Entries by richardsuffron

Government has one goal and it is not your Safety

In previous posts I have described climate change and COVID as grooming tools but they do much more than that.  They don’t just condition us to expect less they also damage the economy so that having more will not be an option.  Climate change rules make everything expensive and are forcing businesses in Europe into […]

Why did we choose such a complex “Solution”?

Embalmers in the US are finding the same strange clots that Embalmers in England have been reporting for months.  I have posted data on this before so this issue is not new.  At first I was not going to re-post anything on these strange proteins but it triggered a burning question I have had for some […]

An open letter to Travis Toews and his Supporters

I am a member of the United Conservative party.  I joined the party specifically to vote against the current leader in the spring leadership review.  As a result of that vote the current leader, Jason Kenney, is stepping down and the party is in the throes of leadership contest. As a party member I get […]

When Parasites grow Unchecked

We are where we are today because of government.  It is not climate change or COVID.  Those manufactured emergencies were just tools used by government.  They are both grooming techniques.  Climate change is to groom people not just to expect less but to want less in order to “save the planet”.  COVID is to groom […]

When Politicians “Help”

Climate change was not a problem until now.  No we are not suddenly experiencing heat waves and hurricanes.  We are experiencing something far more dangerous and it is about to get worse; much, much worse.  What we are experience now is the cumulative effects of the combined stupidity of thousands of woke western politicians. European […]

Trudeau continues to lie about the Jabs

The Prime Moron of Canada took time from his busy schedule of destroying the country to lecture us on the best way to stay safe from COVID.   Justin Trudeau threatens Canadians – Comply or more Mandates and Restrictions – Sept. 3, 2022Source: Just Eat Real Food (Youtube) pic.twitter.com/sCosuzreoE — Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2023) September 5, 2022 […]

Finally the risk/reward of the jabs is being Questioned

A new study on Vaccine adverse events has just been published.  The following are their conclusions. The excess risk of serious adverse events found in our study points to the need for formal harm-benefit analyses. So the vaccines come with excess risk and a harm benefit analysis is needed.   In a sane world a harm […]

Repeating old Mistakes

I found both good news and Bad new today in Steve Kircsh’s Substack newsletter.  The Good news is that if you survived your vaccination and it was more than 5 months ago you probably won’t succumb to sudden Adult Death Syndrome.  More than one researcher has now found that Vaccine deaths seem to peak 5 […]

Another paper proving the Jabs kill

By the end of 2020 the German government reported 34,000 COVID deaths and high excess mortality for 2020.  There is a new paper out disputing both numbers.  The researchers found that both the WHO and the German government underestimated expected deaths by ignoring long term trends and population growth.  When the researchers used the long term […]

The Casualties indicate we are at War

I have seen several articles lately about the decline in average life expectancy in The US.  Every article is quick to blame COVID for the dramatic drop in life expectancy.  The linked article is very direct in their assessment. Covid-19 deaths were the main reason for the decline.  I am sorry but that dog don’t hunt.  […]