Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
Israelis data recently confirmed what independent thinkers have known for a very long time. No healthy person under 50 died from COVID. This is hardly surprising because healthy people under 50 don’t tend to die for any reason. But, that statement unfortunately only applied to a pre-vax world. In a post vax world it seems […]
The plot below is from a new study of excess deaths in Germany. The data shows that In 2020 Germany recorded 50 thousand COVID deaths without having any excess deaths. 2020 according to the media was a pandemic year yet in Germany nothing out of the ordinary happened. Some age groups had slightly fewer deaths […]
I found this interesting graphic on twitter. It is the results of a Canadian survey about attitudes toward the Ukraine war. The answers were grouped in 2 categories; vaccinated and unvaccinated. There is a stark contrast between the 2 groups. According to the Toronto Star newspaper the poll shows that “vaccine refusers” sympathize with Russia. […]
Cold and Flus season is approaching in the southern hemisphere and you know what that means in our new world order. It is Vaccine season down under. This short clip of Victoria, Australia Premier Dan Andrews was posted on twitter yesterday. Vic 🇦🇺 The INSANITY Continues…🤡 The Mad Man is back, Dan Andrew's now […]
For those of you who don’t know it yet China is not our friend. China is emerging as “The” global superpower and preparing to take back Taiwan. You would think this would be of some concern to Western leaders but China is staying under the radar while western leaders lecture each other on Trans’ rights. […]
Regular readers of this blog know that I do not think COVID accidentally escaped the lab. I believe the evidence supports a conclusion the release was intentional. The lockdowns, masks, and vaccines were not a cascade of errors made out of fear. It was all part of a well-crafted plan. My conclusions were based on […]