Something Horrible this way Came

COVID vaccines were sold as a wonder drug.  Taking the vaccine meant you were unlikely to get COVID and even if you did you certainly would not die.  I guess a lot of people in Ontario did not get the memo.

In Ontario, Canada COVID-19 deaths in 2022 were 39% higher than 2021.

COVID should be over now but it is not.  The vaccines have made it worse.  Most COVID deaths and infections have happened since the start of vaccinations.  The vaccines did not prevent a single COVID infection or death.  The data actually says the opposite.   More people died from COVID because of the vaccines.  Death from COVID is one of the most common COVID vaccine injuries.

Unfortunately facilitating COVID infections is not the only way these toxic shots can kill.  Heart attacks, strokes, Cancer, all of these serious afflictions are up right across the board.  It is almost like injecting everyone with chemicals that cause blood clots and suppress immune systems was not a particularly good idea.  If I had medical training I might conclude that the COVID vaccination programs were actually a mass poisoning event.


I stand corrected.  The vaccine programs were not just a mass poisoning event; they were the greatest mass poisoning in human history.  I am glad we could clear that up.

Three years, Billions spent, and the level of Protection did not Change

COVID vaccines are no longer recommended for anyone in Switzerland.

For this reason, no recommendation for vaccination against Covid-19 is formulated.

The recommendations apply regardless of the type and number of vaccination doses already received and the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections that have occurred.

The Swiss are justifying their sudden about face by claiming that 98% of people have now been exposed to the virus anyway.

Corona Immunitas seroprevalence data (June/July 2022) show that more than 98% of the Swiss population have antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. Due to the immunity situation, the currently predominant virus variants and the expected low virus circulation in spring/summer 2023, it can be assumed that people without risk factors have a very low risk of becoming seriously ill with Covid-19 in spring/summer 2023.

It is undoubtable true that 98% of Swiss have been exposed and do not need to be concerned about COVID but it is also true that in 3 years nothing has changed.  Several studies showed that innate immunity for coronaviruses is so high that 80% of people would never develop COVID.  Of the 20% who were susceptible less than 1% would die.  1% of 20% is 0.2% so let’s do the math and put those 2 numbers together.  80% will never get COVID plus 19.8% (99% of 20%) will survive COVID.  The math says that before the first needle went in to the first arm 99.2% of people were safe from COVID.

This is what counts for a success in government.  By spending billions of dollars the Swiss lowered the level of protection form 99.2% to 98%.  The entire COVID debacle was shocking in its wastefulness and stupidity.

Government broke the #1 rule of Emergency Management

In the past I have supervised people in industrial environments.  One of my responsibilities was emergency preparedness.  By law we had to have an approved emergency response plan and had to run regular drills.  The reason for the plan and the drills was to make sure people knew what to do and would not panic.  Panic is the absolute worst thing you can do during an emergency.

When people panic they become irrational.  Their actions can endanger themselves and people around them.  Panic only amps up stress and makes a bad situation worse.  I doubt you can find anyone who will tell you that in an emergency you should panic so why did government choose panic as a pandemic response?

In March of 2020 western governments did exactly what they would have punished corporations for.  When faced with an “emergency” they threw out their emergency response plan and told people to panic.  They did not of course use the words “please panic” but they may as well have.  Daily press conferences were held to inform us they knew nothing about this invisible threat and therefore people should be afraid of everything.  Leaving your home or meeting family and friends was a certain death sentence.

When our political “elite” foisted this stupidity on us I told anyone who would listen, that government was breaking things they may never be able to fix.  They were breaking trust and breaking weaker minds.  Trust in our institutions is now irreparable damaged but worse even is that some people have been irreparably damaged.  There are now 15 million Japanese people living as recluses.  They are too afraid of COVID to resume normal life.

The crimes government committed and the damage they have done are too big to forgive.  The only way we get back our society and sanity is to punish the people responsible.  I don’t care how many jails we must build.  Maybe we could repurpose the COVID concentration camps government wanted to use against us.

Climate Change the great Boogie Man

The airline industry is in crisis.  Their ill-advised vaccine policies have injured and killed so many pilots that they now must rely on inexperienced pilots.  This is a serious safety issue that is not going away so of course the media has chosen to lie about it.  Carolyn Barber of fortune magazine wants you to know poisoning pilots is not the problem.  The real problem is Climate Change making storms more intense.

In an era of rapid climate change, those might well be the good old days. What pilots face in 2023, experts say, is a different order of challenge altogether: an increase in both the frequency and the intensity of climate-related issues, coupled with a pronounced lack of pilot training in key areas.

Don’t blame the government for forcing needles in to pilot’s arms.  Blame climate change.  Why anyone could pilot a passenger jet if it was not for climate change.  This is classic propaganda.  Not only are they distracting you from the truth they are using a lie to do it.  It is a lie that CO2 is making storms more severe.

The core principal of propaganda is that a lie repeated often enough will be accepted as the truth.  There are not many lies that have been repeated more than the lie that CO2 somehow makes storms more intense.  In 2005 the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a report in which Kenneth Trenberth claimed climate change would cause stronger storms.   Like everything else that comes from the climate Cult this is not true.

The science included in the IPCC report did not say that storms would become more intense.  One of the scientists that helped author that part of the report tried unsuccessfully to get the conclusion changed.  Chris Landsea was so upset about how badly the IPCC was misrepresenting the science that he resigned.  He chose scientific integrity over a steady paycheck from the UN.  There are far too few Scientists with that level of integrity.

His widely reported comments upset Landsea, who notes that IPCC has concluded that no such link can yet be made. Landsea threatened to resign unless IPCC leaders reprimanded or removed Trenberth. On 16 January, Landsea stepped down, saying in an e-mail to colleagues that Trenberth’s actions have made it “very difficult for the IPCC process to proceed objectively” on hurricanes.

That position is “plausible,” says hurricane expert Kerry Emanuel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But hurricane activity varies so much from decade to decade that “not a single person in my field thinks you can see the signal.”

For nearly 2 decades that lie has been repeated ad nauseam by the media.  There was no data to support that conclusion in 2005 and now in 2023 there is still no data to support it.  The trend in cyclone energy is actually slightly negative.  As the world has warmed storms have become less intense.

When it comes to climate science there is one easy principle to follow.  Any article that uses the phrase “experts say” or “experts warn” is propaganda.  Government lies 99% of the time.  Media lies 90% of the time.  When both the media and the government say the same thing it is a guaranteed lie.  When was the last time you heard them disagree on climate change?

It’s bad and also not over

Edward Dowd just published a report based on insurance statistics.  He concludes 18% were injured, 1% disabled, and 0.1% died from the Jabs.  His complete conclusions are below.

Group 4: The most extreme damage (death).

  • Excess deaths are estimated to have occurred at an absolute rate of about 0.1% of the population aged 25-64 for 2021 and 2022 combined (upper limit).
  • This represents about 23% excess mortality for 2021 and 2022, relative to the expected baseline.
  • In absolute numbers, this represents about 310,000 excess deaths.

Group 3: With severe damage (disabilities).

  • The rise in disabilities in the Civilian Labor Force population since the start of 2021 was about 0.93%, corresponding to a 24.6% rise.
  • In absolute numbers, an estimated 1.36 million individuals aged 16-64 that are actively engaged in the labour market, became disabled.

Group 2: With mild to moderate damage (injuries).

  • About 18% of the Employed Labor Force aged 16-64 is estimated to have suffered injuries due to the Covid-19 vaccine rollout program that started in 2021.

  • In absolute numbers, an estimated 26.6 million individuals have been injured by the inoculations.

  • This corresponded to a 28.6% rise in absence rates in 2022 relative to 2019, and a 50% rise in lost worktime rates.

I find 0.1% vaccine deaths both horrifying and interesting.  Horrifying for obvious reasons but interesting because it matches so closely to other sources.  0.1% is 1 death per 1000 vaccinated individuals.  Steve Kirsch finds jab deaths to be 1 in 757 while a recently published study finds 1 in 874.  Even my own crude numbers from Canadian data comes to 1 in 898.

So we know have multiple sources, using multiple data sets and approaches, arriving at similar numbers.  To date, at least 1 jabbed person out of every 1000 has been killed by their government.

The scariest part about that last statement is the “to date” part.  Vaccine deaths peak 5 months after injection but this is unfortunately the peak not the end.  As I have shown in pervious posts, excess deaths have not returned to zero.  The COVID vaccines are capable of killing people months or even years later.

No one knows when this will be over.  The only certainty is that with time more people will die.  Trusting government is always ill advised.  Sometimes it is even deadly.


Not all COVID criminals have Pfizer’s legal Protection

Moderna and Pfizer produced a toxic product that should never have been sold.  Normally if you sell a harmful product you face consequences but normal rules do not apply to all things COVID.  Moderna and Pfizer were given legal immunity.  The legal immunity they were granted emboldened a lot of people who did not share the same protection and some of them are about to find out the hard way.

Vail Resorts had a vaccine mandate for employees.  Get jabbed or lose your job.  Now a 23 year old former employee is blind and not in the mood to forgive.

The young man during March 2021, was employed at Whistler mountain at the Vail Resorts company in the British Columbia ski area.  He and other employees living in staff housing received an email from the company recommending they receive the AstraZeneca vaccine.

When corporations started mandating COVID vaccines I was shocked.  Normally corporations are very risk adverse.  They do not want to do anything that exposes them to law suits or negative publicity.  It was an enormously bad Idea for corporations to issue vaccine mandates yet many of them did.

Obviously these corporations felt COVID was a bigger risk than an experimental treatment.  They just were not thinking straight.  If someone contracts COVID at your place of business you will be judged on how effective your mitigation strategy was.  They thought vaccines were the easy route but they failed to consider the downside.  Companies would have been far better off to give employees a choice testing of vaccine.  Testing would have been more expensive but carried no downside risk.

Corporations trusted the government mantra of safe and effective.  They should not have and now the foolish ones are facing consequences.  I expect to see many more law suits going forward and not just against corporations.  Scotland’s disgraced former Prime Minister is facing corporate manslaughter charges.

They believe that Scottish Government figures, including former first minister Nicola Sturgeon and former health secretary Jeane Freeman, can be prosecuted for corporate manslaughter under the Health and Safety at Work Act.

Nicola Sturgeon put infected seniors back in to nursing homes where they could infect other health compromised seniors.  There is no question this was manslaughter.  She should go to prison.  Pfizer and Moderna are also guilty but they did not force anyone to take their product or intentionally infect seniors.  Corporate and Government heads did that.  It is shameful that we cannot prosecute the pharmaceutical companies but frankly I think we will be too busy prosecuting the other criminals to notice.

The West is Weak because our Leaders are Weak

Hard times create strong men.  Strong men create good times, Good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.

I don’t know who said that first but it is a universal truth and unfortunately the west is currently in the wrong part of that cycle.  Times have been good and people are weak.  Nowhere is that more evident than in our political class.  The west is controlled by elderly and second generation professional politicians; people who have never known hardship or even done a single day of hard work.  They are soft, weak, and frankly under intelligent.  Every one of them is ushering us back to hard times.

The thing about weak people is that they know they are weak.  They try to hide their weakness behind false bravado.  That why you hear so much tough talk about Russia.  The weak political elite want to prove their toughness by sending you or your offspring to die in the Ukraine.  Each day they move us closer to a war we cannot win.  They have already ensured our defeat by destroying our economies and militaries.

To win a protracted war you need 2 things, a strong manufacturing base and a strong military.  The west has neither.  The US did not win World War 2 because they had the best military.  They won because they were able to produce more bullets, bombs, planes, and tanks than the Nazis.  For every one that was destroyed they built 2 more.  Germany’s superior military had no chance.

The west no longer has a strong manufacturing base.  We let China take it and China supports Russia.  We don’t even have the capacity to re-build a manufacturing base.  Woke, green policies have made Britons so poor they must ride the bus just to stay warm and in Canada nothing can be built without consulting “indigenous knowledge”.  The big problem being that no one can define what indigenous knowledge is.

Among the new procedures for approving projects is the requirement for impact assessments to consider “Indigenous knowledge.” In the previous environmental assessment law, this was optional. Now, Indigenous knowledge is one of the primary factors in deciding whether a project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

In the event of war you cannot build a weapons factory in Canada without consulting something that has no legal definition.  Do you think Putin is worried about how many Canadian Tanks he might face?

The same woke/green policies that have destroyed our economies have also been applied to the military.  Our political elite have been demonizing white men for years.  Young White men used to be the backbone of the military but now they are unwilling to defend a country that hates them.  Military recruitment is down across the board in western countries.  So much so that countries are discussing mandatory conscription.

Western politicians are pushing for war at a time when they do not have the men they need to fight it.  They don’t have the weapons either.  We have emptied our armories by sending everything to the Ukraine where most of it never got pointed at Russian troops.  By some accounts corrupt Ukrainian politicians sold more than ½ of it to our enemies.  If we go to war in Ukraine our soldiers will be killed by weapons we supplied.

We are certainly headed into hard times.  The good news is that the cycle will repeat.  Good times will return but unfortunately not in our life time.  The damage these weak politicians have already caused will take decades to repair.  The longer we take to get started the longer it will take to fix.  The first step is to purge our society of the trouble makers.  And by trouble maker I mean professional politicians.

It is not fraud when the Government wastes money on purpose

Just when you though the courts could not be any more useless along comes another judge who says “hold my beer”.  Brook Jackson was suing Pfizer under the false claims act.  Brook worked for a company hired by Pfizer to conduct COVID vaccine trials.  She could see that the trials were fraudulent.  Brook went to the FDA with what she knew only to be ignored and fired.  Brook sued and her case was just thrown out of court.

He (the judge) acknowledged the evidence Jackson offered but said her complaint did not “identify any safety risk that was hidden from the FDA in the data from the Ventavia sites, any symptomatic participants who Ventavia did not properly test for COVID-19 infection, or any COVID-19 infections in vaccinated participants that Ventavia falsely reported to have occurred in the placebo group.”

Basically the judge ruled that there was no fraud because the government knew the jabs were unsafe and ineffective when they signed the contract.  Remarkably this was Pfizer’s defense all along.  Since everyone involved in the transaction knew the product was defective there can be no fraud.  The only party that was defrauded was taxpayers and they don’t count.

People had their lives ruined and ended by this defective product that was forced on them by people who knew it was defective.  Somehow their lives matter less than Pfizer’s profits.  The system cannot be more corrupt.  They all must go; the politicians, bureaucrats, and judges.  We will never have a functioning society or any justice as long as they remain.

Willful ignorance is encouraged by the State

My job is to solve problems; problems that often involve collecting and analyzing large amounts of data.  The data is the key to everything, if it is not relevant or accurate my analysis will be worthless.  So I guess it was not surprising then that when a pandemic emergency was declared I went straight to the data.

The media very dutifully reported that people were dying from COVID but people always die of respiratory viruses in cold and flu season so the number of COVID deaths was meaningless without context.  The real number is total deaths.  When I looked at total deaths I found that most countries did not have more deaths than what could be considered normal.  COVID was analogous to a bad seasonal flu.

There were of course some exceptions.  Some countries had much higher excess deaths than the others.  Those countries tended to have 2 things in common.  Poor vitamin D levels and government policies that seemed specifically designed to euthanize seniors.  So the problem was only loosely correlated to a viral outbreak.  The real problem was bad nutrition and bad government.

So the data in 2020 told me the best way to mitigate the impact of COVID was to eat better and stop allowing the government to kill seniors.  The data in 2023 tells a much different story.  Even more people are dying.  Young people are dying in abnormal numbers all year long; not just in cold and flu season.  Excess deaths in any age group in summer months is unusual so what is going on?

Another easy problem solving principal I use is to ask the simple question what changed?  If a significant change happened prior to the manifestation of the problem it must be investigated first.  The odds that the change caused the problem are very high.  Can you think of a more significant change than injecting everyone on earth with a brand new substance multiple times over the course of only 18 months?  Only a complete moron would not consider this first.


So deaths of young people are up 23% right after injecting them with a drug that increased mortality by 23% in an abbreviated trial.  What a coincidence.  Every doctor on earth should be concerned about this but bizarrely they are not.  At a recent conference doctors dismissed the possibility that this could be the vax because the evidence was anecdotal.

I have been admonished for reporting anecdotes and not doing a proper study which no one will fund

The evidence will always be anecdotal if you don’t bother to investigate.  Doctors are choosing willful ignorance but just when it comes to the Jabs.  You don’t see them pushing back on any of the other ridiculous explanations of sudden death.


Everyone knows what is happening but no one will say anything.  The problem is that this is murder and the murderers control armies.


The left never lets a Funeral go to Waste

This heated argument on gun control happened in the aftermath of the latest school shooting.


If the Democrat congressman sounds like an unhinged lunatic it is because he is an unhinged lunatic.  Mental illness is a lot more common on the left than the right which should be enough to make us skeptical of left wing policies.  Sadly it is not.

In the exchange Representative Massie advocates for armed school security.  The Democrat accuses Massie of ignoring the data right after Massie tells him the data.  There has never been a mass shooting in a school with armed security.  To a rational person the answer is obvious; have armed security in schools.  But this sensible, easy, solution is vehemently opposed by the Democrat congressman and every leftist commentator.

This is the standard playbook for the left; prevent solutions that work.  The left pours gasoline on fires while preventing the fireman from putting the fire out.  They do this because the fire is useful for them.  The left wants gun confiscation.  Every dead child moves them closer to their goal.  If armed security prevents child murder then armed security must not be allowed.

This is shocking but true.  We saw the same thing during COVID.  The left wanted vaccines and vaccine passports.  That is why they banned Ivermectin and HCQ; not because they did not work but because they did work.  If few people were dying of COVID their plans would have been derailed.  They had to kill people to get what they wanted and they had no problem doing it.

The left always has an agenda.  They cause problems then use the problem as to advance their agenda while blocking practical solutions.  Make no mistake about it the left caused this shooting.  They intentionally whipped up controversy between the transgender community and the rest of society.  Then they told the transgender community they were under attack.  Effectively, they lit a fuse.  They did not know where the bomb would go off but they did know it would go off.

The left was hoping for people to die so that they could use those deaths to advance their agenda.  Wherever the left goes they always leave bodies in their wake.