COVID was about profits

This video is Dr. Mary Talley Bowden discussing the dangers of Paxlovid.  In the early days of COVID Remdesivir was the only approved treatment for COVID.  Remdesivir is expensive, dangerous, and doesn’t work.  When it became impossible to hide the problems with Remdesivir it was dropped in favor of Paxlovid.  Paxlovid was no better.  It is expensive, dangerous, and also doesn’t work.  Health agencies promoted both of these drugs while demonizing HCQ and Ivermectin; drugs that are safe, cheap and effective.

Advocates for HCQ and Ivermectin point out that these drugs had to be demonized because you cannot get an emergency use authorization (EUA) for a vaccine if a treatment exists.  But that did not turn out to be true did it?  Remdesivir and Paxlovid were both approved treatments yet the fake COVID vaccines received EUAs anyway.

Regulating agencies like the FDA or Health Canada don’t seem to be bound by any rules.  They do what they want in defiance of the rules, science, logic, or any considerations for the health of people they are supposed to protect.  Ivermectin and HCQ were not banned so that the vaccines could get EUAs.  It was a forgone conclusion that those dangerous products would receive EUAs.  Ivermectin and HCQ were banned because they were cheap and worse yet they worked.  If people did not fear the virus no one would take the vaccines no matter what approval they were given.

The regulating agencies are compromised.  They are so intertwined with the pharmaceutical giants that you cannot tell where the company stops and the government starts.  Their stated purpose is to protect the public but their real purpose is to support pharmacological model of modern medicine.  That model encourages doctors to manage conditions with drugs that often have little to no benefit.  Any adverse events from drugs are managed with more drugs.  The goal is to keep people alive but dependent on a cocktail of expensive drugs.

The Regulating agencies don’t protect us because there is no money to be made by protecting us.  Our governments do nothing to change this situation.  There can be only one reason for that.  The status quo also benefits them financially.  We will have another fake pandemic with more expensive dangerous treatments.  This will continue until we stop cooperating with their sick money making schemes.

Canadians vote for fake

Once elected politicians are faced with a choice; do they address real problems or do they spend their time on imaginary problems.  Real problems require real work and require real solutions.  Once applied the solution may or may not work.  You could be the hero or the goat.  Imaginary problems require only imaginary solutions and you can claim success each time.

Politicians generally share a lot of the same personality traits; none of them good.  One universal trait seems to be laziness.  So for the lazy politician the choice is clear.  The agenda will be nothing but imaginary problems.  Sometimes the imaginary problem is handed to you, like climate change.  Other times you must create your own imaginary problem which with the help of the media takes no real effort either.

Last week Alberta NDP Shadow minister for Health tried creating her own fake problem to solve.  For anyone not familiar with a parliamentary system parties that don’t form the government often assign shadow ministers.  Their job is to follow and criticize the actual minister.  Hoffman’s job is to criticize the health minister’s every move.  I find it somewhat ironic that the obese Hoffman is criticizing anyone on health issues but that is just me being a smart ass this morning and not the point of this post. The point is that instead of doing something constructive Hoffman is trying to create a fake issue that she demands the government spends money solving.

The fake issue is access to mRNA COVID Jabs.  Hoffman is upset that people in Lake Louise, a resort hamlet of 1000 people must drive 40 minutes to Banff if they want a COVID jab.  Apparently Hoffman is concerned that people might succumb to COVID during that 40 minutes and never make it to Banff.

This isn’t just a fake issue because COVID was a fake emergency.  This is a fake issue because there is zero demand for the COVID jabs in Alberta.  Albertans have figured out that these jabs are simply not worth the risk.  In the last 2 weeks only 19 people in a province of almost 5 million bothered to get a jab.

Sarah Hoffman could spend her time working on real problems but that is not how she, or most other politicians for that matter, rolls.  Sarah needs time for long lunches and expensive dinners.  This should upset the people who voted for her but it won’t.  And, that is exactly why you will never fix Canada.


The COVID response was part of a larger crime that will never be investigated

A pre-print of a paper has come out urging the government to do a comprehensive review of the COVID response.

“One of the most powerful things in a democracy is to have access to, what actually happened? How did people make decisions? What was known and not known at certain periods in terms of the vaccine mandates especially, and the lockdowns,”

It is a little odd to write a paper suggesting someone else should study something but I agree completely.  We desperately need to be a lookback and I would suggest that the researchers start by reading the thousand or so articles I have written on this blog over the last 4 years.  There are a few articles that I might draw their attention to.  Like the fact that lockdowns killed more people than they saved.

So, Statscan lied to support the official COVID total of 14,154.  That makes the last half of the report very interesting.  Here is a quote from the last part of the report.

“However, more recently, the number of excess deaths has been higher than the number of deaths due to COVID-19, and these deaths are affecting younger populations, suggesting that other factors, including possible indirect impacts of the pandemic, are now at play.”

That is a very convoluted way to say the lockdowns are killing people.

March 2021


Any Country that reacted sanely did not have much trouble.  COVID amounted to nothing other than a mild flu year.  COVID was only a problem in Countries where politicians made it a problem.  This cannot be stated too many times.  Lockdowns Kill.  

July 2021

Or that the Math, engineering, and data show masks cannot stop a virus.

The math says we should not have expected masks to be effective.  Laboratory tests show that masks worn for more than 2 hours are completely ineffective.  Despite having no evidence to support that masks might work politicians forced them on the public anyway.  Nowhere that has mandated masks has seen any difference in the arc of their infections.  The math, science and historical data show that masks do not work against airborne viruses yet here we are wearing them to avoid being fined or imprisoned.  Does anyone still think this is about a virus?

Dec 2020

A favorite of mine is how easy it was to determine that the Vaccines would fail to end the pandemic.

We shut down the world and killed people waiting a year on the Vaccines.  We did not get Vaccines.  What we got was a treatment that reduces severity.  We could have gotten the same effect by handing out Vitamin D in March of 2020.  Are you glad our governments destroyed lives to save you from the perils of taking vitamin D?

May 2021

And that these ill-advised treatments would kill more young people than the virus.

The COVID Vaccines have already killed 3 times more young Israeli men then the virus.  

June 2021

Every single thing our Government did during the peak of COVID tyranny was wrong.  Even the things they did not do were wrong.  The paper notes how odd it was that better building ventilation never entered the discussion.

Upgrading indoor air quality would mitigate the spread of COVID in classrooms and hospitals substantially across the country, said Zoutman, one of the preprint’s authors. Instead, “we don’t even hear about it.”

Of course it did enter the discussion just not in political circles.  I was discussing building ventilation way back in April of 2021.

Had we made the logical conclusion that the virus is airborne we would have realized the only impactful measure would have been better building ventilation.  Draw in fresh air from outside and discharge contaminated air outside where sunlight will destroy the virus.  The more times a day you completely turn over building air the better.  The government could have offered grants to upgrade ventilation in public buildings.  This would have been expensive but it would have worked.  It also would have created rather than destroyed jobs.  The improved ventilation would have been beneficial during every subsequent influenzas season.

This is a no brainer so why did we not do this?  I mean, besides the obvious answer that brains are not common in government. 

In April of this year I attended a function full of people who refuse to shut up when the government tells them to shut up.  Several provincial politicians showed up to convince us that they really do listen and they really do care.  They were lying of course.  One of the politicians I encountered was my MLA, Peter Guthrie, who is now the infrastructure minister.  Peter is an engineer (at least on paper) so I asked him how come the government never offered to help install better ventilation in public buildings.  Peter, I guess, did not realize I am also an engineer so he chose to lie to me.  He told me they did look in to building ventilations but the systems are very difficult to design and very few companies do that sort of work.  I gave him a very direct response by telling him the whole system is nothing more than a fucking fan and a heat exchanger.

In hindsight my response to his obvious lie could have been more tactful but I have really hit my limit for tolerating lies from politicians.  First his answer did not explain why they dismissed it without even trying to do larger public buildings.  Second as part of my job I have bought fans and heat exchangers.  Both pieces of equipment are readily available in the province.  I am not a ventilation engineer but I am certain that I could design a system that would work.  All I would need is a recommendation from a ventilation engineer about how many air exchanges I needed each day.  There are nearly 70,000 engineers in the province all under-employed during the lockdowns.  Why couldn’t the government have tapped that resource?

There absolutely needs to be a look back but an honest one will never happen.  An honest lookback would come to the same conclusions I came to after the first lockdown.  It was all intentional.  The government knew what they were doing wrong. This was never about a virus.

The government could have enacted a single program that decreased viral transmission and increased employment.  Instead, government chose an explanation and multiple mitigation measures that led to;

  • Little to no decrease in viral transmission
  • Poor overall public health
  • Business bankruptcies
  • Unsustainable levels of public debt
  • Increased financial dependence on government
  • Cessation of human rights

To answer this we should turn again to Occam’s razor.  The simple answer is that our governments wanted all of this.  They wanted to make us sick, strip us of our rights, and destroy wealth.

Are you starting to get it now?  This is not about a virus.  It was never about a virus.  Wake up before it is too late.

How many seniors did will kill to protect seniors?

A friend sent this to me a couple days ago.  Sorry but I still have not figured out why I can’t embed video from X.  You will need to follow the link.

The news and the video are not new but it is something that we should never forget.  In 2020 we shut down the whole first world to protect seniors from a novel virus.  A new treatment dishonestly classified as a vaccine was developed and everyone was urged to take it to protect Grandma and Grandpa.  Of course Grandma and grandpa were the first to get the new wonder treatment so they were the first to start dying.

Every age group saw a spike in deaths immediately after the jabs were administered to that age group.  The spike in deaths was particularly pronounced with seniors.  This is exactly what Denis Rancourt also found.  The jabs were killing seniors.  So what did Alberta Health Services (AHS) do when the evidence indicated their policies were killing seniors?  Did they change their policies?  Of course they did not.  AHS did what every government agency does when they are caught doing something terrible.  They hid the evidence.

But this was not simple butt covering.  AHS did not just cover up the deaths that they caused.  They used them.  Anyone who died or became ill within 14 days of either first or second jabs was listed as unvaccinated.  So seniors who died after vaccination were listed as unvaccinated COVID deaths.  This false statistic then was used as propaganda “proving” how unsafe it was to remain unvaccinated.  AHS used the deaths that they caused to encourage other people to take the same potentially lethal treatment.

This goes way beyond depraved indifference.  This was murder.  Many people want to move on.  They want to forgive and forget.  How can we do that?  Why would we do that?  They knew what they were doing was wrong and they did it anyway.  It is time for justice.

The propaganda indicates we are at war

That was said 2500 years ago, and nothing has changed.  In fact, it has intensified.  With the internet now the lies can be automated, and they come in huge volume.  Both sides during a war have reasons to lie. This is why I don’t put much stock in reports from war zones.  What you hear will be a lie and it is difficult to judge just how big the lie is.  Theoretically the media will try to find the truth but in practice they never do.  Media follows the money.  If their advertisers or paymasters choose a narrative, they will follow it.

So why am I concerned with war time lies this Sunday morning?  Well, because I think there are some very big lies being told about North Carolina this week.  North Carolina has had catastrophic flooding from heavy rains associated with Hurricane Helene. Roads and homes were quickly washed-out stranding people without shelter.  As usual private citizens responded far more quickly than the government.  Aid started to flow quickly but if I believe some reports that all stopped when the government finally arrived.

“Hey Elon, update here on site of Asheville, NC. We have powered up two large operating bases for choppers to deliver goods into  hands. We’ve deployed 300+ starlinks and outpour is it has saved many lives.

“The big issue is FEMA is actively blocking shipments and seizing goods and services locally and locking them away to state they are their own. It’s very real and scary how much they have taken control to stop people helping. We are blocked now on the shipments of new starlinks coming in until we get an escort from the fire dept. but that may not be enough.”

Of course, the government denies that they are preventing aid from reaching people.  So, which is true?  Is the government preventing the flow of aid or not?  Both can’t be true.  One or possibly both sides are lying.  In North Carolina right now we have a situation where people are in dire need, and you cannot trust the news reports.  That sounds an awful lot like war, doesn’t it?

I have been saying this since the start of COVID.  Our governments have declared war on us.  So far, the war has been decidedly one sided.  The government is clear on their objectives and who their enemy is.  Their war plan is unfolding just as they had envisioned.  Too many people on our side of the war have still not woken to reality.  The government is not your friend.  They hate you and as far as they are concerned it is war.  Wake up.  Fight back.


Hate government as much as government hates you

It has been a strange 4.5 years.  One of the strangest thing to me at least is how incredibly, willfully blind people have been.  The government’s response to COVID had nothing to do with a virus.  Anyone capable of independent thought understood that from the announcement of the lockdowns.  Two weeks to flatten the curve was the most obvious fraud in history.  What did you think was going to happen after 2 weeks?  The virus was not going to go away and the hospitals were not magically going to become larger.  It was never about our protection yet somehow many people still cling to the belief that it was.

COVID was an all-out assault on ordinary citizens committed by the political elite.  The virus was just a pretext for a well planned and executed crime.  While you were locked in your home the political elite stole trillions from the public.  COVID was the largest wealth transfer in history and that is exactly what it was designed to be.  It was the largest crime in history and your government participated with great enthusiasm.

For the willfully blind who refuse to see the COVID response as a crime, I have this to say.  Wake up.  The government is not now nor have they ever been your friend.  Governments are a collection of sociopaths and useful idiot that hate you.  COVID might have lost its use as a weapon but that does not mean your government is done attacking you.  The latest weapons in your government’s one sided war against you are hate speech laws.

Nothing the government says is ever true.  The COVID response was never about protecting the public from COVID and the hate speech laws are not protecting you from hate.  How can you be protected from something that no one seems to be able to define?

To all those who support “hate speech” laws, I ask one simple question: how would you define the term in law?

In 2012, the European Court of Human Rights concluded that there “is no universally accepted definition” of the expression “hate speech”.

In 2020 when the government enforced measure that could not control an airborne virus we should have asked a simple yet dangerous question.  If these rules are not designed to control a virus, then what are they designed to control?  The answer is that the rules were to control us.  We were kept confined and separated so that we would not interfere with the crimes governments were committing.

The overwhelming majority were not willing to ask that question in 2020.  Some as I said won’t even ask it now which is dangerous because we should be asking a similar question about hate speech laws.  If hate speech laws do not protect us from hate what are they really designed to protect?

It is quite clear that the nebulous nature of “hate speech” laws leave them wide open to be weaponised against political opposition. And yet more and more nations are introducing them to the statute books.

Hate is in the eye of the beholder.  Since hate speech can’t be defined these laws can be used for anything and what the government will use them for is not what you think.  The government does not care if anyone hates you or even if anyone acts out on that hate.  These laws will never be used to protect the public.  Their sole purpose is to protect the government and they are already being used for just that.  A German court has used hate speech laws to punish a citizen for pointing out that masks were essential to the COVID crime.

“Masks are symbols of ideological conformity. That’s all that they are, and that’s all they ever were. Stop pretending that they were ever anything else or get used to wearing them.”

In January of this year, Hopkins was tried before the Tiergarten Berlin District Court and acquitted. In many countries that would be the end of it, but in Germany double jeopardy is not a thing. The prosecutor appealed, and Hopkins found himself on trial once again, this time before the Berlin Court of Appeals. Yesterday, the appellate court overturned his acquittal and found him guilty. He has been referred back to the Berlin District Court for sentencing.

C.J. Hopkins did not attack a religious or ethnic group.  He did not harm anyone.  Hopkins was however expressing hate.  He wanted everyone to know how much he hated his government.  COVID was a crime.  Governments know it was a crime because they were willing participants.  Hate speech laws are being used to stifle any discussion of the government’s role in the largest crime in history.  This is just the beginning.  If we allow these hate speech laws to stand everyone who disagrees with the government will find themselves in prison.

How big do you think the government’s next crime will be if no one is allowed to talk about it?