Entries by richardsuffron

The Media Lies Because it Works

I went to the doctor for a routine matter 2 days ago.  After we got through everything my doctor and I had a brief conversation about Covid 19 and all the changes that have happened because of our reaction to it.  I pointed out that Alberta has only seen one week in 2020 with deaths […]

How Long Can We Continue to Ignore Sweden?

Sweden is very interesting; they chose to treat Covid 19 as a simple viral infection. Instead of lockdowns, masks, and ridiculous, arbitrary, destructive restrictions they kept it simple.  Gatherings of over 500 were banned and people were asked to behave like responsible adults.  When the rest of the world decided to use Covid 19 as […]

Pandemic Profits

I came across this video on the weekend.  I don’t know who Bernadette Wilson is or what government board she was addressing.  I do know the world needs way more people like her and far fewer politicians.  Watch and enjoy. Bernadette rightfully points out that these lockdowns have disproportionately affected the poorest people in society.  […]

The Educational Opportunities of Covid

Last night as I was on my way out a story came on the news about a new study from Harvard researchers.  The study showed that the virus was airborne.  I had an appointment so I could not stop to get the details.  This morning I searched for the study online and I could not […]

Lock Downs Work, Just not Against the Virus

Lock down restrictions are starting to re-appear in various spots throughout Canada.  South of the Border Joe Biden has hinted that if he is elected lockdown measures will be re-instated in the US.  Countries all over the world chose lockdowns as pandemic control.  It is very hard to show that Lockdowns were at all effective […]

The Real Viruses

A couple days ago Rant team member Chad sent me this Tucker Carlson interviews a Chinese virologist who claims she can prove that the virus was manmade, and she believes the Chinese government released it on purpose.  I have read several sources that make the same claims.  I have not commented on them for a […]

How to Benefit from a Fake Pandemic

2 days ago, Rant team member Trevor asked the question what was Ontario afraid of?  The Covid numbers were certainly nothing to be afraid of.  Ontario did have some people die from Covid but it is over now and if they would simply stop testing they could get back to normal.  So why don’t they?  […]

It is going to take a long time to deal with the guilty

As expected Covid 19 has become one of the central issues in the US presidential election.  The Democrats are hoping to convince voters that Donald Trump’s past actions led to higher deaths and that his current actions are ineffective.  Joe Biden claimed that if Trump had acted just one week earlier no one in the […]

More media hijinks, Could this all just be about US politics?

I was reading the newspaper on Sunday.  There were 5 pages dedicated to covid 19.  The lead editorial lamented that we were in a second wave because people were ignoring health regulations.  Another Column went to Neil Ferguson for comment on the increasing cases in the UK.  I don’t know why I keep hoping to […]

The Danger of Secondary Infections

On Monday one of our fellow rant team members, Giles,  told me a story about his granddaughters first 2 weeks in Kindergrten.   She had been enjoying kindergarten immensely but one day last week she told her teacher her tummy was sore.  Her teacher sprinted to the front of the class to hit the big red […]