Entries by richardsuffron

The Data is Clear, Lockdowns and the Politicians Who use Them, Kill

I found a very interesting article a couple of days ago.  They looked at excess mortality for several countries. https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/excess-mortality-across-countries-in-2020/ Before I present their data I need to explain excess mortality.  Regular readers of this blog have seen this plot before. In the 2019/20 winter Canada had about 2% more deaths than the average of […]

Boris Johnson, The Clown Destroying an Empire

Boris Johnson is destroying the UK one ping at a time https://archive.fo/K9jcm Remember when the “conspiracy theorists” predicted the next step in the communist takeover plan was supply chain disruption?  Well Boris got the UK there faster than anyone else.  Supply chain in the UK is failing because of mandatory quarantines for anyone with a […]

The CDC Confirms PCR Tests Diagnose Influenza as COVID

The CDC issued this document 6 days ago.  The PCR test, as with the vaccines, has been used under an emergency authorization.  The emergency authorization expires in December.  The CDC is reminding labs to start looking for an alternative. https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-2_Testing_1.html Don’t you find that a little odd?  How many times have we been told the […]

The CCP Must be Proud of their Protégé Boris

On May 23rd I discussed how the government did not care if you got vaccinated.  What they want is a reason to force a smartphone app on you.  A cell phone app that must be scanned for admission everywhere is the evolution of the Chinese social credit system.  I thought western governments would be very […]

A Mostly Peaceful Protest in Poitiers France

Your feel good video of the day courtesy of the people of Poitiers France. FRANCE: The moment protesters stormed Poitiers Town Hall and threw Macron's portrait out the window on Saturday. (Anonyme Citoyen) pic.twitter.com/DtjsVCzyO2 — Apex World News (@apexworldnews) July 26, 2021 During a vaccine passport demonstration the town hall was occupied.  The protestors pulled […]

A Tale of 2 COVID Strategies

Countries with High vaccination rates are discussing new mask mandates and a return to lockdowns.  The policy makers in these countries are morons.  If masks and lockdowns worked why did you need vaccines?  If vaccines work why do you need lockdowns and masks?  The data below is readily available to anyone with an internet connection […]

Thanks to COVID Mass Murder is OK, Saving lives is not.

Ivermectin was widely available in Indonesia thanks to a wealthy philanthropist named Haryoseno.  He used his own money to make it available to everyone.  If you could not pay it was free.  On June 12th the government threatened him with 10 years in prison if he did not stop.  Cases skyrocketed until July 15th.  The […]

Any Benefit from COVID Vaccines will be gone by Cold and Flu Season

I have done several posts on COVID vaccines.  When the Vaccines first came out I was curious what made an mRNA vaccine different from a regular vaccine.  What I discovered was that mRNA are not vaccines.  A normal vaccine uses a virus to provoke a normal immune response.  A normal immune response produces antibodies which […]

Irony is the Latest COVID Fatality

  The Canadian Human rights museum is now proudly discriminating. https://www.chrisd.ca/2021/07/15/human-rights-museum-reopening-to-vaccinated-visitors/ Can anyone in the Trudeau government even spell Irony?  The Trudeau liberals are truly too stupid for words.