It is global and it is coordinated

I saw this video on X yesterday.

What this woman describes probably sounds very familiar to anyone living in a western country.  Do you find it odd that every western country simultaneously decided to dramatically increase immigration?  I do and I also find it odd that not a single one of them had a pressing need for immigration or was even prepared to accept people in the numbers that they took.  Quite the coincidence, don’t you think?

The problems caused by unrestricted immigration are way too large to ignore so Canadian media is dutifully trying to deflect blame from government speculating the whole thing is just a mistake.

That is because we don’t know why we want to bring 500,000 or more immigrants into Canada every year. 

Yes no one knows how this happened it was just some sort of clerical error that allowed millions of new people in to the country over the last 3 years.  This like everything else you read in Canadian media is a lie.  None of this is happening by mistake.  There is a plan and western leaders are all using the same script.

The great reset is a return to feudalism where royalty own everything and ordinary people, the serfs, own nothing.  Remember the number one tenet of the great reset is you will own nothing.  The part they don’t say is that they will own everything.  The big stumbling block to achieving the reset is that people already own things and those that don’t want to.  So how do you destroy wealth and force people to give up what they have?  The government has two powerful tools for that; inflation and taxation.

There are many ways governments can cause inflation, reckless spending and reckless immigration.  These are the central economic policies of the Trudeau liberals and most other western nations.  Inflation will make sure that people who don’t own things now will never own things.  Taking from people who already own property is accomplished through taxes.  Make them sell their assets to pay their taxes or lower their tax burden.  Trudeau has that base covered as well.  Taxes now dwarf all other living expenses in Canada.

The average Canadian family last year spent more of its income on all forms of taxation (43%) than on basic necessities, such as food, shelter and clothing combined (35.6%), according to a new report by the Fraser Institute.

The various levels of government in Canada are working diligently to make sure Canadians have no disposable income.  They are determined to make sure that we only have enough to buy groceries and pay rent.  In the past we would have called this tyranny or even theft but in Trudeau’s Canada it is called delivering for Canadians.

Ms. Freeland told reporters Monday at an event in Toronto that she doesn’t spend time worrying about whether she will be shuffled out of the finance portfolio because, “for me, my focus is on working hard to deliver for Canadians every single day.”

This is all part of a plan concocted by people who are not in government but who control governments.  Trudeau and Freeland do what they are told and work off the same script as other European leaders.  This is a coordinated plan to make people poor and since it orchestrated by people we do not vote for it is not something we can vote our way out of.

Canada is broken and every terrorist knows it

Last week two men with Canadian passports were involved in terrorist attacks in 2 separate countries.

Now, the latest commodity we’re exporting seems to be terrorism.

In two days, two incidents involving Canadians scorching with righteous terrorist fervour in faraway lands hit the news. One is dead, one is caged.

The Toronto Sun described the men as Canadians but my description is more accurate.  These men held Canadian passports but at no time were they ever Canadian.  But that is the natural end result of multiculturalism isn’t it?  Canada is just a convenient place to stay and a Canadian passport allows you access countries that your other passport does not.

Canada is the country of choice for terrorists because Canada has always been a safe haven for terrorists.  Terrorist know this.  That is why Canada was the first choice for this cleric when he wanted to establish a terrorist training enclave.

It is not clear where the exact location of the island al-Habib considered, but controversial figure said they were interested in making Canada their base because the country is ‘generally welcoming’ for immigration.

Ultimately this did not happen but not because Canadian officials prevented it or that Canadians objected to a terrorist training camp inside Canada.  It only failed because he could not come up with the money.

Who could blame terrorists for wanting to come to Canada?  Canada is a great place to kick back and relax in between terrorist attacks.  And, while you are abroad killing others, you can still collect your welfare payments from Canadians.  Not only that but you know the Canadian government will have your back if you do get arrested in another country.

Most Canadians know about Omar Khadr; the terrorist that Justin Trudeau gave 10.5 million to as a reward for killing an American soldier.  Not many Canadians know of his perfect terrorism pedigree.  Khadr comes from a family of terrorists and his 10.5 million dollar windfall was not the first time a liberal prime minister rewarded the family for their terrorist activities.  In 1995 Omar’s father was arrested in Pakistan and liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien worked tirelessly to get him released a year later.

1995 Ahmed Said Khadr arrested in Pakistan

The Khadr family patriarch was arrested and accused of complicity in a terrorist bombing of the Egyptian embassy in Islamabad that killed 15 people. He began a hunger strike and after an intervention from Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien he was released in mid-1996.

Following his release, Khadr moved his family to a large compound of houses near Jalalabad, Afghanistan, which also housed Osama bin Laden and his family.

Sept. 9, 1999 Bin Laden attends Khadr wedding

Osama bin Laden attended the wedding of Ahmed Said Khadr’s daughter Zaynab. Later, in 2001, members of the Khadr family attended the wedding of bin Laden’s son Muhammed.

What could be better for a terrorist than Canada?  You get a passport no questions asked.  Then you can use your welfare checks to fly abroad and kill people.  If you get caught you just need to wait for a liberal Prime Minister to get you released in to the custody of your favorite international terrorist.  If you are lucky that will also come with a check that will make your entire welfare benefits look like chump change.

Canadians know that our broken immigration system is being exploited by people who only want a Canadian passport.

It’s no secret that Canada’s immigration system is broken. From selection to integration, every aspect seems to be in peril. Yet, while headlines abound about Canada’s population trap, productivity emergency, housing crisis, and the mass exodus of talent leaving our country, discussions about the root causes and solutions remain notably scarce.


“Half of Canadians, 51 percent, agree immigrants need to do more to integrate into Canadian society,”

But, in true Canadian fashion we won’t do anything about it.  Canadians will wait for politicians to fix the problem.  You know the same politicians who enable the terrorists and make them millionaires.  Canada is broken.  Our politicians are disgusting, especially the liberal ones, and Canadians don’t care.


Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians.

George S Patton



Weakness born of stupidity

A friend of mine loves this blog.  He reads it daily.  When he sees important things, he always send them to me and I would agree this little tidbit is incredibly important.

Instead of making the most important part of artillery shells ourselves, the explosives, since they are so toxic, the U.S. military outsourced that environmentally-destructive process mainly to —and I am not making this up— Russia and China.

Our “leaders” are pushing us to war with Russia.  The war will start and then I guess we will call Russia and ask Putin if he would like to sell us some ammunition.  I wonder what his answer will be.  Frankly I am not surprised.  I have been warning about this for more than a year.  That’s why I wrote this last September.

Protracted conflicts are won by the side that is able to build the most stuff. The west used to be very good at building things until corrupt, under-intelligent politicians signed agreements to offshore the production of everything.

And this last April.

The west no longer has a strong manufacturing base.  We let China take it and China supports Russia.  We don’t even have the capacity to re-build a manufacturing base.  Woke, green policies have made Britons so poor they must ride the bus just to stay warm and in Canada nothing can be built without consulting “indigenous knowledge”.  The big problem being that no one can define what indigenous knowledge is.

No one wants to admit it, but we cannot win a war with Russia.  The Russians will simply have more of everything including time.  War with Russia is a very bad idea brought to us by a political elite who are only capable of bad ideas.  That is what got us into this mess in the first place.

The west is controlled by elderly and second generation professional politicians; people who have never known hardship or even done a single day of hard work.  They are soft, weak, and frankly under intelligent. 

When I wrote that last April, I was being too charitable calling western politicians weak and under intelligent.  A more correct assessment is that they are corrupt morons.  They are too stupid to understand the implications of their decisions and quite clearly do not care.  They are willing to do the most disgusting things for a few dollars.  During COVID they willingly participate in murder in return for pharmaceutical kickbacks.

We need to take back control before our moronic politicians send soldiers in to battle with no ammunition.  Or, before they mandate a bird flu vaccine.  Their stupidity and malfeasance are not just limited to military matters.

Do we need another study proving murder?

The Correlation Research in the Public, a group that includes Denis Rancourt, has published another study and guess what?  After carefully analyzing data from even more countries they find a lot of excess deaths that correlate more closely to government malfeasance than to a virus.  They also confirm again that the COVID vaccines that saved the world from COVID don’t seem to have saved any individuals from COVID.

One might tentatively add:

  • No evidence of the large vaccine rollouts ever being associated with reductions in excess all-cause mortality, in any country (and see Rancourt and Hickey, 2023)

This data has been staring us in the face for a very long time.  People did not die from COVID and society was not saved by the vaccines.  People died at the hand of government and the vaccines which had little to no chance of working in the first place failed completely.

At what point are we going to stop lying to ourselves and make some of the COVID planners answer for their part in the largest mass murder in history?


The core of western government is evil exploiting incompetence

It has been a week since the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.  I was not sure if I was going to comment on it but I just could not resist.  A common theme of this blog is that the problems we face stem from government.  Or, rather the unique combination of incompetence and malfeasance you find in western governments.  This failed assassination is just another example of that.

I once described western governments as a handful of sociopaths sprinkled among an army of useful idiots.  The dominate trait is by far stupidity and the incompetence that goes with it.  That is why it is easy to attribute every evil thing government does to incompetence but there are times like this when that is difficult.  As with COVID you must ask, could they really all be that stupid?  Because, if that level of incompetence is not possible, something more sinister is at work.

New information continues to flow in but virtually all of it forces us to one of two conclusions: the police officers and federal agents at the Butler rally were either (1) disastrously incompetent or (2) complicit in the assassination attempt. 

I have no doubt that the US government was complicit in the assassination.  This is clearly a case of the evil people within government exploiting the inherent incompetence of government.  People struggle to believe this can happen but it really is not that difficult.  The right sociopath in the right position can manufacture all the incompetence they need by simply assigning people to jobs they are not capable of.

This is not hard to achieve. The conspirators—assuming they are in positions of leadership—could simply ensure that the event is understaffed or staffed with less-experienced agents who rely on more direction from above. Then, the conspirators need only issue orders to stand down at critical times, and to hem and haw long enough to allow “the plan” to play out.

This certainly seemed to be the case last week.  Many of the protection agents, especially the female protection agents, seemed to be shaken and did not know what they were supposed to do.  It looked like they had never been in a live fire situation before or had received any training.  As it turns out that is likely the case.  Whistleblowers are coming forward and disclosing that many of the people assigned to protect trump came from agencies that don’t normally do personal protection.

“[W]histleblower allegations suggest the majority of DHS officials were not, in fact, USSS agents but instead drawn from the department’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI),”

Trump was being protected by people who had no training or experience in personal protection and it showed.  Donald was a sitting duck.

But, couldn’t this just have been incompetence at the top?  An incompetent supervisor whose own incompetence prevented them from recognizing the incompetence in others?  Yes that is possible but that does not answer this important question.

The question is not how the shooter, in broad daylight, evaded police to get on that roof top.  The question is how did he know that rooftop would not be guarded?

Those are not my words.  I found them posted o n X and I used them because I cannot explain it any more clearly than that.  If you are the author of these words you have both my thanks and apology for using them without proper citation.

The gunman’s plan was not very sophisticated.  Climbing on a roof in full view should have had zero chance of success.  When he poked his head above the roofline he should have been confronted by police yet somehow he knew he wouldn’t be.  Someone told him that roof would not be guarded.  He was selected and put up to this.  Thomas Matthew Crooks was an Intelligent, socially awkward, mentally disturbed loaner; the perfect patsy.

His plan, or rather the plan he was given, was audacious.  He was going to kill Trump in plain view of thousands of witnesses.  That was the point.  Had both he and trump died the case would be closed immediately.  The shooter that everyone saw was dead.  But trump did not die and we got to witness the unbelievable incompetence of his protection detail which has spurred questions that were never to have been asked.

I can guarantee the official investigation will try to stick to the script.  Crooks acted alone and he is dead so he can’t offer any more information.  But, that is not what happened.  He had help and he was not alone.  There is no way they would have trusted Crooks to get the job done.  Someday we will learn of an additional shooter or shooters.  The evil ones use the incompetent ones but they would never trust them to get the job done.

Divisive politics is dangerous short term thinking

Anyone who works in natural gas knows that the price can be very volatile.  The price can drop very low as it has again recently.  About 30 years ago natural gas went through a similar low price cycle.  A friend of mine who worked for a gas transportation company told me he had an idea to boost demand and get higher gas prices.  He thought it would be a good Idea to get in bed with the climate alarmists and help them demonize coal.  Switching all the coal fired generation plants to natural gas would result in higher prices.

On the surface this looked like a good plan so my friend was surprised when I said we should not do it.  My reasoning was simple.  You would get what you wanted in the short term but your long term problem would be worse.  In the long run you would find that the dangerous lunatics you supported would turn on you.  It would only be a matter of time before the climate lunatics would figure out that even though natural gas produces less CO2 than coal it still produces CO2.  They would eventually demand that you stop using natural gas.

Essentially my friends plan was to use a rabid dog to chase the neighbors off their land.  The first part of that plan would have a 100% chance of success.  Eventually the rabid dog would frighten off the neighbor.  It is the second half of the plan is problematic.  Once your neighbor leaves you are stuck with a rabid dog that will be just as dangerous to you as it was to your neighbor.

My prediction from 30 years ago has come to fruition.  The Province converted the coal fired generation stations to natural gas.  Emissions went down and electrical prices went up but that did not placate the climate lunatics.  They started to campaign against natural gas generation and now there is a plan to mothball all the generation that was converted to natural gas.

Cooperating with extremists might get you what you want in the short term but it is a dangerous long term strategy.  It is unfortunate then that politicians are such short term thinkers.  They stoke anger and division when they see it as useful for boosting popularity.  The Trudeau liberals are in trouble and are desperate to keep younger voters.  When polls showed that younger Canadians supported Gaza over Israel the liberals took an anti-Israel stance and turned a blind eye to the extremists in the group who were committing hate crimes against the Canadian Jewish community.

To be clear I take no stance in this conflict and that is not what this post is about.  If polls showed young Canadians supported Israel the Trudeau liberals would have taken a completely opposite position.  This post is about how opportunistic politicians use division and even turn a blind eye to criminality if it gets them a bump in the polls.  This is an often used and dangerous strategy with predictable end results.  When you use a rabid dog as a weapon it is not a question of if it will attack you.  It is a matter of when it will attack you and the liberals have now been bitten by their own dog.

Pro-Palestinian protesters have moved on from attacking Jews to attacking politicians; liberal politicians.

The vandalism happened in the wake of former public safety minister Marco Mendicino calling for the creation of “protective zones” around political constituency offices to shield members of Parliament and their staff from a rising tide of threatening behaviour.

The liberals have lost control of their own attack dog and now need protection from their own rabid pet.  Guess who gets to pay for it?  Politicians, especially Canadian politicians try to use chaos to manufacture votes.  If it works the country suffers.  There is another way.  How about trying competent governance and running elections on your accomplishments rather that the hate you stoke between different communities?

That could work but the stumbling block for Canadian politicians is that the plan requires actual accomplishments.  There is no one in Canadian politics today that is capable of an actual positive accomplishment.  Canada is broken.  Politicians and voters broke it.

Moderna, too much of a bad thing

One thing that always amazed me is how easy it has been for Moderna to fly under the vaccine injury radar.  Most of the focus has been on Pfizer but the two products use the same technology.  If the lipid nanoparticles and spike proteins in the Pfizer jab are dangerous why aren’t they even more dangerous in the Moderna jab that uses a much higher dosage?  Well it turns out Moderna is even more dangerous than Pfizer; just nobody has talked about it before now.

Official government record-level data obtained through a FOIA request from the Czech Republic shows that the Moderna COVID vaccine increased all-cause-mortality (ACM) as measured over a 12-month period from the time of vaccination for every age as compared to the Pfizer vaccine.

The active ingredient in both vaccines is mRNA. In Pfizer, there is 30 mcg/dose. Moderna is 100 mcg/dose.

Most of the focus has been on Pfizer for two reasons.  Pfizer had the lion’s share of the market.  Far more people took Pfizer than Moderna so even though Moderna is more dangerous per dose the sheer number of Pfizer doses produced more injuries on an absolute basis.  The other reason of course was that Pfizer’s CEO, Albert Bourla loves the spot light way too much.  He has never met a TV camera that he did not want to be in front of.

Bourla’s high profile kept the spot light off of their more dangerous competitor and is a little hard to explain.  Both companies were selling a useless, dangerous, product at ridiculous profit margins.  The smart play is to shut up and count the money as Moderna has done until now.  Does anyone even know who Moderna’s CEO is?  Bourla couldn’t stay out of the public eye which seems to be a big mistake but I guess he felt he had purchased enough insurance.

A judge allegedly failed to disclose her links to Pfizer in a case that would have scuttled its COVID vaccines in Australia – raising serious questions about our justice system, writes Rocco Loiacono.

Pfizer and Moderna had 2 very different strategies.  Pfizer bought friends in high places.  Moderna stayed in the shadows and let Pfizer do the heavy lifting.  Steve kirsch is trying to pull Moderna in to the light.  Moderna probably regrets not investing in corrupt government officials before now.  Luck for them there is no shortage of corrupt government officials but I bet Moderna will have to pay a steep late fee.

Can we vote our way out of this?

The western world has been going the wrong direction for a very long time.  The reason is simple western voters adopted left wing socialist ideas and voted for politicians that promised to look after them from Cradle to grave.  Socialism/communism is a very attractive ideology for lazy thinkers.  On the surface it sounds like a utopia.  No one is left behind.  Everyone is cared for.  With socialism the devil is in the details.

Socialist politicians promise to make everyone equal.  Exactly how do you do that?  How do you make people born with different abilities equal?  The task is impossible.  Just look at your own family.  All your siblings started from the same place.  Are they in the same place now?  I doubt it.  Some will have more than others.  Everyone has different skills and makes different decisions.  If you can’t make people in the same family equal, how do you make everyone equal?

Socialists say the solution is easy.  Everyone works for the government and the government divides the wealth equally.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs

Karl Marx

This sounds nice but has 2 serious fundamental problems.  First it denies human behavior.  People are hardwired for survival.  That means we will always place our own interests first.  People will put in extra effort to better their own position but will not go the extra mile to benefit someone else.  Socialist systems produce economic lethargy.  Hard work has no reward, so people default to a lower standard.

The second reason is that even under enforced equality there must be systematic inequality.  Look at that statement again and ask yourself, who decides?  Who decides what your needs are and how much the state should expect from your abilities?  The statement from Marx tells you there will not be equality.  There will be someone or some organization that sits in judgement over everyone.  By definition, those people will be superior.

This was certainly evident in eastern Europe under communism.  In those countries people in the government always had more than everyone else.  We see that now in the west.  As our governments become increasingly socialist the only people who get ahead are those associated with Government.  In Trudeau’s Canada, government employees make far more than the average person without ever doing a day of productive labor.  People connected to the highest levels of government do even better.  If you are a friend of Justin Trudeau making money is easy.  Just form a shell company and start sending the government invoices for work that is not required and no one will ever do.  The government is gobbling up a disproportionate share and, just as in the Soviet Union, ordinary people struggle to pay for necessities.

And without a trace of irony, our prime minister since 2015 added, “There is something fundamentally shifted in our economy that young people don’t have the kinds of opportunity they had before.”

There is a shift in attitudes starting in the west.  People have finally woken to the fact that this socialist polices did not make their life better.  Voters are now voting for more right-wing candidates.  The latest example was Marine Le Pen in France.  She has seen a surge in support, but she was stymied by left wing collusion in the latest French election.  Le Pen fell short, but it is worth asking, would it have made any difference?  It didn’t in Italy.

Giorgia Meloni rose to popularity in Italy for promising to stop illegal migration but since she took office in 2022 illegal migration has gone right back to where it was previously.

She was going to stop the boats, but the boats kept coming and she did nothing.  Voting for a “right wing candidate did not produce right wing policies.  Will that be the case everywhere?  Are the right-wing candidates right-wing?

In Britian Nigel Farage has returned and immediately won support.  Farage, like many right-wing candidates promises freedom.  Does he mean it or is freedom just a convenient campaign slogan?  I fear it is the latter.  As James Delingpole points out Farage was all in on stripping everyone of their freedom during COVID.

Covid was a test which Farage – and many others – failed and failed utterly. You do not redeem yourself from such disgrace by shrugging your shoulders, muttering that mistakes were made and sighing ‘Ah. Next time, eh?’

Either you acknowledge that Covid was the largest scale assault on human freedoms in the history of the world – or you are part of the problem. You can’t redeem yourself by being quite sound on other stuff like immigration and the environment. It’s like being pro human sacrifice but expecting some leeway because you once gave some money to a lovely rehabilitation centre for injured capybaras.

I agree with Delingpole.  COVID should be the litmus test.  Any politician who did not oppose the lockdowns should not be trusted when they speak about freedom.  This is exactly why I am skeptical of Pierre Poilievre.  Poilievre likes to say he wants to make Canada the freest country on earth but during the lockdowns Poilievre was quiet as a church mouse.

The more I think about it the more convinced I am that even though we voted our way in to this mess we can’t vote our way out.  Voters are turning away from socialism.  They have finally figured out the more free things the government offers the more expensive life gets.  But as they turn away from socialism what do they turn towards?  There are plenty of politicians promising freedom and accountability.  I doubt there are any who will deliver what they promise.

The arrogance of progressives

Each morning, I read the news from various internet sources.  Some mornings I come across articles that just trigger me.  This morning is just such a morning.  It was another article about Canada’s housing crisis.  I have posted about this before but what triggered me was not more useless posturing over an easy problem to solve but the arrogance of the man tasked with solving it.

Despite that the Canadian Federal government does not build houses and has very little to do with issuing housing permits Canada has a housing minister.  His name is Sean Fraser.  Trudeau thinks he is the man to solve the problem that Trudeau is largely to blame for himself.  Sean Fraser is also supremely confident in his ability to solve the problem.  So much so that he got very annoyed when reporters asked questions about his plans.

“If your goal is to throw up obstacles every way, feel free.”

“Have a field day. I want to solve the housing crisis. My goal is actually based on what I think it would take to solve it.”

Apparently, Sean is far too busy building houses to answer questions about his plan.  That might lead you to ask just how many houses Sean has already built.  Well, the answer of course is zero.  Sean has built no houses for one simple reason.  Sean knows nothing about building houses.  In fact, Sean doesn’t know anything about anything.

Sean Fraser took a degree in Kinesiology.  He then went on to finish a law degree.  After graduating Sean worked for three years as an associate lawyer before entering politics.  That is, it.  A man with 3 years of work experience is now tasked with building 3.9 million homes by 2031.  For those of you keeping score at home that is more than one home every minute for the next 6 years and Sean has not started yet.

Canada has never been able to build 1 home per minute.  This would be an impossible task for even an experienced builder to accomplish.  There is no way an inexperienced lawyer, a profession that normally slows things down and makes things expensive, will every do this.  But this is one more thing that Sean does not know.  He thinks he can do it because his progressive ideology makes him superior to all others.

This is the core of progressivism, or liberalism if you will, the belief in your own inherent superiority.  Progressives believe that things are only the way they are because no one as smart as them has ever come before.  Sean believes Canada can’t build houses fast enough just because he was never involved before.  Now that he is here houses will magically appear if he doesn’t waste any time answering any questions.

“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts and the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

Charles Bukowski

I hope young people are not holding their breath waiting for Sean to build them a house.


Prime Minister is a poor occupation for the village Idiot

Almost 40 years ago I graduated University with an Engineering degree.  To be quite honest I was not even sure how I was supposed to use the things I learned.  I quickly learned that Engineers broadly fell in to 2 categories; design or operations.  I chose operations and that meant I spent most of my time solving problems.  There was always some piece of machinery or process that was not working properly and it was my responsibility to determine why and offer solutions.

I found I quite liked solving problems and that all problems are solved by first determining the root cause.  This seems very straight forward but for some people it is not.  I can’t count how many times I have solved problems that have persisted for years.  Money had been spent on “solutions” that had never worked because no one had spent the time to correctly identify the root cause.  People who cannot identify the root cause make very poor engineers but often very successful politicians.

Justin Trudeau is a very successful politician.  His success doesn’t just border on unbelievable it crosses the border right in to unexplainable.  How did a man with brain function so low he is barely capable of autonomous respiration become the leader of a G8 country?  This will no doubt puzzle any historian that studies our current dumb ages but this unpredictable situation is having very predictable results.  Canada has a number of serious problems that are not being solved.

The biggest problem for Young Canadians right now is that houses are unaffordable.  Not to worry though Justin thinks has identified the root cause; investors speculating in Real Estate.

“The big thing is we just have to slow down on the speculation, right?” said Trudeau. “I mean, housing prices and values should increase over a lifetime, but you shouldn’t be able to flip a home eight years later and have it double the price.”

Speculation does distort markets but it tends to be a temporary distortion.  In life outside politics reality always intrudes.  The value of the product being speculated on will always return to what supply and demand dictates that it should be.  Usually it does not take long and the price adjusts.  If after 8 years prices are still increasing speculation has little to do with it.  So obviously the root cause is not speculation but that does not matter.  Justin is going to end all of this speculation by taxing home equity.

I mentioned this to another friend, who said, well if it’s a modest hit on million-dollar homes, and it goes to help millennial home buyers, then maybe that’s not such a big sacrifice. In other words, it’s OK to go after the rich folks (or wealthier middle class) in the Robin Hood sense.

Remarkably many Canadians are as poor at problem solving as Justin Trudeau.  There are people willing to accept this “solution” despite how incredibly stupid it is.  This will not help a single young person.  How could it?  The problem for Young people is that houses are too expensive.  Taxing homes will not make homes less expensive.  The underlying value of any product is determined by supply and demand.  This will not get more homes built or lessen the demand for new homes.

Canadian homes are expensive because unrestricted immigration has dramatically increased demand and there has been no corresponding increase in supply.  This is not normal market behavior.  The market has been distorted by government policy.  Municipal governments have been piling on regulations for decades that make new homes expensive and new developments slow to approve.  Demand has been distorted by the federal government and supply has been distorted by municipal governments.

This problem has been caused by government but the root cause is the voters.  Canadians have an unblemished track record of voting for stupid politicians and allowing them to do stupid things.  The housing crisis and almost every other significant problem Canadians face can be solved by doing one simple thing.  Don’t choose the village idiot to run the village.  Justin Trudeau should have been laughed off the stage the first time he threw his hat into the ring.  We did not do that and now our children can’t afford houses.