1000 ways to lie

The best lies are half-truths.  Half-truths are comforting for people who don’t like to think.  They can hold on to the piece they know to be true and take everything else on blind faith.  Politicians and media understand the power of half-truths and it is normally their go to version when they lie.  But, that is what makes the lies about the COVID jabs so difficult.  How can you find a grain of truth about a treatment that increased the number of people who died?

COVID-19 cannot explain the increase in excess mortality after vaccinations began. For the second and third pandemic year a significant positive correlation between the increase of excess mortality and COVID-19 vaccinations is observed, a fact that strongly calls for further investigations on possible negative effects of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Every day the Jab narrative gets worse.  There is simply no good information that can be used as a foundation for lies.  The lies would need to stand on their own in the face of a tidal wave of contradicting evidence.  You would need to be a lot smarter than the average politician or journalist to get away with a lie that large.  Unfortunately the media has been in the business of lies for a very long time giving them other, albeit more crude, techniques for times such as this.

“nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.”

Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, June 11, 1807

Hundreds of years of lying experience tell the media when the lie is too large ignoring the truth is the only remaining option.  An Australian network broadcast a panel discussion of the COVID jabs.  They presented the discussion as free and open but what they really did was edit out anything detrimental about the jabs.  Their version of the truth contains no actual truth.

Professor Booy said the people who have had Covid and have not been vaccinated “get more severe disease and they’re more likely to get long Covid”, which prompted audience accusations of “liar”, “bullshit” and “snake oil salesman”.

The media lies.  This is ground I have covered before but it is worth repeating.  The media cannot be trusted.  They have an agenda.  With the media it is always about manufacturing or supporting an agenda.  It is never about the pursuit of truth.  When the media reports something then the question is not “are they lying”?  Of course they are lying.  The question should always be “why this lie”?

Why would the media continue to lie for 3.5 years about a treatment that has no discernable benefit but a very real and documented downside?  Millions of people have died from this Jab.  Why is it so important for the media to cover that up?  Is there so much money to be made off fake vaccines that they will not risk their future income?

The COVID jabs and the Whole COVID campaign has been mass murder.  I am not sure that mass murder was the intent.  I think it was profiteering by people who did not care if someone else died.  That makes it contract killing.  Some day we will admit this to ourselves.  When that happens, what will we do with the people who caused it?  I am not just talking about the people who built and released the virus.  I mean everyone; including the journalists who cooperated.

Real Science eventually proves the obvious

I came across 2 new articles this morning.  In this one the authors re-examined data and concluded that claims of high COVID vaccine efficacy might have been dishonest.  They come to the surprising conclusion that COVID vaccine efficacy might have been less than zero even when we were being told that it was 100%.

All this makes it plausible that the COVID-19 vaccines have always had an effectiveness that was very low, zero, or even negative,

The next article also looked unsuccessfully for vaccine positive efficacy but also noted the vaccines might have had some nasty side effects.

Regarding the increase in excess mortality, an increasingly strong positive correlation with the vaccination rate of a federal state is observed, which reaches a value of r = 0.85 in the third pandemic year, indicating that excess mortality increased the stronger the higher the vaccination rate in a federal state was. An analysis of stillbirths showed exactly the same pattern.

I find myself once again exclaiming “no shit Sherlock”.  This data has been staring us in the face since day one.

Contrary to what Anthony Fauci and Theresa Tam want you to think there is no evidence that the vaccines prevent serious illness or death.  They are taking credit for a drop in serious infections that started before anyone was vaccinated.  The Jabs do not change your odds of surviving COVID at all but they do increase your odds of having a stroke or heart attack.  Why in God’s name are we still using them?

When you inject almost everyone, and people still get sick and die, it is obvious that the injections did not work.  When all these vaccinated people start showing up at hospitals with a host of other maladies unrelated to COVID it is equally obvious that the vaccines are not safe.

My wife turned on the news yesterday.  They were interviewing someone from Alberta Health services about the abnormally high level of emergency calls.  Apparently, ambulances in Alberta are having a hard time keeping up.  The AHS representative was at a loss to explain why so many people are suffering distress from so many different maladies.  2021 seems to be the year of the mysterious emergency.

I was not surprised by AHS’s inability to explain what is happening.  No one in that organization seems to understand anything medical and they are seriously allergic to logic.  Let me solve the mystery for them, IT IS THE VACCINES YOU IDIOTS.  You don’t need to take my word for it you just need to count the bodies in Europe.

That last quote came from a post I made nearly 3 years ago.  We can study the jabs forever and find what was painfully obvious from the start.  They are not safe; they are not effective.  The only thing they were was profitable.  Wake up and smell the assault with deadly intent.  The government never meant to keep you safe.  They only ever meant to keep you in the dark as the robbed and killed you.  COVID is the largest crime in history.  Don’t let them get away with it.

Even Canadians have noticed that something is not right

Officially today is Canada day although unofficially Justin Trudeau changed the date to April 1st several years ago.  In the lead up to this now defunct Canadian holiday pollsters asked Canadians how they felt about Canada.  They found national pride waning significantly.

But 45 per cent of people who did the survey said they were feeling less proud than they did five years ago in 2019. Leger said that’s up 16 percentage points from 2021, when they posed the same question.

Normally oblivious Canadians are starting to realize all is not well with Canada.  The country has some serious problems and at the top of that list is housing.  Many young Canadians can no longer afford to purchase a home.  They can’t even afford to rent.  So far, the governments solution to this critical problem has been to demonize landlords and people who already own homes.

I did not take political science so I really don’t see how demonizing people who did not cause the problem will help solve the problem.  Even some of the media has noticed that whipping up anger likely won’t make houses more affordable.  This article points out that some concrete action rather than hateful ideological rhetoric might be far more useful.  Below are the top 7 points from their list.

  1. One of the obvious solutions is to slow the flow of immigration until the housing supply can catch up.

  2. Instead of rubberstamping redevelopment proposals, local governments could choose to protect trailer parks and other forms of affordable housing.

  3. Local governments could revise zoning bylaws to allow small, affordable houses to be built. Many bylaws require new houses to be a certain size and have expensive features.

  4. Local governments could give encouragement and even tax breaks to builders who would build low-cost housing and co-op housing.

  5. Local governments could speed up the processing of building permits. Delays cost builders money, and those costs are inevitably passed on to the eventual owners.

  6. Governments at all levels could reduce taxes on housing. These include “development charges” at the municipal level, PST at the provincial level (and taxes such as British Columbia’s Property Transfer Tax), and GST at the federal level.

  7. Considerable amounts of underutilized land owned by governments could be made available for housing.

I don’t know about you but there was a common theme that jumped off this list for me.  First every single point dealt with government.  Second, they were not things that the government should do.  It was a list of all the things the government should stop doing.  They did not come out and say it directly, but the point is well made.  The housing crisis was caused by the government.  Specifically, the housing crisis is the result of too much government.

Canadian governments have grown like a cancer at all levels.  We simply have too many takers and not enough makers.  The cost of this imbalance is far higher than most people realize.  The money necessary to support our bloated bureaucracy must come from somewhere.  It comes from your pocket in the form of a myriad of taxes and fees that make everything expensive.

Secondly, fixed-rate municipal charges (like Development Charges), now constitute a larger proportion of new home costs. In many GTA municipalities, these charges can average between $100,000-$150,000 for a single family home and are going up not down, contributing as an inflationary pressure to the cost of a new home.

Supporting the bloated bureaucracy in Toronto adds up to $150,000 to the price of a house.  Pro government lunatics, of which Canada has far too many, will point out that this money is needed to upgrade infrastructure.  There is some truth to that but most of this will never be invested in infrastructure.  Just go ask anyone in Calgary under water restrictions from old water lines that have received little to no maintenance in 50 years.  Most of this money will be used just to support the ungodly weight of the government.

Canadians are not really losing confidence in Canada.  They are losing confidence in Canadian government, and they are not alone.  Voters are opting for change at the ballot box almost everywhere.  I have serious doubts that voting for a different career politician will solve the problems caused by other professional politicians.  Once in power they all find it difficult to pull their nose out of the public trough long enough to consider who fills the trough.

Voting likely won’t fix this.  Purging the country of the people causing the problems might fix it.  It is at least worth a try.  I certainly would not object to never seeing this himbo in the country again.