Entries by richardsuffron

More Covid Politics

I was thinking about statistics and how they can often be contradictory.  Like how can such a high percentage of people be so concerned about a virus that threatens such a low percentage of people?  Shouldn’t the public concern about a virus be proportional to the effect that virus has on the population?  Because of […]

Covid 19 Ground Hog Day

2 days ago, Theresa Tam, the least competent medical professional in the country, finally acknowledged the bleeding obvious; The virus is airborne. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/canada-quietly-updates-covid-19-guidelines-on-risk-of-airborne-spread/ar-BB1aHqPO?ocid=msedgdhp The implications of this I have discussed before but they bear repeating Nothing short of a perfectly sealed n95 respirator (not dust mask) will keep you from inhaling the virus. It is […]

Ivor Cummins Truth Bombs

I watched this Ivor Cummins video yesterday. Ivor makes 4 very good points The UK government and media are duplicitous lying bastards that cherry pick data to justify immoral decisions. Covid-19 is a seasonal virus. We are going to have to deal with it every year until the end of time. There has never been […]

A Dark Winter Indeed

The next few days are pivotal for the health of the world.  The western economies are the largest and most important economies in the world.  All over the west politicians are actively destroying those economies.  They are destroying lives to battle a virus that is not much of a problem anywhere politicians are not intentionally […]

PCR Pandemic

My Brother sent me this video this morning https://www.instagram.com/p/CHGw2mogNLl/ And my wife’s uncle pointed me towards this yesterday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LToSnpz8A4 Both videos are saying the same thing.  The “crisis” we are dealing with is entirely artificial. In the first video the woman (sorry I have no idea who she is) used Ireland’s freedom of information act […]

Lockdowns Are Evil, is That Why Politicians Love them?

Boris Johnson announced a 30-day hard lockdown in the UK.  The UK had not even finished lifting the restrictions from their 14-day lockdown instituted 8 months ago.  Boris Johnson is a Clown.  He is not as high on the Clown scale as Justin Trudeau, but then who is?  Justin can fill a clown car all […]

Beware of Marauding 90 Year old Swedes

In the “second wave” of Covid we are told that more young people are now getting infected.  We are supposed to infer this means more young people are going to die.  You certainly can’t see this in Alberta’s numbers where the average age of a covid fatality is still 82 and only 15 people under […]

It is Halloween, Go Ahead and Wear Your Mask

It is Halloween the one day when it acceptable to wear a mask; except this is 2020 and it has been Halloween now for 8 months.  This guy likes Halloween so much he wants us to wear masks forever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdDQr5JLsR0 He also wants us to download a tracing app so the government will know where […]

The Terrain Matters

In the late 1600s Bacteria were discovered; it wasn’t until the late 1800s that Louis Pasteur was able to link bacteria to disease.  In 1861 Pasteur published his germ theory.  Germ theory postulates that disease is caused by germs, bacteria and another germ which at the time no one had been able to identify.  Later […]

When Will We Start Following the Science?

A work colleague told me an interesting story about step mom.  His step mom works in a bank in a small rural community.  The Bank’s policy was that employees must wear masks at all time.  His step mom developed a bacterial infection in her eyes; the result of her breath always escaping the top of […]