article tells us much more about […]

COVID Vaccines Offer no Protection. Just ask Pfizer

Pfizer Just released more results from their ongoing vaccine trials.  Yes you read that correctly.  The Vaccine that you lined up to take.  The one that governments and media assure you is 100% safe.  Those vaccines are still in the trial phase.  Anyway, I digress.  The results after 6 months can be seen below. After […]

Time to Take the Truth to the Masses

Ivor Cummins linked a very good essay today.  It is long but worth the read.  The essay is not strictly about COVID, it is about Tyranny.  Scratch that on second thought it is 100% about COVID.  The essay is long but really is worth the read.  His central point is this.  Humans are herd animals.  […]