Entries by richardsuffron

We are Approaching the End Game

I came across this article yesterday.  Some Swedish Doctors are speaking out. https://newsvoice.se/2021/06/swedish-licensed-physicians-covid-facts/ Either the Swedish doctors have been reading my rants or I have been shamelessly plagiarizing them.  All of their 14 points reproduced below have been the topics of multiple posts   The points in the open letter – Covid Facts There is […]

The WHO Accidentally gets close to the Truth

Yesterday the WHO announced that COVID Vaccines need to be studied more before they are given to children. https://www.wdbj7.com/2021/06/23/who-more-evidence-needed-covid-19-vaccines-children/ Their statement was reported in the news, but I cannot find it on their website.  They have buried it deep enough for deniability in case China tells them to reverse it.  I am surprised that the […]

Government Excels at Ignoring COVID Science and Data

The plot below shows COVID cases per day for 2 different countries.  The Plot begins in September for and ends June 20th for both countries.  Country 2 has been time shifted by 10 days to line up the 2 infection peaks.  During the first season of COVID (the 2019/20 winter) both countries utilized lockdowns.  During […]

More COVID Pieces Fitting Together

I need to apologize up front for the length of this post.  Sometimes the rants take on a life of their own.  There are a lot of puzzle pieces to put together on this one so bear with me.  I do get to a point and it is all starting to make sense. For the […]

The Great Reset is Right on Schedule

The COVID assisted great reset is plowing ahead at breakneck speed.  In Australia they are now building COVID Concentration camps.   Will we have to physically get rid of our government. Fark! pic.twitter.com/d65kc4xC6m — mj booth (@mjbooth1) June 11, 2021 Don’t you find the timing of this a little odd?  The existing COVID hotels have […]

COVID Masterpiece Theatre

This is a video of the leaders arriving in Cornwall for the G7 Summit.  The person who posted this thinks it is funny.  I think it is ominous.  You decide.   I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING ???? pic.twitter.com/m7RwJd0oz7 — Rob (@_ROB_29) June 11, 2021 These are the leaders of the wealthiest western countries.  The Clown greeting […]

As the Lies Compound so Does the Body Count

Frankly I find it shocking how many Doctors have risked their professional reputation by appearing in Public and declaring the Vaccines safe.  There is no possible way they can know the vaccines are safe.  There is no history for these vaccines so we do not know about long term complications.  You cannot say that they […]