Entries by richardsuffron

A Rappers Lessons on COVID

I came across this twitter feed from a rapper named Zuby. https://twitter.com/ZubyMusic/status/1412012537986568193 I confess I have no Idea who he is because I do not listen to rap.  Rap music and popular music to me is just mindless drivel.  The performer is selling an image rather than music.  Many performers become rich selling an image.  […]

COVID and Boomers, a Deadly Combination

A Friend sent this to me.  It is spot on and needs to be shared as much as possible. Wow. Every word here. ? pic.twitter.com/IaoNC9wo7C — Ezra Levant ? (@ezralevant) July 3, 2021 What he says does not just apply to Vaccines.  There has been a consistent pattern throughout this farce.  Many people were asked […]

Ivermectin Makes it Impossible to Justify Vaccines.

Another day another win for Ivermectin.  Add Mexico to the list of countries that eliminated COVID with tried-and-true Ivermectin and not experimental vaccines. For 42 weeks Mexico had excess deaths.  In 14 weeks, they drove excess deaths to zero with Ivermectin.  Mexico is 130 million people.  It has taken Canada more than 14 weeks to […]

With COVID Up is Down and Black is White

A lot has been written lately about the delta variant.  Boris Johnson tried to use it as an excuse for not lifting the lockdowns.  The Delta Variant is the new name for the Indian Variant.  It has been renamed to keep the fear alive.  The Indian Variant grabbed headlines when infections began to soar in […]

COVID Won’t kill us but Stupidity Surely Will

When I was young, satirical publications were quite popular.  People used to love poking fun at the absurdity around them.  I remember once almost 40 years ago I saw a mock newspaper.  On one side of the page there was an article about the impending ice age.  On the other was an article about rising […]

Politicians are Terrified of Black Swans

Governments are starting to coerce people in to taking the COVID Vaccines.  In Greece Unvaccinated people must wear masks and stores must declare it they will even serve unvaccinated people. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/06/30/greece-give-more-freedom-vaccinated-people/ The UAE has opted for a more heavy handed policy.  Unvaccinated people are not allowed in any public space. https://gulfnews.com/uae/health/covid-19-only-vaccinated-people-allowed-in-some-public-spaces-in-abu-dhabi-from-august-20-1.1624897759259 What does this say […]

Government Will Never Let COVID End.

COVID is the most political disease in history.  There is no correlation between the severity of COVID mitigation measures and reduced mortality.  There is an almost perfect correlation between politics and Lockdown severity.  The further left the government the greater the loss in human rights.  The COVID political divide exists even in attitudes about when […]

Evil on Public Display in Nova Scotia

They are not even hiding it anymore.  Large gatherings are banned to prevent people from sharing information the government finds inconvenient. REPORT: No longer about health. Canada will prevent groups from gathering in order to stop the spread of 'unauthorized information'. pic.twitter.com/WM381SGnCC — New Granada (@NewGranada1979) June 27, 2021 The person speaking in the video […]

We Need to Ask More Questions About COVID Vaccines

Here is another interview with Dr McCullough.  In the last interview that I posted Dr. McCullough questioned many things about the COVID narrative.  He pointed out that almost everything we have done has no basis in medical science.  In this interview he goes beyond just questioning.  He is very blunt; this is bioterrorism. https://leohohmann.com/2021/06/21/behind-the-vaccine-veil-doctor-cites-whistleblowers-inside-cdc-who-claim-injections-have-already-killed-50000-americans/ Dr. […]

Canada, Moving the Wrong Direction at Break Neck Speed

It has begun.  Just yesterday I wrote that the government will achieve vaccinations by blaming any new variant on the unvaccinated.  Now we have this from Toronto. .@epdevilla: "The more people we have who are unvaccinated, the likelier it becomes that a new variant will develop – potentially with the ability to threaten the protection […]