Entries by richardsuffron

Contempt is called for

Just yesterday I posted that the media no longer seems willing to support the previous COVID narrative but don’t mistake that to mean that they will now tell the truth.  The media is now just supporting the new COVID narrative; that all the ineffective policies were just well intentioned mistakes.  This is also a laughable […]

Re-writing History

The sociopathic liar that China chose to be Prime Minister of Canada tried to re-write history yesterday.  Apparently he never forced anyone to take the COVID vax.  Technically he is correct his mandate for federal workers did allow them to choose unemployment and house arrest rather than vaccination.   Trudeau today says he did not […]

COVID was devastating to Rule of Law

Democracy is nice but not necessary; rule of law is essential.  In fact democracy without rule of law is nothing more than anarchy.  If the will of the majority trumps all else then rules can change overnight on a whim.  If the majority decides someone needs to die then they die; no other justification is […]

There is no benign Explanation

The COVID vaccines were a very bad idea.  To start they are not vaccines because they do not expose you to the actual virus.  You cannot build immunity to something you have never been exposed to.  It is not surprising then, that the Jabs do not provide immunity and also do not prevent infection or […]

It was a Crime not an Accident

Anyone capable of independent thought knows the entire COVID narrative never made any sense.  Unfortunately independent thinkers are a minority which is why government was able to perpetuate blatant lies for as long as they did.  Thankfully many independent thinkers refused to be silenced and the COVID conspiracy is slowly unraveling as the truth is […]

We do not need to Choose Stupidity

Government response to the COVID “emergency” should have everyone worried about the future of humanity.  How could a civilization that put men on the moon 54 years ago have been convinced that a virus can be stymied by arrows on the floor?  How could we descend this rapidly in to stupidity?  It would be easy […]

Trudeau’s Canada is a kingdom of Stupidity and Lies

I usually peruse the internet for interesting articles or information to discuss on this blog.  There are days when I stumble across something that gives me a visceral reaction.  Something that I cannot stop myself from commenting on; today is just such a day.  I don’t know why Canadian media triggers me.  You would think […]

Profit above all else

The most important assumption when it came to COVID vaccines was that it stayed in the shoulder muscle.  That assumption was wrong and we knew that from the very early days of the vaccination program.  Discovering that the lipid nanoparticles rapidly moved throughout the body should have been enough to stop vaccinating.  Instead we continued […]

Manufacturing Scientific Consensus

I have a question I could use some help with.  To preface it let’s review the definition of Irony according to the Cambridge dictionary. A situation in which something which was intended to have a particular result has the opposite or a very different result: So here is my question.  Does a scientist who loses […]

Dishonesty fuels Manufacture Emergencies

Dishonesty was at the root of COVID hysteria.  People were driven to panic by government Officials that were using data that they knew to be false.  Not every death is a COVID death.  Everyone knows this including the people who printed COVID on every death certificate.  They knew they were lying but they did it […]