What if it is more than Greed?

There was never any logic to COVID vaccine mandates.  By their design the jabs cannot prevent infection and therefore transmission.  There is then no public health benefit derived from injecting everyone.  The virus will still circulate.  COVID would not be over until everyone, both jabbed and un-jabbed, were exposed to the virus.

If the jabs had worked they would have provided a personal rather than a public health benefit.  Jabs could have been made optional to anyone who believed in the benefits but then very few people would have taken them because COVID posed very little risk to anyone under 70 who was in good health.  So the purpose of the mandates then was to force everyone to take a treatment that they did not need and would not stop the pandemic.  Why was this done?  Was it just greed?

There is a disturbing new study out that postulates there was something more sinister at work than just greed.  From the very beginning of the vaccination programs it was apparent that most of the adverse reactions came from a small percentage of the vaccine lots.  Most researchers have postulated that this is evidence of poor quality control.  This new paper finds the exact opposite.  The deadly batches were the result of very good quality control.

The researchers found that the vaccine lots could easily be put in to 3 distinct groups based on the number of adverse events per lot.  Extremely high (Blue), higher than normally accepted for vaccines (green), and no adverse events (yellow).  At face value this does not seem that suspicious but here is the kicker.  Blue and Green groups received extensive quality control while the yellow group, which accounted for 1/3 of all vaccinations, received almost no quality control.

Dyker and Matysik found that the PEI had tested and approved for release all the very bad ‘blue’ batches, the overwhelming majority of the not-so-bad ‘green’ batches, but almost none of the harmless ‘yellow’ batches – as if the PEI knew in advance that these batches were unproblematic.

Isn’t this the exact opposite of what you would expect given the results?  The researchers could not help but notice that regulators knew the yellow batches were not worth testing because they were harmless.  How could you know they were harmless unless you knew which lots were just placebos?

Or, in short, to paraphrase the German scientists’ findings on the variability of the Pfizer-BioNTech batches, it would appear that the good was bad, the bad was very bad, and the very good was saline solution.

Many people point out that the vaccine mandates were part of a giant experiment and this data supports that.  I mean if you were doing an experiment what would you have done any differently?  This data certainly makes it look like they were testing 2 different Jab formulations against a placebo.

As Dyker puts it, “malicious” observers might note that “this is how placebos would look”.

Fortunes were made from the COVID vaccines so greed was a motivation but this data indicates that greed was not the only motivation.  There may be something far more sinister than greed at work here.  We may never know everything and everyone involved it this but I do know this for certain.  Not a single thing done since March of 2020 was done for our benefit.  All of it was designed to funnel us towards mandatory injections.  Injections that had no public health benefit and made no sense.

Nonsensical things can be tragic; they can also be fodder for comedy.  The best comedy points out the absurd and there is not much more absurd than the vaccine narrative.  Hopefully one day we will ask hard questions about why this happened.  Until that day Dana Carvery is doing his part by keeping the conversation alive.