Entries by richardsuffron

The Greatest Violation of Medical Ethics in History

The entire COVID pandemic response was not just misguided it was criminal.  Not a single mitigation measure forced on the public worked but each one came with enormous cost.  Some caused financial calamity while others caused injury and death.  COVID should have been a laughable easy “emergency” to handle.  Almost all the deaths were in […]

They might not be Smart but they Knew

Someone in the UK has leaked WhatsApp messages between key cabinet ministers and bureaucrats.  The messages show that the UK government knew COVID was not really a problem and the lockdowns were not needed or justified.  Below is one particularly revealing exchange involving then Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Health Minister Matt Hancock. This exchange […]

COVID’s Silver Lining

Almost 4 weeks ago a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine.  The media was very interested for a few moments until someone explained that it was in Ohio and not the Middle East.  With nothing they could blame on Israel the media turned their attention back to the Ukraine where they can blame […]

Beyond Stupid

The airline industry is in shambles right now.  Cancelled fights are becoming routine.  The airlines are blaming the cancellations on scheduling problems but that really isn’t true.  It does not matter how carefully you schedule you cannot schedule flights with pilots you don’t have.  The pilot shortage was caused by the COVID vaccines.  Some pilots […]

Herding Cattle for the Great Reset

It only took 3 years but now we are finally discussing the obvious, masks do not work. “There is just no evidence that they” — masks — “make any difference,” he told the journalist Maryanne Demasi. “Full stop.” The mask discussion was triggered by a paper published last month that found no discernable impact from […]

We still have not asked the most important Question

Woody Harrelson told this joke on Saturday night live.   Woody Harrelson hosted Saturday Night Live and used his opening monologue to criticize Big Pharma's response to COVID-19: "The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world […]

Intellectual Honesty is a crime in any Totalitarian Country

The title of this post is not mine.  It is a quote from George Orwell.  Orwell, probably more than any other author, tried to warn us about what was coming if we continue down the same path.  We did not listen and now telling the truth is a crime.  In Canada telling the truth is […]

Your Chance of COVID increases exponentially with your Trust in Government

Governments will never let COVID end.  This has been obvious for a very long time that’s why in August of 2021 I wrote this. Governments are choosing to prolong the pandemic.  With vaccines they are actively working towards making it perpetual. In 2021 when I wrote that it was considered very tin foil hatish.  But […]

The Freedom Convoy could still result in Freedom

In the great tradition of third world communist dictators everywhere, Justin Trudeau appointed a family member to exonerate him of his crimes.  If Canada had completed the transition to communism this would have been the last word on the subject.  Thankfully we are not quite there yet. There are several legal challenges to Trudeau’s clearly […]

Communism is not the Solution to Climate Change

I found this article yesterday.  A group of UK academics has come forward to save the planet from climate change.  They have a fool proof plan; all we must do is ration food and clothing.  If we can just make people cold enough and hungry enough the oceans will recede so quickly Al Gore’s beach […]