Entries by richardsuffron

Irrefutable Proof of Long COVID

Welcome Back.  I apologize for my brief outage.  It was entirely my fault.  The Hosting service that I use demands an annual payment which I missed.  It completely slipped my mind that I have been doing this for a year now. I would like discuss what a difference a year has made but with COVID […]

Do Not Trust Government with Vaccines, or Anything Else

2 days ago, Emmanuel Macron announced that unvaccinated people would not be allowed to take part in Life.  They would be shunned and ostracized until they submit.  Today I am finding videos all over the internet of French citizen protesting this tyranny. I know the MSM in this country won’t show you but people are […]

Norway Bans a Vaccine they do not Need Anyway

Norway has banned AstraZeneca COVID Vaccines and is advising young people not to get Vaccinated. https://www.fhi.no/en/news/2021/astrazeneca-vaccine-removed-from-coronavirus-immunisation-programme-in-norw/?s=09 Finally, some sanity.  Norway recognizes that the virus is less risk than the vaccine for young people.  COVID was a complete nonevent in Norway.  Officially Norway has had 146 COVID deaths per million.  The 3rd lowest in All of […]

Canadian Media are Part of the Problem

This video is incredible.  The government of Ontario is ignoring a court judgement.   The courts ruled that the emergency declaration in Ontario was not valid.  This happened on June 9th, yet they still have restrictions based on an illegal emergency declaration.  The Ontario Government just released this video.   In 3 days, they will […]

COVID Vaccines are not the Solution

Israel got hit quite hard by COVID, 9% of their population has tested positive.  Their COVID deaths were not as bad.  Per capita Israelis deaths are the same as Canadian even thought they had twice as many cases per capita.  Still the large number of Cases spooked the Israelis into an aggressive vaccination program.  A […]

Changing the Definition of Disease

A Friend sent me an article yesterday.  This Article discusses the criteria that the CDC uses to define a breakthrough Covid Case.  A Breakthrough COVID case is a vaccinated person who still gets COVID.  I know, I am just as shocked as you to find out vaccinated people still get COVID. Do you find it […]

When Will People Stop Being Led by the Media?

Tucker Carlson has the number one news/opinion show in the US.  He is the sole reason FOX news is considered right wing.  Initially, FOX attempted to bring a right wing perspective to the news.  Overtime FOX drifted left.  Just like every other media outlet.  I have discussed this before.  All media and government will drift […]

Judges, Destroying Society One Ruling at a Time

How far down the COID rabbit hole are we willing to go?  Now judges are making vaccinations a parole stipulation. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/ohio-judge-orders-mandatory-covid-19-jab-for-defendants-as-condition-for-probation/ I have no sympathy for criminals.  It is not hard to following the golden rule.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  This is something every decent person does without […]

Ivermectin Threatens the Emergency Authorizations

The UK has finally admitted that heart inflammation is a Vaccine side effect.  See the bottom of their recently published list. While they have admitted it is a problem, they downplay the risk.  It is listed below Rare with comments that they cannot estimate the prevalence from the data.  The intent of course is to […]

Dr. Malone and Inconvenient Truths

Reports of Vaccines deaths and adverse reactions are becoming hard to ignore.  Journalists are finally getting curious enough to interview doctors that are not high priests in the COVID cult.  One of the skeptics now generating interest is Dr. Robert Malone.  I posted a rather long interview he gave a couple weeks ago.  This time […]