Entries by richardsuffron

More media hijinks, Could this all just be about US politics?

I was reading the newspaper on Sunday.  There were 5 pages dedicated to covid 19.  The lead editorial lamented that we were in a second wave because people were ignoring health regulations.  Another Column went to Neil Ferguson for comment on the increasing cases in the UK.  I don’t know why I keep hoping to […]

The Danger of Secondary Infections

On Monday one of our fellow rant team members, Giles,  told me a story about his granddaughters first 2 weeks in Kindergrten.   She had been enjoying kindergarten immensely but one day last week she told her teacher her tummy was sore.  Her teacher sprinted to the front of the class to hit the big red […]

Dr. Scott Atlas possibly the most import person on earth right now

In past Rants, we have discussed Deena Hinshaw, Theresa Tam, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Robert R. Redfield (CDC director), and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus  (WHO Director).  These are some of the highest public health officials in the world and over the last 6 months of this fake pandemic they have shown themselves to be incompetent and/or […]

Quebec really needs a new song sheet to sing from

Quebec iis closing businesses again.  The Quebec public is being told that the restrictions are only necessary for 28 days.  Do the politicians really think anyone will believe that?  Restrictions were first put in place in Quebec on March 24th  for “14 days to flatten the curve”  6 months later some of those restrictions still […]

The Cost Of lock downs in Human lives

A month ago, rant team member Gary brought to my attention new data from the CDC that showed only 6% of Covid deaths in the US had no comorbidities.  That would seem to indicate that we can only say for certain that 6% of the 150,000 plus Covid deaths (the data was only complete until […]

PCR Tests – The Perfect Government Program

The sheer number of covid tests has always bothered me.   As an engineer I know that nothing is perfect and the more times data gets handled the more suspect it is.  Alberta is now doing more than 15,000 tests every day; that number has been steadily increasing since the beginning of this farce.  More tests […]

Trump and the Politics of Covid

After Donald Trump fell ill with Covid things looked very good for the democrats.  The democrats desperately wanted Covid to be the primary election issue.  The left wing and their corrupt cohorts in the media have convinced people that you can control a virus by hiding from it and dragging people off the street to […]