Entries by richardsuffron

We Must hold People Accountable Before the Next Lockdown

Anthony Fauci was in front of the senate again this week.  Last time Fauci appeared for the senate he lied.  That is not surprising.  Anthony Fauci is one of the least honest people on the planet.  He is another in a long line of bureaucrats who somehow became a multi-millionaire on a government salary.  The […]

Lies Divide us

“The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.” ― Elena Gorokhova, A Mountain of Crumbs I have also seen this quote attributed to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, either way it perfectly describes how a communist society works.  […]

Good News and Bad News for Britons after their Fake Freedom Day.

Yesterday was “Freedom” day in the United Kingdom.  I am a little confused by that.  Wasn’t freedom day for Britons over 800 years ago?  The Magna Carta was signed June 15th, 1215.  The Magna Carta restricted the ability of the King (the government) to capriciously arrest and persecute the citizenry.  How can July 19th 2021 […]

Tyranny Happens When We are not Watching

In 1966 Milton Mayer wrote “They Thought They Were Free”.  He wanted to understand how Germany, one of the most civilized nations on earth, slid in to Nazism.  Mayor interviewed Germans who were alive during the rise of Nazism.  This video is an excerpt from one of those interviews.   Germans did not wake up […]

Irrefutable Proof of Long COVID

Welcome Back.  I apologize for my brief outage.  It was entirely my fault.  The Hosting service that I use demands an annual payment which I missed.  It completely slipped my mind that I have been doing this for a year now. I would like discuss what a difference a year has made but with COVID […]

Do Not Trust Government with Vaccines, or Anything Else

2 days ago, Emmanuel Macron announced that unvaccinated people would not be allowed to take part in Life.  They would be shunned and ostracized until they submit.  Today I am finding videos all over the internet of French citizen protesting this tyranny. I know the MSM in this country won’t show you but people are […]

Norway Bans a Vaccine they do not Need Anyway

Norway has banned AstraZeneca COVID Vaccines and is advising young people not to get Vaccinated. https://www.fhi.no/en/news/2021/astrazeneca-vaccine-removed-from-coronavirus-immunisation-programme-in-norw/?s=09 Finally, some sanity.  Norway recognizes that the virus is less risk than the vaccine for young people.  COVID was a complete nonevent in Norway.  Officially Norway has had 146 COVID deaths per million.  The 3rd lowest in All of […]

Canadian Media are Part of the Problem

This video is incredible.  The government of Ontario is ignoring a court judgement.   The courts ruled that the emergency declaration in Ontario was not valid.  This happened on June 9th, yet they still have restrictions based on an illegal emergency declaration.  The Ontario Government just released this video.   In 3 days, they will […]

COVID Vaccines are not the Solution

Israel got hit quite hard by COVID, 9% of their population has tested positive.  Their COVID deaths were not as bad.  Per capita Israelis deaths are the same as Canadian even thought they had twice as many cases per capita.  Still the large number of Cases spooked the Israelis into an aggressive vaccination program.  A […]