The slow creep of Woke totalitarianism

WOKE did not happen overnight.  It has been slowly happening bit by bit for a very long time.  That is how the left destroys a society; by chipping away one seemingly insignificant piece at a time.  It works because we constantly give ground.  Instead of simply saying no every time the left proposes something stupid we go along to try and placate them.  Each individual concession on its own seems harmless enough so we don’t fight but the problem is the left cannot be placated.  They will not stop.  If you give the left an inch you will eventually be digging mass graves.

This is exactly why we had to endure 3 years of COVID tyranny.  When 2 weeks to flatten a curve was introduced we should have flatly said no.  I did but 90% did not.  The concept was ridiculous; did we think the virus would magically disappear in 2 weeks?  Government told us they needed the time to prepare.  The first COVID cases were reported in December but 2 weeks to flatten the curve came in March.  Government had 3 months to prepare and did nothing.  What did we think was going to happen in 2 weeks with those keystone cops in charge?

People accepted 2 weeks to flatten the curve not because they thought it would work but because it was a minor inconvenience not worth fighting.  After all it was only 2 weeks right?  It was like an unplanned staycation.  Except of course it was not 2 weeks and the left never intended for it to be 2 weeks.  Two weeks to flatten the curve became 2 years of increasingly restrictive house arrest.  In the end parole was only offered to those who would take an unproven medical treatment that they did not need.

The goal of two weeks to flatten the curve was always forced injection.  Some people did recognize this.  It was obvious this was not about a virus.  It was always about compliance which is why I told everyone in March of 2020, “If we let them do this they will do it again”.  There were very few voices like mine and guess what they did do it again.  They also plan to keep using lockdowns in the future.  The UK is in the midst of a lockdown inquiry.  That sounds like a good thing until you realize that the whole thing has been scripted not just to whitewash government crimes but also to normalize lockdowns.

Hancock’s testimony seemed to confirm sceptic’s worst fears that the COVID Inquiry is being used as a pretext to institutionalise lockdowns.

Lockdowns are here to stay because we did not stand up for our rights in March of 2020.  We have no one to blame but our own cowardice.  Such is the power of creeping totalitarianism.  Rights that took us centuries to attain were slowly taken back one ridiculous rule at a time of the course of only 3 years.  And, as per usual the left is not finished.  The lefts jihad against personal liberty continues on all fronts.

In Canada Jordan Petersen has been a very effective vocal critic of this rolling barrage of woke.  This has put a target on his back and his own college of psychologists is attacking him for the crime of being impolite.

He called the physician who performed gender affirming surgery on transgender actor Elliot Page “criminal” and “deadnamed” him using female pronouns and his pre-transition name. Dr. Peterson made comments about the changing nature of aesthetic beauty by referring to a plus size model as “not beautiful.”

Did you know now deadnaming and refusing to praise obesity is a crime?  Petersen is also in hot water for pointing out hypocrisy and criticizing people who perjure themselves by bring forth false accusations.

But he also was unfairly taken to task for a joke pointing out the hypocrisy of western progressive climate activists for ignoring harm to “poor children” and for describing a former client as “vindictive” because she had made false allegations against him — allegations for which he was exonerated by the college.

Isn’t it nice that the journalist took the time to point out the last 2 charges were unfair?  Christine Van Geyn did not, however, find the time to point out that the first 2 charges are equally unfair.  In fact 2 years ago they would not even have been considered rude let alone a crime.  In a span of only 2 years not being sufficiently nice to certain protected groups has become a crime.  Hey it is only 2 weeks to flatten the curve, right?

This only ends when we both shut up and surrender all of our rights or we stand up and push back.  Which do you want?  Do you want your woke neighbor reporting you to the Stasi RCMP because you did not agree with them quickly enough, or do you want freedom?  You still have time to choose but time is most certainly running out.

2 replies
  1. Trevor
    Trevor says:

    You are being generous saying only 90% of people complied with @2 weeks to flatten the curve“. I never wore a mask (maybe 5 times total) and I was in the 1-2% minority everywhere I went. I think people are slowly waking up but I would bet the non-compliant group would still only have grown to 10%.

    I agree with your statement “If you give the left an inch you will eventually be digging mass graves”. History is rife with examples.

    If only we could put all the leftists in one hemisphere and let them devour each other….
    What a wonderful world that would be.

  2. Derek
    Derek says:

    Covid hysteria and the resulting totalitarianism was not exclusive to the left, but was certainly an evil primarily of the left. Canada unfortunately has become a left wing country as the majority of the population has urbanized. The establishment has shifted their attention to controlling the left through institutional capture, media propaganda, and graft. They made it clear money and status comes if one conforms to woke.

    Never forget the actions of the political left over the last 3 years. Never forget the crimes. Never forget the indecency.

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