Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
Politicians tell us wind power will provide limitless free energy. Why then does every place that installs windmills see their power bills go up? Could it be that politicians are lying? Or, are they just incredibly stupid? With politicians it is always hard to tell the difference. Wind power is expensive for a very simple […]
There are persistent rumors out of Canada and the US that governments have already drawn up plans for lockdowns again this fall. The first warnings came from Alex Jones who most people have been conditioned to dismiss but judging by the media behavior I think Alex could be on to something. In the last 2 […]
The left tells us climate change causes forest fires and the COVID vaccines are safe. Ordinary people are not supposed to question either statement. The left wouldn’t lie now would they? Because I am find the left somewhat less than trust worthy I decided to test their bold statements. Has climate change caused forest fires […]
When my son was a teenager he said something to me that was incredibly smart about defining Liberal and Conservative. People often struggle to define what it is to be liberal or conservative. Liberals like to claim that liberals are caring while conservatives are ruthless and uncaring. That is objectively not true. It is easy […]
The new trend on Twitter is for Canadians to post videos trying to articulate their despair. They all have good jobs yet still struggle to survive. The post below is a particularly good one. Canada — Man works 50 to 60 hours a week at $30 per hour "And I'm not getting ahead…. our […]
Steve Kirsch has been a thorn in the side of the COVID establishment since he was injured by the vax. While I sometimes find Kirsch’s logic a little convoluted I still must tip my hat to him. His dogged persistence has enabled him to uncover information the government would rather have kept hidden. Lately Kirsch […]