Entries by richardsuffron

Mask Madness

Our Southern Neighbor has dropped mask mandates almost everywhere.  Even most of the democrat states no longer forces veils on their citizens. Unfortunately masks are still mandatory everywhere in Canada.  Masks have become so central to the Canadian COVID religion that they may never disappear.  Every Canadian Province has a reopen plan that in most […]

I Tip My Hat to the People Of Dawson Creek British Columbia

The Tyrant that runs British Columbia, a sociopath named John Horgan magnanimously decided that restaurants could open for in person dining again today.  What a prince.  I wonder what businesses he will decide to stop crushing tomorrow. John Horgan wants praise for his repeated closures and openings of Restaurants.  John Horgan deserves a lot of […]

Taiwan Proves that even when Lockdowns Work They Don’t Work

No country in the world distrusts communist China more than Taiwan.  In 1949 any Chinese citizen who feared communism fled to Taiwan.  On the island of Taiwan these refuges founded a prosperous country of 23 million people.  Officially Taiwan is not a country.  China still considers it part of China even though the Communists have […]

COVID Vaccines are Experimental Treatments and Must Be Voluntary

This is a very good video summary about the vaccines.   https://bnt-cdn.b-cdn.net/upload/videos/2021/05/HRWyepyFlDalZiehQVNK_15_7152c5fcfda0dd40fc3e5baa8d9d5b62_video_720p_converted.mp4 The Video does not cover any ground I have not discussed before.  The government has not been honest with you.  This is the Truth about the COVID Vaccines They are not Vaccines. Vaccines provide long lasting complete immunity by introducing a small amount […]

Canada is Discussing COVID Passports While Israel is Eliminating them

This is great news the first country in the world to use vaccination passports is already eliminating them. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/1621789464-israel-to-lift-all-pandemic-health-restrictions-on-june-1 The article credits the vaccines but as I posted on February 27th, infections were dropping rapidly before vaccination began. The drop in infections in Israel was likely natural Herd immunity and not the Vaccines.  Of course, […]

Vaccine Passports are Coming, Cleverly Disguised as Smart Phone Apps.

A friend made me aware of this new law in Oregon. https://www.oregonlive.com/coronavirus/2021/05/oregonians-can-go-maskless-outside-must-be-fully-vaccinated-to-forgo-masks-indoors-state-says.html There are many governments now discussing removing mask mandates for vaccinated individuals.  We will no doubt see much more of this.  Since this seems to be our future let’s just do a little logic exercise to determine the intent of this law. Unfortunately […]

In India Ivermectin Trumps the Vaccine

A few weeks ago we were inundated with stories of a terrible COVID outbreak in India.  The numbers certainly sounded scary.  India saw almost 400,000 new cases in a single day.  There were just a few things the Media neglected to tell you about India. India is the most populous nation on earth. 1.4 billion […]

Controlling the Narrative

I have posted a few times about the curious link between vaccinations and increasing infections.  The most startling example is the Seychelles.  The Seychelles is a small island nation.  They have the most aggressive vaccination program in the world.  In 2 months they vaccinated over 60% of their population. Before Vaccinations began the Seychelles had […]

The Infinite Cost Of Lockdowns

This article caught my attention this morning. https://gript.ie/decision-to-lockdown-caused-282-times-the-loss-of-years-of-life-says-economics-professor/ Lockdowns have been used by most governments around the world.  They are sold as effective and our only option.  We are constantly told the cost of not locking down is unacceptable.  This often repeated statement implies that governments have already done a rigorous cost benefit analysis of […]

Truth in the Time of COVID

In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act Dr. Scott Atlas is a revolutionary.  He was put on Trumps COVID task force a few months before the election.  Dr. Atlas was the only MD on the on the committee who understood the Hippocratic Oath, “first do no harm”.  This […]