The COVID response was part of a larger crime that will never be investigated

A pre-print of a paper has come out urging the government to do a comprehensive review of the COVID response.

“One of the most powerful things in a democracy is to have access to, what actually happened? How did people make decisions? What was known and not known at certain periods in terms of the vaccine mandates especially, and the lockdowns,”

It is a little odd to write a paper suggesting someone else should study something but I agree completely.  We desperately need to be a lookback and I would suggest that the researchers start by reading the thousand or so articles I have written on this blog over the last 4 years.  There are a few articles that I might draw their attention to.  Like the fact that lockdowns killed more people than they saved.

So, Statscan lied to support the official COVID total of 14,154.  That makes the last half of the report very interesting.  Here is a quote from the last part of the report.

“However, more recently, the number of excess deaths has been higher than the number of deaths due to COVID-19, and these deaths are affecting younger populations, suggesting that other factors, including possible indirect impacts of the pandemic, are now at play.”

That is a very convoluted way to say the lockdowns are killing people.

March 2021


Any Country that reacted sanely did not have much trouble.  COVID amounted to nothing other than a mild flu year.  COVID was only a problem in Countries where politicians made it a problem.  This cannot be stated too many times.  Lockdowns Kill.  

July 2021

Or that the Math, engineering, and data show masks cannot stop a virus.

The math says we should not have expected masks to be effective.  Laboratory tests show that masks worn for more than 2 hours are completely ineffective.  Despite having no evidence to support that masks might work politicians forced them on the public anyway.  Nowhere that has mandated masks has seen any difference in the arc of their infections.  The math, science and historical data show that masks do not work against airborne viruses yet here we are wearing them to avoid being fined or imprisoned.  Does anyone still think this is about a virus?

Dec 2020

A favorite of mine is how easy it was to determine that the Vaccines would fail to end the pandemic.

We shut down the world and killed people waiting a year on the Vaccines.  We did not get Vaccines.  What we got was a treatment that reduces severity.  We could have gotten the same effect by handing out Vitamin D in March of 2020.  Are you glad our governments destroyed lives to save you from the perils of taking vitamin D?

May 2021

And that these ill-advised treatments would kill more young people than the virus.

The COVID Vaccines have already killed 3 times more young Israeli men then the virus.  

June 2021

Every single thing our Government did during the peak of COVID tyranny was wrong.  Even the things they did not do were wrong.  The paper notes how odd it was that better building ventilation never entered the discussion.

Upgrading indoor air quality would mitigate the spread of COVID in classrooms and hospitals substantially across the country, said Zoutman, one of the preprint’s authors. Instead, “we don’t even hear about it.”

Of course it did enter the discussion just not in political circles.  I was discussing building ventilation way back in April of 2021.

Had we made the logical conclusion that the virus is airborne we would have realized the only impactful measure would have been better building ventilation.  Draw in fresh air from outside and discharge contaminated air outside where sunlight will destroy the virus.  The more times a day you completely turn over building air the better.  The government could have offered grants to upgrade ventilation in public buildings.  This would have been expensive but it would have worked.  It also would have created rather than destroyed jobs.  The improved ventilation would have been beneficial during every subsequent influenzas season.

This is a no brainer so why did we not do this?  I mean, besides the obvious answer that brains are not common in government. 

In April of this year I attended a function full of people who refuse to shut up when the government tells them to shut up.  Several provincial politicians showed up to convince us that they really do listen and they really do care.  They were lying of course.  One of the politicians I encountered was my MLA, Peter Guthrie, who is now the infrastructure minister.  Peter is an engineer (at least on paper) so I asked him how come the government never offered to help install better ventilation in public buildings.  Peter, I guess, did not realize I am also an engineer so he chose to lie to me.  He told me they did look in to building ventilations but the systems are very difficult to design and very few companies do that sort of work.  I gave him a very direct response by telling him the whole system is nothing more than a fucking fan and a heat exchanger.

In hindsight my response to his obvious lie could have been more tactful but I have really hit my limit for tolerating lies from politicians.  First his answer did not explain why they dismissed it without even trying to do larger public buildings.  Second as part of my job I have bought fans and heat exchangers.  Both pieces of equipment are readily available in the province.  I am not a ventilation engineer but I am certain that I could design a system that would work.  All I would need is a recommendation from a ventilation engineer about how many air exchanges I needed each day.  There are nearly 70,000 engineers in the province all under-employed during the lockdowns.  Why couldn’t the government have tapped that resource?

There absolutely needs to be a look back but an honest one will never happen.  An honest lookback would come to the same conclusions I came to after the first lockdown.  It was all intentional.  The government knew what they were doing wrong. This was never about a virus.

The government could have enacted a single program that decreased viral transmission and increased employment.  Instead, government chose an explanation and multiple mitigation measures that led to;

  • Little to no decrease in viral transmission
  • Poor overall public health
  • Business bankruptcies
  • Unsustainable levels of public debt
  • Increased financial dependence on government
  • Cessation of human rights

To answer this we should turn again to Occam’s razor.  The simple answer is that our governments wanted all of this.  They wanted to make us sick, strip us of our rights, and destroy wealth.

Are you starting to get it now?  This is not about a virus.  It was never about a virus.  Wake up before it is too late.

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