Last week the Nord Stream pipelines and a bridge in the Crimea were sabotaged. I predicted the media would try to convince us that the US was not involved in the Nord Stream sabotage. I was correct that the media tried to deflect blame from the US, but I was astounded where they tried to put the blame. The media tried to convince us that Russia destroyed their own infrastructure. How stupid do they think we are?
People in general tend to judge others through the lens of their own experience. Journalists don’t tend to be very bright so they assume that everyone else is not that bright. They think we will swallow obvious lies because they would swallow obvious lies. That is why we get so much tripe from the media especially about the war in Ukraine.
The media has been telling us since February that the Russian military is on the verge of collapse. That is obviously not true since Russia is still in the Ukraine occupying large amounts of territory. I do not know what is going on in the Ukraine or what the state of the Russian military is. The first casualty of war is the truth. The Ukraine is lying and so are the Russians but the western media is reporting Ukrainian propaganda as the gospel truth. This is dangerous because poor decisions get made from poor information.
Western leaders are pushing to send troops to the Ukraine. If the public can be convinced that Russia will fold in days they might support this action. That would be a big mistake. I doubt the Russians are ready to fold and Putin just reminded everyone of that yesterday when he knocked out critical infrastructure in western Ukraine with missile strikes.
Putin just proved that Russia has always had the ability to attack western Ukraine so why didn’t they do it before now? Kiev in western Ukraine was so safe that a parade of world leaders and celebrities have journeyed there for photo ops with Zelenskyy. Vanity Fair sent a whole team for a photo shoot. Does that sound like a war zone?
Up until now Russia has confined the fighting to the eastern regions that just voted to join Russia and who had previously voted for autonomy from Ukraine. Those votes happened years before the start of the war so it is hard to argue that those regions want to remain with the Ukraine and that the latest vote was rigged. We are told Putin has designs on all of Europe yet his troops only occupy ethnically Russian areas that voted to succeed from the Ukraine years ago.
The prevailing narrative that Putin threatens everyone does not make sense when you consider he has confined his army to eastern Ukraine. We obviously do not understand his motivation and we need to ask some important questions before our governments drag us in to war.
- If this is about more than the Ukraine why has most of the Ukraine been left untouched?
- Why has Russia allowed NATO to deliver weapons to the Ukraine? Clearly he has the ability to destroy the roads, railways, and airports used to bring weapons in to the Ukraine.
- Why has Russia opted for such a grueling war of attrition when they could have forced the Ukraine to its knees by destroying critical infrastructure everywhere in the country?
I have a scenario for you to consider. What if both are true? That Putin only wants the Donbas regions but that the war really is about more than the Ukraine?
The grueling war of attrition only makes sense if one of the objectives is to grind the Ukraine military in to the dust. But we need to consider this; Russia is not just fighting the Ukraine. NATO has been pouring weapons without question in to the Ukraine. Putin has allowed this to happen and those weapons are now gone. They have either been sold on the black market, used up by the Ukrainians, or destroyed by the Russians.
So much has been sent to the Ukraine that western militaries are running out. The US has already announced their stockpiles of artillery shells are almost gone and today Germany announced that they only have enough ammunition to fight for 2 days. The US is pushing Germany to war and Germany is not prepared for war.
We are being asked to believe that the Russian military is on the verge of collapse when really it is NATO. The German army can only be counted on for 2 days? It would not even be worth mobilizing their army. Vladimir Putin is destroying the military capability of NATO without ever engaging NATO troops.
The brain dead leaders in the west have already caused run-away inflation and energy shortages. Now they are pushing for war with Russia at the same time they are allowing Russia to destroy NATO’s ability to wage war. The media wants us to believe that Putin is out of his mind. Maybe so, but what does that say about us? We are being outsmarted by a mad man? We had better reign in our leaders and start asking questions before they get us in a war we may have already lost.