Entries by richardsuffron

How to get away with Pharmaceutical Murder

Relatively speaking very few people have been adversely affected by COVID.  As I have mentioned before, I did not personally know anyone who had it until vaccinations started.  Even now I still only have first-hand knowledge of one case.  There must be others with similar experience.  If we were to judge by our own experience […]

Public Safety can’t Survive this Political Onslaught

New York is approaching the deadline for workers to be vaccinated.  As this article points out, that means fewer cops and more garbage. https://www.breitbart.com/news/nyc-braces-for-fewer-cops-more-trash-as-vax-deadline-looms/ The article quotes mayor de Blasio. “My job is to keep people safe — my employees, and 8.8 million people,”  He is either, lying, stupid, or horribly ignorant.  What he is […]

Don’t Accept another Lockdown this Winter.

This morning I came across this article. https://news.ki.se/immunity-to-covid-19-is-probably-higher-than-tests-have-shown Which led me to this paper. https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)31008-4 A preprint of this paper was available in July and it finished peer review in August.  The researchers were checking blood samples for Covid 19 T cells.  I have discussed T cells in previous posts.  Normal immune response produces anti-bodies […]

Why do You Believe when They don’t

One of the most astute observations about climate change ever made was by someone who isn’t even a scientist.  Mark Stein once said “I will start believing in climate change when the people promoting it start to act like they believe in climate change”.  He is absolutely correct.  The people telling you your carbon footprint […]

Vaccines and Boosters are a Treadmill

The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK publishes a weekly vaccine surveillance report.  The week 42 (Oct 21st) report quietly dropped a bombshell. “recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination” https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1027511/Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-42.pdf You are […]

A Post for New Readers

A couple days ago I reached out to a LinkedIn connection who is a strong advocate for freedom.  I volunteered to send her some data showing how artificial this emergency has really been.  This morning she endorsed my blog on Linkedin.  I don’t know if this will result in more readers.  If it does it […]

Ignoring Dead Canaries

My wife turn on the news yesterday.  They were interviewing someone from Alberta Health services about the abnormally high level of emergency calls.  Apparently ambulances in Alberta are having a hard time keeping up.  The AHS representative was at a loss to explain why so many people are suffering distress from so many different maladies.  […]

Curing COVID Zombies

When you own someone in an argument you don’t need to punctuate the victory with a punch in the face.  That is a tactic a loser might resort to.  So how badly did this guy lose the argument for vaccine mandates? https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/10/25/man-rams-car-into-crowd-protesting-coronavirus-vaccine-mandates/ If this guy could put together a coherent argument in support of vaccine […]

This is what Truth Sounds Like.

Politician’s lie.  Bureaucrats that work with politicians lie.  Only a fool expects the truth from either.  Even by that low standard though, the last 2 years has been exceptional.  In Alberta the demonic dwarf and wicked witch of the west have spewed nothing but lies to an eager media.  The analogy that comes to mind […]