Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
On Sunday this I read this article in the Calgary sun. Dr. Ilan Schwartz is lamenting that 35% of Albertan say they do not plan to get vaccinated. He attributes this to Albertans being horribly misinformed. He cautions us by saying “Albertans must be critical of where they’re getting information on COVID-19 vaccines and […]
My brother sent me this interview this morning. I don’t know the interviewer but I have seen Dr. Madej before. I do not know much about Dr. Madej except that she is a vaccine critic. She is among a group of MDs who have been openly critical of the experimental mRNA vaccines. Dr. Madej is […]
Dominatrix Deena took to the airways a couple of days ago to let us know that the abuse would continue until we learn to like it. You can see a video of her press briefing here. Alberta has now lost 1,500 people to COVID-19 since pandemic began | CBC News The source is the CBC […]
One of my friendly helpers sent me this. "Our public health orders don't apply to any levels of government. So they don't apply to federal provincial, or municipal governments." #mbpoli #cdnpoli — Pundit Class (@punditclass) January 20, 2021 Did you get that? It bears repeating. The rules do not apply to government. I […]
A friend sent me this video. It is a very good interview with Dr. Lee Merrit. She covers a lot of the same ground as Dr. Gold. It is still worth hearing the same thing from a different source. Please take the time to watch. Note: It only took YouTube 24 hours to take […]
Within one hour of Joe Biden getting sworn in The WHO has released new guidance on how to use the PCR test. Andy Swan on Twitter: “literally one hour after Biden takes the oath, the WHO admits that PCR testing at high amplification rates alters the predictive value of the tests and results in a […]