Entries by richardsuffron

The Helping Hand of Government

COVID was not a problem until government made it a problem.  Every ridiculously unscientific thing our governments did made things worse and increased the death toll.  Initially I asked the question are politicians evil or are they just that stupid?  Eventually I came to the conclusion that the answer is both.  The politicians are stupid […]

A story of Boxers and Babies

I am a boxing fan.  Boxing is a brutal contact sport and over the years a handful of boxers have died in the ring.  These deaths were always the result of years of accumulated trauma.  Boxers who stayed in the ring long after they should have retired.  That’s what makes this recent death so odd. […]

A Pyric Victory for Albertans

Don’t raise a glass yet.  Getting rid of Jason Kenney is not the victory that it should be. I voted for Jason Kenney.  It was the worst mistake I have ever made and I have lived long enough to make plenty of mistakes.  Jason Kenney was the wrong man, in the wrong place, at the […]

The Coronation of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Leslyn Lewis is one of the leading candidates to take over the leadership of the Canadian Conservative Party.  She is one of the pro-freedom candidates and the only one to take a strong stand against the WHO pandemic Response Treaty that Justin Trudeau has already signed.  The Treaty has not yet come in to effect because […]

Masks are not just Ineffective they are Harmful

I have posted multiple articles on Masks over the last 2 years.  The engineering on masks just does not work.  The virus and the fine aerosols that encapsulate it are too small to be caught in the course weave of a cloth or ear loop mask.  There is simply no way that masks can stop […]

There are too few Adults in Canada

The government pandemic response was never about a virus it was always about control.  In short it was a small group of disgusting criminals doing disgusting things for their own benefit.  These people should never have been handed power yet almost every western country did hand them power.  In most countries the rot goes right […]

The Political Elite do not Value Lives other than their Own

4 days ago I posted information from a recent Danish study that showed the adenovirus vaccines had overall better health outcomes than the mRNA vaccines.  Before you run out to get your J&J or AstraZeneca vaccine there are still a couple things to consider.  The Study looked only at deaths and did not consider permanent […]

Canadian Media Proving the World Does not need more Canada

For years the great reset crowd hid in plain sight.  The first meeting was held in 1971 and for 5 decades the media dutifully ignored them.  Then COVID came along and changed everything.  COVID pushed Klaus Schwab so close to his goal of returning to feudalism that he got cocky; he enthusiastically explained his agenda […]

The FDA Admits it was never about Science

In March of 2020 politicians flipped a switch and turned the economy off.  We were told that it was necessary to keep the whole world from dying of COVID.  They simply had no choice but to “follow the science”.  The science never said that economic destruction was an effective antiviral.  Anyone who understood even basic […]