Entries by richardsuffron

The CBC wants Canadian’s to know that Big Brother is watching

The Canadian legacy media has done their level best to ignore the truckers’ protest but the protest has grown too large and garnered too much international attention to ignore it any longer.  First Laura Ingraham interviewed Theo Flurry and now Tucker Carlson has interviewed one of the organizers.   Thousands of truckers in Canada have […]

A Defining Moment in History

Wow, as I was publishing my last post about how the truck Convoy has frightened Justin Trudeau a friend sent me this. Justin truly is worried.  So worried he is using COVID as a reason to hide from the protesters arriving in Ottawa today.  He is throwing our de facto prime minister, Chrystia Freeland, to […]

In Praise of Truckers

There is a massive Truck Convoy arriving in Ottawa today.  I have not said much about it because I was not sure it would make any difference.  We have seen leaders elsewhere in the world ignore massive protests and continue destroying democracy.  The only place anything has changed is Britain and that is only because […]

The only reason to take a COVID Vaccine is because your Government wants you to

If facts actually mattered the latest report out of Scotland should finally destroy the case for vaccination and boosters.  The vaccine narrative continues to change as facts on the ground contradict the government/media narrative.  First we were told that vaccines would prevent infections and stop transmission.  This was an odd claim because none of the […]

A Pandemic of Bureaucracy

I found this video a couple of days ago.  It was very encouraging to see that even left wing lunatics are starting to understand the real root of the problem.   Wow. @bariweiss is spot on… it is indeed a "pandemic of bureaucracy" pic.twitter.com/bo2Gs7iHQI — Justin Hart (@justin_hart) January 22, 2022 The only thing she […]

Another trial proves Ivermectin to be the Superior Choice.

A large Ivermectin study involving 159,561 people has been completed in Brazil.  The study was not double blind so it will no doubt be ignored but it should not be.  In a double blind study volunteers are randomly placed in either the treatment group or the placebo group.  The participants don’t know what group they […]

Will this new Study be the Final nail in the COVID Vaccine Coffin?

4 months ago I posted a video by Dr. Ryan Cole. https://truthaboutcovid.ca/government-enforced-medical-neglect-kills-more-than-the-virus/ Dr. Cole was one of the first people to raise the issue of immune suppression by mRNA vaccines.  He was doing blood work that showed vaccinated people had lower than normal killer T cell and N antibody levels.  Dr.  Cole did not know […]

Vindicating Voltaire

I have used this quote from Voltaire before. “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire said this in 1765.  In one simple sentence Voltaire described what we now know as mass formation psychosis.  257 years ago Voltaire recognized the existence and lethality of mass formation psychosis. In the last […]

Which side of the Stupidity Line is your country on?

We certainly live in interesting times.  There are fault lines opening all over the world because of COVID.  Some countries like Britain, the Czech Republic, and Japan are turning away from the vaccines.  They are joining countries like India who never placed much faith in the vaccines opting instead for proven therapeutics like Ivermectin.  Meanwhile […]

Canadian Politicians fear the growing lack of Fear.

Just yesterday I posted about how significant parts of the world are moving towards freedom while Canada continues to rush headfirst in to Tyranny.  Thankfully I am not the only Canadian who has noticed.  Here is Spenser Fernando’s latest column. https://www.nationalcitizens.ca/fernando_trudeau_fear_fades Franklin Roosevelt once famously said all we need to fear is fear itself.   This […]