Entries by richardsuffron

COVID Vaccines Clearly Violate the Nuremberg Code

All roads lead to the Vaccine.  But the Vaccines are experimental.  Almost 100 years ago a group of German scientists conducted multiple human experiments on people who were compelled to participate.  Those scientists were tried and convicted in 1946 at Nuremberg Germany. The things these scientists did were shocking.  So shocking that the judges in […]

Follow the Numbers not the Politicians

The Media outside of Canada is slipping.  Some are starting to publish rather than ignore the truth.  I wonder who got fired when this story somehow got past the editors. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/06/03/german-study-finds-lockdown-had-little-effect-virus-infections/?utm_content=telegraph&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1622728735 It is not all that surprising that lockdowns did not work in Germany.  After all, 81% of Germans were already immune. SARS-CoV-2 T-cell epitopes […]

Queen Deena Hates Christians

The Alberta Government is continuing it persecution of Christians. https://globalnews.ca/news/7924259/alberta-health-services-physically-closes-fairview-baptist-church-after-repeated-violations/ Unfortunately this is not unusual in Jason Kenney’s Alberta.  It is becoming common to read stories about the dangers of dissent in Alberta, especially by Christian pastors.  Our Spiral in to Tyranny is almost complete. So why did this story catch my eye then?  Isn’t […]

Eventually The Tin Foil Hat Brigade Will be Vindicated

A Friend sent me this interview with Dr. Peter McCullough.  The interview is very good but very long.  Still it is well worth viewing.  I have previously posted a video of Dr. McCullough Testifying in the US. Dr. McCullough begins the interview covering the same ground as his testimony.  He discusses how odd it is […]

If You Can’t Tell When an Emergency Started, How do You know When it is Over?

In March, the Ontario government extended their emergency powers to December. Now we have this from the federal government. https://globalnews.ca/news/7893274/covid-canada-election-motion/ Only 1 MP voted against this.  I know many people agree with this.  Their attitude is that we do not have time for politics during an emergency.  I have one question for those people.  When […]

The Vaccine Puzzle Pieces are Starting to Fit Together

The most important question right now is why are governments so anxious to have everyone Vaccinated?  Some governments are using incentives like lotteries.  Most are choosing punishment.  We are being threaten with a permanent loss of our rights if we do not comply.  One thing is clear almost without exception Governments are desperate to vaccinate […]

The Whole Covid Narrative is a Tower of Lies.

In March of 2020 our governments began lying to us about COVID.  Some politicians were not intentionally lying.  They were just repeating lies they had been told.  Lies they simple were not smart enough to see through.  It is not hard to get a politician to believe a lie.  Intelligence is not a prerequisite for […]

COVID, the First Pandemic with it’s own Public Relations Team.

A Friend sent me this video https://bnt-cdn.b-cdn.net/upload/videos/2021/04/Yu4O6StoaGu9FZ2Nq1nJ_19_d6612bf829a3e345249043910a2b05b8_video_480p_converted.mp4 Dr. Coleman points out the number of COVID deaths in the UK were no higher than normal seasonal influenzas deaths.  He speculates that other countries also experienced a similar situation.  Well I can confirm COVID deaths in Canada also look very much like Influenzas.  The Plot below is […]

Mask Madness

Our Southern Neighbor has dropped mask mandates almost everywhere.  Even most of the democrat states no longer forces veils on their citizens. Unfortunately masks are still mandatory everywhere in Canada.  Masks have become so central to the Canadian COVID religion that they may never disappear.  Every Canadian Province has a reopen plan that in most […]

I Tip My Hat to the People Of Dawson Creek British Columbia

The Tyrant that runs British Columbia, a sociopath named John Horgan magnanimously decided that restaurants could open for in person dining again today.  What a prince.  I wonder what businesses he will decide to stop crushing tomorrow. John Horgan wants praise for his repeated closures and openings of Restaurants.  John Horgan deserves a lot of […]