Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
When the mRNA vaccines were introduced we were told that they were +95% effective at preventing infection. Anthony Fauci and other hoaxers went on television to claim the vaccines would stop the virus in its tracks. This was a lie. It is impossible for any intramuscular injection to produce immunity to airborne viruses. These charlatans […]
In my last 2 posts I have discussed Theresa Tam’s ridiculous claim that the Trudeau Liberals prevented almost 800,000 COVID deaths. In both of my posts I pointed out that computer simulations comparing COVID deaths are useless for 2 reasons; COVID deaths are a fictional number. They do not reflect actual excess deaths. There is […]
Yesterday I discussed the incredibly fraudulent study produced by Theresa Tam and therefore the Canadian government. Tam claimed that the combinations of lockdowns and vaccines saved almost 800 thousand Canadians from certain COVID death. Lockdowns did not change the shape of the infection curve anywhere including Canada. Crediting them with saving nearly 400,000 lives is […]
Canada’s Chief Medical Officer Theresa Tam just co-authored a paper “proving” that without lockdowns and vaccines Canada would have suffered 800,000 COVID deaths. According to the paper about ½ were saved by lockdowns and the other ½ were saved by the vaccines. So how exactly do you “prove” what would have happened if some other event […]
A Friend sent me an article yesterday. This video is embedded in the article. Dr. Charles Hoffe ~"92% of all Covid deaths were in the vaccinated, so this is a pandemic of the vaccinated" Watch and share. #VaccineSideEffects #pandemic — Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson (@LauraLynnTT) September 14, 2022 The last data is from June because […]
A few days ago one of the most disgusting people on the planet gave a speech clearly explaining why Government needs to censor the flow of information. Each time we capitulate to these sociopaths they get bolder. They used to pretend that censorship was necessary to combat online violence. Somehow now words you don’t […]