Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
The Elephant in the room right now is all the dead bodies. Excess deaths since the great COVID plague are higher than any time during the great COVID plague. In any place where the politicians did not go out of their way to euthanize seniors the COVID Plague was nothing more than a heavy flu […]
The new left wing government in Brazil has introduced a bill making it a felony to question vaccines. The punishment is 2 to 8 years in prison. Science is a process of discovery. The very foundation of science is questioning assumptions and accepted knowledge. You cannot do science without asking questions so the new Brazilian […]
Below is a short clip from an Australian new broadcast. A fake expert is explaining that COVID is still a problem and people need to get either their 4th of 5th shot. He points out the high number of Australians dying of COVID which causes the airhead media personality to quip that the numbers don’t […]
A paper was published in September of last year concluding a doubling of Atmospheric CO2 will result in 2.1 Degrees of warming (Celsius). This is much lower than the estimates pushed by Government and their demonic minions in the Media. They like to use the higher estimates from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change […]
Hot on the heels of the UK decision to no longer vaccinate people under 50 we get this stunning admission form the UK statistics regulator; nothing you have been told about vaccine effectiveness is true. The vaccine effectiveness numbers were calculated using a corrupted data base and incorrect methodology. Every error the statistics regulator points […]
The Canadian government is concerned that 36% of Canadian’s do not trust official sources. Controlling the narrative is difficult if you can’t control the people so this is a serious problem for the Trudeau liberals. They desperately need people to believe them so their response to this troubling poll was predictable. They have hired consultants […]