Entries by richardsuffron

With Covid the More Things Change, the More They Remain the Same

I read the Calgary Herald yesterday.  As per usual the paper was full of misleading and panic inducing stories.  There was this story praising New Zealand’s response to Covid 19. https://calgaryherald.com/news/dont-like-canadas-new-mandatory-quarantine-its-part-of-why-new-zealand-is-now-back-to-normal/wcm/d6717546-3f2c-44c1-8323-4dc0d2f38047 It is true that New Zealand has had very few problems from Covid 19 but at what cost?  New Zealand has completely closed their […]

The CBC Lied For Jason Kenney Then He responded With More Tepid Stupidity.

I saw this article yesterday. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-jason-kenney-covid-19-restrictions-hinshaw-1.5894080 These two sentences from the article caught my eye immediately. “The total of active cases in Alberta has been dropping slowly but steadily since it peaked at 21,138 on Dec. 13.  That was a day after Kenney’s UCP government introduced tighter restrictions”.  The CBC was trying to link the drop in infections to the […]

We Have All the Power, It is Time to Use it.

A friend sent me this and asked me if I knew anything about it. I confessed that I had not heard anything about it so I set about searching the internet for confirmation this had happened.  First I tried google and all I found were stories about Italian restaurants opening with restrictions after the spring […]

Stupidity is a Luxury Only the West can Afford

A few days ago I showed this plot from Sweden. Sweden is naturally heading towards herd immunity.  This was their strategy all along and they were mocked for it. Sweden was not the only country pursuing this strategy.  A friend sent me this article. Sero survey: Delhi past 50%, near herd immunity against Covid-19 | […]

If We are Going to Close the Border, Can’t We Wait Until Trudeau is Out of the Country?

Yesterday the Prime Moron announced that we would soon see new travel restrictions for international and inter provincial travel. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/pm-warns-canadians-to-expect-more-travel-restrictions-soon-1.5282638 Trudeau wants to put restrictions on people who come here legally when he has no problem with people who come here illegally.  This is not surprising since you cannot be a Trudeau without disdain for […]

The University of Alberta Proves Itself to be a Disreputable Source of Vaccine Information

On Sunday this I read this article in the Calgary sun. https://calgarysun.com/news/local-news/leger-poll/wcm/59acfde9-6e4e-407a-af96-1b47f00f39ea Dr. Ilan Schwartz is lamenting that 35% of Albertan say they do not plan to get vaccinated.  He attributes this to Albertans being horribly misinformed.  He cautions us by saying “Albertans must be critical of where they’re getting information on COVID-19 vaccines and […]

Lockdowns are Designed to Kill, What about mRNA Vaccines?

My brother sent me this interview this morning.  I don’t know the interviewer but I have seen Dr. Madej before.  I do not know much about Dr. Madej except that she is a vaccine critic.  She is among a group of MDs who have been openly critical of the experimental mRNA vaccines.  Dr.  Madej is […]

Rules For Thee, Not For Me

One of my friendly helpers sent me this.   "Our public health orders don't apply to any levels of government. So they don't apply to federal provincial, or municipal governments." #mbpoli #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/jxV7HCkO1q — Pundit Class (@punditclass) January 20, 2021 Did you get that?  It bears repeating.  The rules do not apply to government.  I […]

Which One is the Weapon, The Virus or the Vaccine?

A friend sent me this video.  It is a very good interview with Dr. Lee Merrit.  She covers a lot of the same ground as Dr. Gold.  It is still worth hearing the same thing from a different source.  Please take the time to watch.   Note: It only took YouTube 24 hours to take […]