Entries by richardsuffron

Spinning Lies will not work Forever

Someone from Alberta Health Services must be reading my blog.  Just yesterday I pointed out that COVID deaths should have started to increase 2 weeks ago and had not.  Today the very same plot has been changed to show deaths increasing from about 2 weeks ago. That is the problem with allowing unrepentant Liars to […]

We are at a Crossroads and the Police will determine which Path we take

Omicron is rapidly changing the COVID narrative.  It is not just unaffected by the vaccines, it seems to preferentially infect vaccinated people.  Data from multiple countries now show negative vaccine efficacy.  That alone should be reason enough to suspend the vaccine programs, passports, and mandates.  There is however something even more important that we should […]

Omicron might just save Democracy

Jan 11th 2022 rant In Canada the virtue signaling morons in charge are touting mandatory vaccinations.  Canada is not the first country to toy with mandatory COVID vaccinations but we just might be the last.  Take this article about Germany I found yesterday. https://www.rt.com/news/545512-germany-mandatory-vaccination-delay/ In November Germany announced that a vaccine mandate would be in […]

You don’t need Logic to Know all of this is Wrong

I have learned a lot of things over my life.  One thing I learned a long time ago was that most people do not think like me.  To me facts matter.  I don’t care what others say I care about what the data tells me.  I used to think this was normal until I advanced […]

Omicron is another Lab Generated Government Wielded Weapon.

We have now set a precedent for vaccine safety.  Vaccines no longer need long term safety data before being approved for use.  There is also no longer a limit on the number of people a vaccine can kill before it is deemed unsafe.  Essentially anything that a pharmaceutical company develops can now be instantly sold […]

A Tale of Two Tyrants

If you ask anyone in the media Belarus president Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko is a dictator.  Lukashenko is the first and only president Belarus has known since the fall of the Soviet Union.  He has stayed in office by winning multiple elections that the media ensures us were rigged in his favor.  In contrast to Lukashenko […]

How many People can we Wake up in 2022?

Nothing governments have done has had any discernable impact on the spread of the virus.  That includes the Vaccine passports.  So why do we persist with things that obviously do not work?  The legacy media will tell you that the public demands vaccine passports.  I have seen multiple news broadcasts where the media pulls some […]

We finally have a Health Emergency and the Media is ignoring it.

I have done multiple posts showing that since the start of vaccination programs we have been seeing unusually high deaths among younger people.  Just yesterday I posted data showing that vaccine injuries and deaths have been systematically under reported.  Examination of European data shows vaccine deaths are 20 times higher than the official numbers.  Now […]