Entries by richardsuffron

Despite the Evidence Governments Continue to Deny Natural Immunity

In March of 2020 we were told that COVID was the end of times.  The virus was highly infectious and inordinately deadly.  The media was scaring people by reporting thousands of new cases every day.  Most people were afraid.  So afraid they were willing to surrender their rights to the government for protection from the […]

Jason Kenney Goes Full Tyrant. Why Doesn’t This Bother More People?

Kevin Johnston was arrested in Calgary Saturday morning for attending an illegal gathering. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/calgary-mayoral-candidate-kevin-j-johnston-arrested-after-illegal-public-gathering-police/ar-BB1gMgOl Kevin Johnston is a candidate for Calgary Mayor.  He has made the news for being bombastic and promising to remove COVID restrictions.  He also promised to punish those who over stepped their authority imposing the restrictions.  Without a doubt, Johnston is […]

The Deadly Consequences of Government Lies.

Every time a true believer wants to convince me how wrong I am about COVID they tell me a story about a young healthy person dying.  Of course they do not know the “healthy” young person they are describing.  The information is coming from the news.  The media desperately searches for stories of young people […]

Governments are Moving to Crush Independent Thinkers

3 days ago in my post “The Madness of COVID Crowds” I discussed the techniques tyrants use to subdue the public.  These techniques have been used many times by many tyrants.  The reason they continue to be used is they are tried and true.  They will work on the majority of people.  They do not, […]

Vaccines, Cases, and Variants all go Hand in Hand

Geert Vanden Bossche is a European virologist.  He believes that the Vaccination programs are enabling the formation of variants.  Here is an excerpt from his open letter to the WHO. As mass vaccination campaigns have started in the vulnerable population, not only vaccinated subjects but also not yet vaccinated younger age groups will become a […]

A Letter to my MLA

Peter Guthrie is my MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly).  He is a member of the current ruling party The United Conservative Party (UCP).  I did not realize when I voted for Peter that he is quite the magician.  After he got elected and access to his government pension he disappeared. Peter has stood by […]

UCP MLAs Need to Decide. Do they Want to be Witnesses or Defendants

This letter lifts my spirits, but will it result in anything different?  He speaks about rebuilding the economy, but does he understand that means lifting the lockdowns and pledging never again starting the downward spiral of restrictions?  Does he realize the new person must fire Deena Hinshaw? Jason Kenney has been operating outside the law […]

The Madness of COVID Crowds

Madness is rare in individuals – but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche I Know many people who firmly believe that COVID is the Bubonic plague.  They hold on to this belief even though they do not know anyone who has died or gotten seriously ill.  They all have […]

John Carpay Hits the Nail Right on The Head

Please watch this video.  I don’t think anyone has been able to sum up this farce more clearly than what John Carpay does right here. In Layman’s Terms John Carpay lays out the evidence that Jason Kenney and Every other significant Politician in Canada is a lying sack of excrement with no redeeming qualities as […]