Enjoy your summer road trip

One week ago, I posted about the phony climate change consensus.  It is true that most scientists agree that increasing greenhouse gases will cause warming.  It is not true that they agree about how much warming.  The “science” is far from settled.  The estimates of future warming range from negligible to extreme.  Our governments only every discuss the extreme warming scenarios even though the extreme warming scenarios are completely unsupported by the data.

Dr.  Willie Soon recently published a paper showing that green house gas warming since 1850 is negligible.  It can’t even be seen in the data.  This is exactly what we should have expected if the overall impact of greenhouse gas warming is far smaller than we think or if there is strong negative feedback.  Nobel laureate John Clauser believes the feed backs are negative and by his calculation green house gases have warmed the planet very little since the end of the little ice age.

An analysis of negative feedbacks implies that the 50% increase in CO2 from pre-industrial times (280 ppm) to the current level (420 ppm) is plausibly the cause of only about 0.15°C of global warming.

His calculations are consistent with the actual results that Dr. Soon found in the unadulterated data.  There has been less than ¼ of the warming predicted by Schwarzschild.  That indicates future warming will also be very small and largely beneficial.

A warm planet is better for humans than a cold planet and warming the planet is not the only benefit we will receive.  CO2 is plant food.  Increasing concentrations will dramatically increase crop yields.  Anyone who says we must reduce CO2 to save farming is either a liar or an idiot.  Higher CO2 concentrations will be a boon for farming.  There is simply no downside to higher CO2 concentrations.

Increased CO₂ emissions, similarly, are beneficial rather than harmful. As some of the world’s greatest physicists, including Princeton’s William Happer and MIT’s Richard Lindzen, wrote in February 2017, the CO₂ that each of us exhales with every breath “is not a pollutant.” In a March 2023 statement, Nobel Prize–winning physicist John Clauser put it more emphatically: “Increasing CO₂ concentrations will benefit the world.”

Science, I mean the real science not the lies governments dress up as science, is clear.  We have no climate emergency.  We will have no climate emergency.  The earth is currently in a CO2 famine and more will be highly beneficial.  Go ahead and take your summer road trip.  Despite the moronic outbreak by Mark Holland, rest assured you will be helping, not hurting.


Why did it take so long to acknowledge the obvious?

I doubt Anthony Fauci’s testimony before congress will result in prosecutions.  In the US as in Canada laws are applied selectively.  People with left leaning politics or friends in high places do not get prosecuted.  Fauci will never pay for the deaths he caused, and neither will his political masters.

The only good thing that has happened because of Fauci’s tearful testimony is that we are finally talking about things we should have been discussing years ago like the origin of the virus.

“Not a single infected animal has ever been confirmed at the market or in its supply chain,” she adds. “Without good evidence that the pandemic started at the Huanan Seafood Market, the fact that the virus emerged in Wuhan points squarely at its unique SARS-like virus laboratory.”

Anthony Fauci was not following science with any of his ridiculous mitigation measures.  COVID was one of the most ridiculously unscientific periods in our history.  A time I like to call the dumb ages.  Leading up to the dumb ages the only science anyone used was the science employed to build the virus in the first place.  That science was denied repeatedly by Fauci even though the evidence has always indicated a lab origin.  That is why I wrote this 3 years ago.

Why I believe the virus is man-made.

The prevailing narrative was the virus jumped from bats to humans in the wet market.  There was just too much evidence that did not fit.

  • Not all of the original cases could be traced to the wet market.
  • Researchers found this virus had features not found in other coronaviruses.
  • There was a lab that experimented with Viruses only blocks away from the outbreak.
  • The virus is oddly selective. It affects almost no one other than seniors.  I will discuss this more later.
  • The bats that carry this virus are not native to the area. People tend to eat locally.  There is a reason why Albertans eat more beef than fish.  We have lots of beef and no fish.  Even though Sea food can be flown in, culturally we are accustomed to beef.  This is common most places I suspect.  In Uzbekistan they eat lamb, in Kazakhstan they eat horse.

Getting rid of Trump was fabulously good fortune for the Chinese.  Replacing Trump with Biden and Harris is impossibly good luck.  So impossible that it is hard to believe it happened by chance.

We need to accept then that an intentional release makes as much sense as an accident.  How do we tell which it was?   In my mind these are the things that point to this being intentional.

3 years ago, it was also clear to me that the virus was not natural, and this was no accident.  This virus was released on purpose at least twice.  The first time was in the fall of 2019.  This release was necessary to allow the virus time to spread so that, after the second release, testing would find it everywhere.  It would look like it was spreading like wildfire.  The second release late December was used to kick off the plan.  It was COVID’s coming out party so to speak.

People may not be ready to accept that releasing the virus was part of a larger plan but, In time, they will.  I just hope that acceptance comes before they do this all again.

We made him cry, is that it?

Anthony Fauci’s testimony has created a little bit of a buzz in the media.  Many media organizations are exclaiming shock that Anthony, “I am science”, Fauci was not really following any science.

By denying there was any basis to the six-foot recommendation, Fauci is trying to avoid discomfiting questions about one of the biggest scientific failures of the pandemic response – namely, the failure to take into account that Covid could be spread by airborne transmission, and not just by droplets.

It should never have taken congressional hearings held 4 years after the fact to figure any of this out.  It was obvious from day one that this virus was airborne.  There is no way it could have spread as quickly as it did if it was not airborne.  It was equally obvious that the mitigation measures designed for droplet transmission would not work for an airborne virus.

There is no way the people in charge did not know this but publicly they said very different things.  They were lying and not just about how the virus transmitted.  Anyone using logic and some very basic science could tell they were lying about everything.  That is why I wrote this nearly 4 years ago.

While politicians were following disastrous advice that had no basis in science they were carefully avoiding anyone that might point out actual science that could have been useful.  Things like

  • This virus is airborne as well as close contact
  • Social distancing rules have no chance of flattening the curve of an airborne virus.
  • Masks are ineffective against airborne viruses and increase the chance of bacterial infections for the wearer.
  • Young people are not at risk and should not be locked down
  • Asymptomatic transmission is so rare it is not a factor and has never been a factor in any viral outbreak.
  • Herd immunity is the only thing that stops a viral outbreak; you can hide in your house all you want the virus is not going anywhere.

We have not been following the science.  We have been following people in authority who most definitely have not been following the science.

This blog is becoming one giant “I told you so” not because I have any expertise in pandemics, because I don’t have pandemic expertise.  All I have is a good understanding of basic science and a well-tuned bullshit detector.  It was obvious to anyone who did not succumb to fear that the government was lying.  But that is why they worked so hard to stoke fear, isn’t it?

From day one of the lockdowns everyone involved was lying.  It is great to see Fauci weeping on the stand but if that is all that comes of this, we have learned nothing.  Unless we send Fauci and all the other coconspirators to prison they will do it again.  Are you ready for bird flu lockdowns?  A better question is will you accept bird flu lockdowns?  Will you let them do it again?

Fauci is only the beginning

Anthony Fauci is being grilled by congress over the COVID response.  Fauci was one of the most influential people in the world during COVID.  His every inane utterance was treated as a gift from god by a fawning media.  Republican Congressmen have been much harsher with their treatment of Fauci which has caused him to admit there was no science behind masking or social distancing.

Bombshell testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals he made up the six foot social distancing rule and other measures to ‘protect’ Americans from covid.

He did however continue to lie about his financial interest in the COVID vaccines.

Fauci indignantly denied time and again that there was any conflict between COVID-19 policymakers and royalties paid privately. He lied. Those payments skyrocketed during COVID-19.


New data from the National Institutes of Health reveal the agency and its scientists collected $710 million in royalties during the pandemic, from late 2021 through 2023. These are payments made by private companies, like pharmaceuticals, to license medical innovations from government scientists.

It’s unclear if any of the COVID vaccine royalties from Pfizer and Moderna, the latter of which settled with NIH by agreeing to pay $400 million, is even included in these new numbers. NIH isn’t saying.

It is not a surprise to anyone who paid attention that Fauci was making money off the COVID vaccines and he is not the only one.  I am certain that every head of state that mandated or otherwise coerced their citizens was also receiving kickbacks.  I don’t have evidence of this but it is the only explanation that makes sense.  There is no logic to force vaccinating low risk people with a product that is not a vaccine that by its design cannot prevent transmission.  You cannot explain their actions without considering a profit motive.

Fauci made money off the Jabs.  Influential politicians also made money off the jabs.  They took chances with your health for profit and so far they have gotten away with it largely because the media won’t speak about it.  But it is becoming harder and harder to buy media silence.  Too many people are suddenly become ill in unprecedented ways.

New Brunswick health officials warned in 2021 that more than 40 residents were suffering from a possible unknown neurological syndrome, with symptoms similar to those of the degenerative brain disorder Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Those symptoms were varied and dramatic: some patients started drooling and others felt as though bugs were crawling on their skin.

The sudden rise in coincidences since 2021 is becoming too much for the even the media to continue lying about.  That is why we are finally seeing headlines like this one in major publications.

Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths


The media is trying to pretend that they were not part of this but they were.  They cooperated with the COVID architects.  Fauci may be the one in the hot seat but he is not the only criminal.  If there is any justice in the world Fauci and politicians like Justin Trudeau will head to prison along with the journalists that helped them commit the largest crime in history.

The data does not support the stupidity

The best lies are partial truths.  The consensus of scientists about greenhouse gas warming is one of those partial truths behind an enormous lie.  It is True that greenhouse gas can absorb radiant energy and most scientists agree that it will cause some warming.  But that is where the consensus ends.  There is no consensus about how much warming we will see from higher CO2 concentrations.

Ben Pile pointed out that the obvious problem this raises is that such a wide range of views on the next three quarters of a century discredits the notion that the IPCC represents a ‘scientific consensus’ on climate change. The ‘consensus’ – the putative expression of agreement by the worlds ‘top climate scientists’ – is the lynchpin of the narrative, epitomised by the Guardian, that the climate debate is between scientists and denialists. “Seventy seven per cent of climate scientists expect a rise of at least 2.5ºC,” explains the chart. Well, yeah, but 23% of climate scientists do not. And a good number of those connected to the IPCC believe that there will be just 1.5 degrees of warming – a third less warming than is anticipated by their colleagues at the other end of the spectrum. Clearly, there is, or needs to be, a debate.

There is a wide range of warming estimates because there is a range of ideas about how greenhouse gases affect the earth’s temperature.  That is of course not what the media tells you.  They tell you all scientists agree, which is almost never the case in any scientific discipline.

I have been interested in anthropogenic green house gas warming since the 90s.  My interest was first piqued when I noticed what I was being told did not seem to match the data or things I was taught about heat transfer.  Since then, I have done a lot of reading about it, and I know of at least 3 schools of thought.

  1. Traditional Dogma

Green house gases warm the atmosphere by 33 degrees.  Most of the warming is done by water vapor with about 4 to 5 degrees due to CO2, based on how much energy is captured by CO2 vs how much is captured by water vapor.  According to this theory the more greenhouse gases you add the less the impact increasing concentrations have.  The effect is logarithmic.

The 4 to 5 degrees of warming from CO2 is almost all the warming that CO2 can do.  There is very little energy left that it could absorb.  This was determined way back in 1905 by a scientist named Schwarzschild.  According to his calculations going from 400 ppm to 800 ppm will cause only another 0.7 degrees (Celsius) of warming.

Limitations of this theory

The 33-degree number cannot be correct.  It is calculated by the amount of energy Greenhouse gases radiate back to earth which can be measured.  The problem is that objects cannot be warmed by energy it has already released.  If it could you would have a perpetual motion machine.  As the earth warms it would radiate more energy out which would be captured by greenhouse gases and sent back which would warm the earth even more.   It is a never-ending loop.  If the total warming is not 33 degrees, then CO2 contribution is not 4 to 5 degrees.  It could be more, or it could be less; much less.

  1. The feedback group

This school of thought agrees with the traditional dogma but does not agree that additional warming can be described by the Schwarzschild equation.  They believe there are natural feedback loops that will affect future warming.

Most scientists fall inside this group, and it is divided in 2.  One side thinks there will be negative feedback mechanisms that will dampen the warming caused by adding more CO2.  The other side says the feed backs are positive (mostly from water vapor) and will magnify the warming.  All the alarmists and most politicians fall into the group that believes in positive feedback.

Limitations of the Theory

This school of thought suffers from the same limitation as the traditional dogma.  There is no way the 33-degree number is correct.  But there are also other problems, especially with believing in positive feed backs.  Feedback loops are very common in nature, but they tend to be negative.  If they were not the earth would be chaotically unstable.  Not surprisingly then you cannot see this positive feedback loop associated with previous warming.  The positive feed back group wants us to believe that we will see run away warming in the future that we never saw in the past.

  1. The Atmospheric pressure group

There is a much smaller group that believes greenhouse gases have very little effect on temperature.  To them the dominant mechanism is simply atmospheric pressure and distance from the sun.  Temperature fluctuates only due to sun and cloud activity.  Clouds are affected by the sun and by our position in the galaxy.

Limitations of the Theory

There is a very good correlation when you look at all the planets and moons in our solar system that have atmospheres.  The problem is that not many of them have atmospheres.  It does not give you many data points to work with.  The correlation could fall apart if we ever get data points from other planetary systems.


There are always competing theories in science.  The question is does the data refute any of them.  With global warming the answer is yes.  The data refutes the Traditional dogma and the positive feedback group.  The earth is not as sensitive to increasing CO2 as even the Schwarzchild equation suggests.

Dr. Willie Soon just published a paper showing all the warming since 1850 can be explained by increased sun activity.  The CO2 concentration during that time rose from 280 to 420 ppm.  By the Schwarzschild equation this should have caused 0.6 degrees of warming, but we can’t see it in the data.  The warming due to CO2 has been negligible.

The dirty little secret about climate change is that temperatures have never correlated well with CO2 concentrations.  Most of the time CO2 follows rather than causes temperature increases.  The data says that the feedback loops are either highly negative or that the 33-degree estimate, that we know is wrong, is way too high.  The amount of warming due to all greenhouse gases is much lower than we think.  This supports the thinking of the Atmospheric pressure group.

So, do we know how much warming additional CO2 will cause?  No, we don’t. But we have 2 theories that predict negligible warming, and the data supports those 2 competing ideas.  The data refutes the idea of positive feedback loops and that is the one all climate policies are based on.  Do you see now what a farce the last 3 decades have been?

The hidden costs of political stupidity

When people are surveyed about climate change the majority agree on 2 things.  Climate change is a problem and someone else should have to pay to fix it.  Every survey shows that people are willing to spend very little of their own money on climate change.  The government knows this, that is why they lie about how much money they are taking.

In “What are Climate Policies Costing Canada?” Lyman notes that a global survey published in Nature in February 2024 found that people would be willing to spend 1% of their income on climate initiatives.  Canadians are already spending more than that. 

However, he writes, “The total federal and provincial expenditures on climate measures over the period 2020 to 2030 as listed by the Carbon Policy Tracker are $476 billion or $11,900 per resident of Canada. This equates to roughly $28,000 per household (i.e. an average of $2,800 per household per year).

The carbon tax is a good example of this.  Canadians can see how much carbon tax they pay on heating fuel and gasoline.  This number is far higher than anyone is willing to pay so the government lies to them.  The Trudeau liberals tell people they get back more than they pay.  See, you are being paid to save the planet.  Isn’t that wonderful?  You need to be very stupid to believe this but fortunately for Canadian Politicians, Canadians in general are not that bright.

Where Giroux has run afoul of the Liberals and their supporters – resulting in numerous attempts to discredit him ever since he first reported his findings in March 2022 – is that he has also estimated that when one factors in the negative impact of the carton tax on the economy, 60% of households currently pay more in carbon taxes than they receive in rebates.

Canadians are finally starting to realize the government is lying to them about the carbon tax.  Not only do you pay more than you get back, but it also pushes up the cost of everything including groceries.

“The poll is clear: the vast majority of Canadians want the government to get farmers relief from the carbon tax,” said Gage Haubrich, CTF Prairie Director.

“Canadians know that keeping costs down for farmers helps lower costs at the grocery store for all of us.”

Currently, the federal carbon tax exempts gasoline and diesel used on farms. However, natural gas and propane, which farmers rely on to dry grain and heat barns, are still subject to the tax.

The green lunacy is making people poor.  The impacts of the carbon tax and government spending is not the complete cost.  Shutting down coal fired stations and replacing them with more expensive and less reliable green energy pushes up the cost of everything including home heating fuel.  The 200 federal and provincial climate change departments also do not run for free.  Canadians pay tax to support these useless bureaucrats and businesses incur costs complying with the ridiculous regulations imposed by the various agencies.

Climate change is big business.  An army of bureaucrats and crony capitalists make money from the scam.  All that money comes from your pockets.  This lie is producing poverty and will not change the climate in any measurable way.  Does that sound like a good way to spend your money?

No one would choose to pay for any of this, that is why you are never given a choice.  Canadians better wake up because we blew past the 1% anyone is willing to pay before the question was even asked.  Climate change will happen no matter how much we spend.  So why don’t we spend zero?

There is no cost to climate change.  At least not one that we can affect.  There is a huge cost to government stupidity.  Pour a little of the usual government corruption over that and the cost becomes unbearable.

Can you have too much of a good thing?

The COVID 19 Vaccine has been a disaster.  That is strong language and I know many people will not agree with that statement but can you think of any other vaccine that has touched so many lives negatively?


Even 14% of vaccinated people admit they know someone who died of the COVID jabs.  Can you say that about any other vaccine?  The COVID vaccines are definitely an anomaly that has harmed many people but there is still a silver lining.  They have initiated vaccine discussions that we should have had long ago.

Children now receive dozens of vaccinations.  Previously I gave this very little thought.  I did not even realize how much that number had grown with time.  Now that I do know I wonder why?  I am 60.  When I was a child I was given a handful of vaccinations.  That was normal for my generation and we all grew up perfectly healthy.  There does not seem to be a compelling reason to do more but we do.  Children now receive an order of magnitude more injections.  Was there any benefit?  More importantly was there any harm?

Prior to the COVID jabs not many people discussed vaccine injuries.  The assumption was that vaccines were 100% beneficial but as I point out that benefit is hard to see.  People who did not take most of these injections are perfectly fine and rarely suffer from asthma or autism.  So we have seen no obvious benefit to the extra injections and no one has come up with a more convincing explanation for the rise in Asthma and autism than vaccines.

This really should give us pause for thought.  There are some people researching vaccine injuries but they are largely ignored and even censored.  A few days ago I saw a video of a researcher who injected mice with Aluminum sulfate a common vaccine adjuvant.  The injections caused brain damage in the mice.  I forgot to bookmark the video and now I can’t find it.  When I tried to search aluminum sulfates in mice my first hit was a website explaining that aluminum sulfates and other adjuvants are perfectly safe.

Adjuvants have been used safely in vaccines for decades.

Aluminum salts, such as aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum potassium sulfate have been used safely in vaccines for more than 70 years.

But a little more searching uncovered this old paper that aluminum sulfate is toxic to mice.

There were no significant differences in the numbers of litters or off-spring between the treated and control mice. Growth was retarded and was dependent on the intake of aluminium, but the effect did not appear in the first generation or in the first litter. The subsequent litters manifested a very marked growth retardation, as did those of the third generation (Fig. I). An analysis of variance (Weber, I964) established that, under the conditions of our experiment, weight variations could be accounted for by aluminium uptake

A digestive system is good at breaking down and eliminating toxins so usually if something is dangerous to ingest it is even more dangerous to inject.  So why do we inject Aluminum sulfate?  It is true that the dose makes the poison.  You can take small amounts of poison with no ill effects but a large amount will kill you.  Is that why taking a handful of vaccines is Okay but dozens is not?  Why are we not asking that simple question?

Finally we are starting to question vaccines and I would encourage everyone to read this long but thoughtful article.  You will find all vaccines carry some risk while others seem to provide no benefit.

One of the common questions I get from readers is “Which vaccines should their kids get?” This is surprisingly difficult to answer because it requires accurately weighing the likelihood of an adverse event from a vaccination vs. the likelihood of suffering a complication from the disease that the vaccine would prevent you from getting, and each of those figures is a fairly complex calculation. If you do however begin to dig into it, you’ll often discover the data necessary to answer this question simply doesn’t exist and instead has been replaced with the blind declaration that each vaccine is “safe and effective.”

  • The COVID-19 vaccine has a significantly greater rate of complications than the disease it prevents.

With vaccines the discussion should always have been risk vs reward.  Had we had those honest conversations the early childhood schedule might be dramatically different than it is now.  Certainly the proper risk reward discussion for the COVID jabs would have ended any discussion of mandates.