Entries by richardsuffron

We Forgot almost Immediately

Today is the Remembrance Day; a day set aside for us to reflect on the sacrifices previous generations have made for us in wartime.  We did not get this holiday quite right.  It is not important to remember the sacrifice if we don’t remember the reasons for it. Previous generations fought and died so that […]

It is easy to Fool Those who want to be Fooled

The Alberta government is stoking hatred against unvaccinated people.  They have financed an advertising campaign insinuating medical procedures are being postponed because the hospitals are full of unvaccinated COVID patients.  A few days ago I asked why we even bother admitting COVID patients.  Doctors are not allowed to treat COVID patients in Alberta.  Why do […]

The Skip the Dishes Line

Regular readers will know I often ask the same question.  Are you tired of this yet?  Really what I am asking is do you have a line in the sand?  Is there anything that the government can do that will make you say no more, I am done? So do you have a line and […]

Be Careful to Blame the Right Unvaccinated People.

I watched TV last night, just long enough to see 2 commercial breaks.  The same add appeared in both commercial breaks.  It was sponsored by the Alberta government and featured people waiting for various medical procedures, some of them quite critical.  The advertisement closed by stating this is what happens when hospitals are full of […]

The New Normal is Absolutely not Normal

People are willfully blind when it comes to COVID.  For nearly 2 years millions have been willing to believe that COVID is akin to the black plague despite a total lack of supporting evidence.  Any way you slice the data COVID is nothing other than a bad flu.  But data be damned, it is a […]

The Banality of COVID Evil

The Moronic man-child is overseas plotting the continued destruction of our society.  He produced thousands of tonnes of CO2 flying to a conference so that he could announce Canadians will not be allowed to produce CO2.  CO2 is essential for life.  Without it we all die, yet somehow now it is selectively evil.  It is […]

“It is just”, The phrase that destroyed our World

  It’s UNJUST. #itsnotjust pic.twitter.com/sKYsBrqJt4 — leilani dowding 🌸 (@LeilaniDowding) November 1, 2021 Do you get it yet?  Our governments are pushing us down the stairway to hell one step at a time.  In March of 2020 if government told us business closures, masks, and lockdowns were permanent no one would have cooperated.  Instead we […]