Entries by richardsuffron

Net Zero is not possible

Climate Science is not rooted in reality and neither are Climate policies.  Most countries have set a target of net zero by before 2050.  This is an impossible pipe dream and up until now no one has been brave enough to say it. Exxon disagreed, and said the world is not on a path to […]

The size of the Pie Changes

The province of Alberta is headed to an election.  There are multiple parties but really it is a competition between the 2 main parties.  The NDP led by Rachel Notley and the UCP led By Dannielle Smith.  I doubt either woman is the right person for the job but I do know without a shadow […]

When don’t Citizens matter?

Theoretically a government has an obligation to their citizens.  That obligation is very simple, enact policies that benefit the largest number of citizens possible.  There is great debate about what those policies might be.  Should the government re-distribute wealth or should they stay out of the way and allow people to create their own wealth.  […]

Built Better for Whom?

Prior to Justin’s step father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau (PET) immigrants to Canada quickly assimilated and became Canadian.  Canada was a melting pot.  PET did not like that and he began to aggressively pursue multiculturalism.  New Canadians were encouraged to hold on to their culture and not assimilate because assimilation and getting along with others was […]

Don’t follow the Hype, follow the Math

For some reason the ridiculous claim that COVID vaccinations saved 19 million lives is circulating again on twitter.  The claim was made last year in the medical journal Lancet.  The claim was based on extrapolating increasing COVID deaths essentially forever.  The fact that the pandemic did not continue to rage was taken as proof the […]

To make things worse, apply Government Liberally

The only problems that government ever solves are problems that government caused in the first place.  Their solutions invariably make things worse and cause a whole host of new problems requiring government intervention.  Many western countries have a problem with escalating food prices.  This is 100% the fault of government.  Energy taxes, green energy, and […]

Not safe, and not worth the Risk

This morning I found and article detailing the trouble 2 women have had finding help for their vaccine injuries.  Both women suffered nerve damage.  One woman took AstraZeneca the other Pfizer.  The article was very sensitive to the women’s plight but did take the time to let you know that while serious vaccine injuries were […]

Excess deaths are not a Mystery

One of the most under reported stories of all times is the epidemic of sudden death that is currently entering its 3rd year.  If present trends continue countries like Denmark are on their way to extinction. For 2 years in a row now deaths have significantly outnumbered births.  You would think imminent extinction would be […]

The Dose makes the Poison

I came across this study a few days ago that shows spike proteins can cause brain damage.  This is just one more study documenting the toxic effects of the spike protein.  So are we finally able to admit using the spike proteins as a treatment for COVID is very bad idea?  Vaccine advocates will point out […]

The Choice of mRNA cannot be Defended

The COVID vaccine study co-authored by Dr. Christine Stabell Benn that I discussed in April 2022 has finally been published.  The study looked at the various COVID vaccines over a longer period than the 6 month fraudulent studies produced by the manufacturers to get emergency use authorization.  Instead of focusing solely on COVID this study considered […]