Entries by richardsuffron

Elections can have lasting consequences

Canada is an economic basket case.  Our economic malaise is due to the unprecedented incompetence of Justin Trudeau and his merry band of morons otherwise known as his cabinet.  In this article Conrad Black goes into great detail just how bad our situation is.  I started cutting out important points to quote but the article […]

Lessons from Davos

The annual WEF meeting in Davos has wrapped up and once again the self-appointed global elite have left us with some pearls of wisdom.  If it was not for the intellectual giants of the WEF I would have never known that Digital IDs make everything better; Throughout the panel discussion, the underlying suggestion was that […]

Risking lives to save the planet from an imaginary crisis

I just got back from a vacation in Sunny Mexico.  Our timing could not have been better.  We left on the coldest day of the winter so far and got back as the cold snap was ending.  While we were away enjoying hot weather people in western Canada were dealing with potentially life threatening power […]

There is nothing worth saving

It appears that the Trudeau Liberals have stolen another 400 million while they were busy defending democracy. According to a report by the Canadian Press, the Department of Defence says Canada paid the U.S. government $406 million for the system last March and the U.S. government signed a contract with arms maker Raytheon to get […]

It is not just empires that fall

Justin Trudeau is in trouble politically so he has resorted to the tried and true tactic of promising free money in the form of Universal basic income.  I first discussed this in September of last year and recently I have noticed the push for UBI has become relentless.  Social media is full of people extolling […]

Common sense could have saved a lot of lives

Do you know anyone with long COVID who is not vaccinated?  Long COVID was used as another reason to get vaccinated even if you already had COVID.  The vaccine was to somehow prevent long COVID without actually preventing COVID.  That was insane but then everything about COVID was insane.  Now we have a new paper […]

It is both criminal and premeditated

The legacy media and governments have a distinct lack of interest in vaccine injuries.  There is a reason for that.  The closer you look at the COVID jabs the more horrific the story gets.  The video below is Liz Gun discussing some of the more disturbing findings from the recently leaked New Zealand data.   […]

Ignoring the obvious just makes this worse

Justin Trudeau is a willfully ignorant, unintelligent, narcissistic, petulant, perpetual adolescent.   No country that elects Justin Trudeau 3 times can claim to be smart.  Trudeau’s victories then are objective evidence that Canadians are just not that smart but seriously can we be as stupid as this headline from the Western Standard suggests? Unknown cause is […]

Rediscovering informed consent

One of the things that surprised and then disappointed me during the COVID debacle was how few doctors chose to protect their patients.  Some doctors did speak out but they were at least initially ignored and marginalized.  Vaccine injuries have now become too common to ignore and that has prompted a few more doctors to […]

The hidden cost of government

Modern western governments are expensive.  They don’t need to be but since we did not stop them they are.  25% of Canadian workers are employed by government and they make 16% more than the taxpayers who are forced to pay for their salaries and generous pensions.  It is disgusting that taxpayers are forced to pay […]