Entries by richardsuffron

Sophie’s Choice, The Covid 1984 Remake

Yesterday Jason Kenney explained in great detail all the damage lockdowns cause right before he announced a new lockdown.  Don’t worry it is only for 3 weeks just like the one in March was only 2 weeks.  Jason has trouble telling time or using a calendar.  He is blissfully unaware that fall and winter is […]

Meet the New Pandemic Response Plan, Same as the Old Pandemic Response Plan

Yesterday Deena Hinshaw repeated her hand wringing performance for the cameras.  After Deena was done expressing her deep concern about the number of cases and hospitalizations the media went to Rachel Notley for comment.  Rachal thinks “we have lost control of the virus”.  Good Lord Rachel is stupid.  No one has control over a virus.  […]

Covidiot of the Week, Mark Bonokoski

I was reading the paper yesterday.  The entire paper was dedicated to covid 1984 pornography.  There was one full page article dedicated to a husband and wife who both had covid.  They have both fully recovered but they were concerned that people were downplaying the virus.  The Newspaper thought that it was vitally important that […]

Covid 1984, Incompetence and Tyranny

I was working on another post that I set aside after hearing 2 stories that I just have to relay.  The first story came to me from a friend whose daughter competes on a college sports team.  The team was getting ready for their first tournament of the year when they had to cancel.  My […]

Masks, Politics, and Religion

Three weeks ago I discussed a Danish mask study that could not find a publisher.  I speculated that if the Study showed that masks were effective the study would have been published easily.  Well that study has finally been published you can see it here. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817 Over a period of 2 months nearly 6000 people […]

PCR Tests, Backdrop to Tyranny

Covid tyranny has enveloped the globe.  Everywhere you look unelected petty Tyrants are trampling rights to protect us from cold and flu season.  Someone should tell this petty Tyrant that I do not want or need her protection. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/hinshaw-letter-police-enforcement-covid-19-restrictions-1.5805880 Unfortunately our elected officials are unable or unwilling to reign in these tyrants.  In Alberta when […]

Jason and Scott Need To Grow a Pair

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe just announced drastic restrictions including a province wide mask mandate.  The chief medical officer Dr. Saqib Shahab stated “This pace is not sustainable”.  I never thought I would agree with any of Canada’s chief medical officers, but I agree completely Dr. Shahab.  The pace of our decent into stupidity is not […]

The Tools Of Government

A Friend sent me this.  He found it on Ivor Cummins’s twitter account. The Red line is 19/20 and the blue line is 2017/2018.  Ireland like many places in the world had a hard cold and flu season in 2017/18.  Until covid and the lockdowns hit 2019/2020 was trending below 2017/2018 in both respiratory and […]