Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
The cost of housing in Canada has exploded. The reason for this is simple. Supply has not kept up with demand. The reason for that is also simple; Government caused another expensive problem. Since taking office Justin Trudeau has dramatically ramped up immigration and refugee acceptance. Canada has always taken in a lot of people […]
At the apex of COVID stupidity everyone with a runny nose was given a PCR test. If your test was positive and your doctor sufficiently intimidated by government you were subject to COVID protocols. The standard of care for COVID was isolation until you recovered on your own or got so sick you needed to […]
Naomi Wolfe has been tireless in exposing fertility damage done to women by the mRNA vaccines. Here she is discussing how Pfizer’s own data showed we should have expected infertility and birth defects. Dr. Naomi Wolf: Pfizer KNEW What Would Happen to Newborns and Kept Going Anyway “There’s a section in the Pfizer documents […]
Government COVID policy has harmed millions of children. Forcing isolation and masks on Children has cause developmental delays that could impact their whole lives. Maybe it will be possible for these children to catch up but it is impossible for children killed by the vax to come back from the dead. Thankfully there have not […]
Sweden was in the news last week because the Prime Minister was forced to ask the military for help dealing with gang violence. For years Swedish politicians denied they had a problem but the problem is now too large to ignore. The Swedish police are overwhelmed and not able to deal with a problem that even […]
Once again we have found that the people who orchestrated the COVID fraud did not take the vaccine they forced on everyone else. A freedom of information request in New Zealand has revealed that Top government and medical officials were given vaccine exemptions. We did not know about it because a condition of the exemption […]