Science and liberal Stupidity

In a post a few weeks ago I mentioned that I had recently joined twitter.  I am still a twitter neophyte but I find twitter an interesting place because it gives me a glimpse in to the liberal mind.  I tend associate with people who are able to use logic and reason.  That does not often bring me in to contact with those on the left.  The only place I interact at all with the left is on twitter and it is generally when one gets outraged by something I have written.

This blog started as a way to disseminate data and counter-current analysis of all things COVID.  COVID was the trigger but in the end COVID is nothing more than another government weapon like climate change; a topic I have been critical about for much long than COVID.  What I have found in my short tenure on twitter is that nothing triggers the left more than factual information about climate change.  Any time I post anything about climate change I get angry rebuttals.  A week ago I was told I don’t understand the material.  Then 3 days ago I was told I don’t understand science which of course makes me a denier.  Below is the meme they sent to drive home their point.

I have also reproduced the offending tweet below.

It is a ridiculous theory. Most of the warming is from water vapor which absorbs more energy than CO2 including most of what CO2 can, CO2 is not then necessary for runaway warming. If it gets hot for any reason it will never cool. It says climate is chaotically unstable and earth should have already destroyed itself.

I wonder if the meme sender realizes that their “bold” statement cuts both ways.  My tweet was discussing the “science” of global warming and their response did not address anything I said.  Rather, it denied all of the science in the tweet.  So who is the science denier in this conversation?

I find all of this very interesting because it shows what an uphill battle we have ahead of us.  Our Prime Minister is hell bent on destroying our economy and he is using global warming as an excuse.  No one on the left has any problem with this because people on the left have a distorted understanding of science.  They think science is accepting wild claims as truth and attacking anyone who questions it.  To them the burden of proof never falls on the people trying to reconstruct economic systems that took centuries to develop.

There are thankfully some signs that even the left is starting to understand that science takes more than angry replies on twitter.  Even the horribly left wing Canadian media are starting to acknowledge basing policies on predictions from people who are always wrong, might not be a good Idea.

The dubious  “ problem”   of purported global warming has become a key driver of public policy, bringing  social coercion  and huge capital allocations by governments and corporations across the world.

For anyone in Canadian media to admit that global warming is a dubious problem is a huge step forward.  I wish I had the appropriate meme to tweet to them; maybe this will work.