Entries by richardsuffron

It is only a mystery to those who want it to be a mystery

Another paper has been published showing vaccine ingredients can cause cancer.   More Bad News for the COVID Vaccinated Countless warnings about the shots have been labeled “conspiracy theories” only to be later confirmed. The latest example comes from a comprehensive review by an international consortium of scientists who raised concerns that a specific… pic.twitter.com/KKIO2c162w […]

Never believe government on matters of morality

I have written before about how the government’s obvious lies about the COVID vaccines caused me to uncover information about other vaccines.  I learned that all vaccines are not created equal and the case for vaccines has been greatly exaggerated.  Vaccines may have had little to do with eradicating diseases.  I was thinking about all […]

The only dangerous CO2 is generated by Politicians

A new paper has been published that re-affirms what scientists and historian have known for decades.  A warm earth is better for humans than a cold earth.  All of the bad stuff happens when the climate cools and it becomes difficult for humans to survive. We document phases of instability and cooling from ~100 CE […]

Criminals make poor Prime Ministers

Justin Trudeau illegally invoked the Emergency Measures Act to punish political dissidents.  He got away with this for months until a court finally stated the obvious.  The act cannot be used to quell a peaceful protest.  But it was used for that very purpose so we now have an inquiry in to how that happened. […]

Murderers belong in prison

For some strange reason many people still won’t believe that the government lied about the vax.  This jab idiot repeats all the lies about the jab saving millions of lives only to get politely schooled by Peter McCullough on vaccine safety.   🔥 Dr. Peter McCullough Gives a Masterclass in How to Debate COVID Vaccine […]

Venezuela with Snow

Every day in Justin Trudeau’s Canada there is a new stain on the legacy of what was once a promising country.  Yesterday was no exception.  The show trial of 3 of the Coutts 4 ended with mischief convictions. The three had been charged for their roles in a blockade that tied up cross-border traffic between […]

Deeply sorry for the largest crime in history

There has been a significant increase in Cancer and medical experts are desperately trying to find a reason that does not involve the COVID vax.  The latest study has found that people with early onset cancer are older biologically than they are chronologically. They estimated each person’s biological age using nine biomarkers in the blood […]

Time is running out for the climate grifters

When Al Gore first started the climate grift in 1988 I did not give it much thought.  Even after governments started to adopt climate policies I still wasn’t concerned because the climate policies were all window dressing.  It was typical government crap where they pretended to do something without actually doing anything.  I admit now […]

Different evil agendas, same end point

The COVID vax was not a mistake.  Everyone involved knew they were dangerous but the people in charge had an agenda that did not include public safety.   Japanese Professor Delivers Stunning Message Everyone Needs to Hear “The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in […]

Corrupt Politicians are Cheaper than Armies

History is full of megalomaniacs would tried to conquer the world.  All of those men had one thing in common.  They all failed.  Their armies always got stopped and eventually the empire they built fell.  It is not possible to control the world militarily.  Armies are far too expensive and visual.  Every conquered person knows […]