Entries by richardsuffron

Jason and Scott Need To Grow a Pair

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe just announced drastic restrictions including a province wide mask mandate.  The chief medical officer Dr. Saqib Shahab stated “This pace is not sustainable”.  I never thought I would agree with any of Canada’s chief medical officers, but I agree completely Dr. Shahab.  The pace of our decent into stupidity is not […]

The Tools Of Government

A Friend sent me this.  He found it on Ivor Cummins’s twitter account. The Red line is 19/20 and the blue line is 2017/2018.  Ireland like many places in the world had a hard cold and flu season in 2017/18.  Until covid and the lockdowns hit 2019/2020 was trending below 2017/2018 in both respiratory and […]

We Deserve Better From Our Institutions

In the Herald this weekend there were several stories about the US election.  Every story that mentioned that Donald Trump alleged voter fraud was careful to add “without providing proof”.  It is a shame that the media does not use the same degree of skepticism for the Covid lock down crowd.  The Herald gave almost […]

It’s Not About a Virus

Before writing my post yesterday I tried to find out how many people would normally be hospitalized with influenza.  I could not find the data so I thought that would be a good question for Deena Hinshaw.  After posting yesterday a friend sent me this: https://globalnews.ca/news/7460952/alberta-influenza-zero-cases-hospitalizations/ On November 10th 2018 we had 205 people in […]

Not Exactly The Blind Leading The Blind, The Same Net Result Though

If Dr. Frankenstein could distil and combine the pure stupidity of Ed Stelmach, the rotting corruption of Allison Redford, and the evil communist sympathies of Rachel Notley he would have an elixir to build a truly frightening monster.  Sadly this monster could not possibly cause more damage than Jason Kenney.  Yesterday, Jason Kenney solidified his […]

It is Cold and Flu Season, Time For a Lockdown

On the weekend Cochrane hit the magic number of 10 active cases which triggered their mask mandate.  This is all very reasonable because everyone knows that when 99.97% of your population is not sick, you are definitely in the middle of a plague.  The City Council of Cochrane voted months ago to set the 10-case […]

AOC is Right We Need Nuremberg Type Trials, Just not for Trump Supporters

The news this weekend was full of panic inducing stories about the alarming increase in Covid 19 cases in Canada.  The Media turned to their stable of fake experts to declare that Canada needs a nationwide lockdown again.  Lockdowns have not worked anywhere they have been tried and have led to more not fewer deaths.  […]

Jason Kenney, Liberal Foot Soldier, or Smartest Kid on the Short Bus

I was sent this video a couple days ago.   Kenney: "While we have to take the COVID threat very seriously, it is currently projected to be the 11th most common cause of death in Alberta this year." "Currently, this represents a tiny proportion of the deaths in our province."#COVID19AB https://t.co/8ZhZ1JgIlY pic.twitter.com/EKjM4QHH4G — Sammy Hudes […]

More Covid Politics

I was thinking about statistics and how they can often be contradictory.  Like how can such a high percentage of people be so concerned about a virus that threatens such a low percentage of people?  Shouldn’t the public concern about a virus be proportional to the effect that virus has on the population?  Because of […]

Covid 19 Ground Hog Day

2 days ago, Theresa Tam, the least competent medical professional in the country, finally acknowledged the bleeding obvious; The virus is airborne. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/canada-quietly-updates-covid-19-guidelines-on-risk-of-airborne-spread/ar-BB1aHqPO?ocid=msedgdhp The implications of this I have discussed before but they bear repeating Nothing short of a perfectly sealed n95 respirator (not dust mask) will keep you from inhaling the virus. It is […]