Entries by richardsuffron

This can’t be swept under the Rug any Longer

The longer this goes on the worse the jabs look.  Researchers are constantly discovering different mechanisms by which the jabs cause harm.  Normally I am quick to dismiss studies that show something is harmful.  Money has so thoroughly corrupted science that studies determining some substance is harmful generally turn out to be faked.  The fake studies […]

Tsunami or Time Bomb the end result is the same.

A friend sent me an article yesterday.  The article includes a short video from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny who is concerned we are on the cusp of a “death tsunami”.  That might be a bit of hyperbole but a lot of people are dying right now and no one wants to take about why.  I took […]

Governments drive Funeral Profits

In a post jab world the business to be in is the funeral business.  Service corporation International just released financials showing business is up 15% compared to the same quarter last year.  In a Pre-Jab world the funeral business was very stable and predictable, largely because our governments were not so preoccupied with killing us.  In […]

Forgive them after they serve their Sentences

When I saw Emily Oster’s article in the Atlantic it touched a nerve and I felt compelled to write about it.  I never anticipated revisiting that article again but I was not the only person who felt compelled to set Emily and her ilk straight on the conditions of forgiveness.  Del Bigtree’s rant was just […]

Childish thinking creates Adult Problems

Canadian economists are warning real estate values are about to plummet.  There are two factors at work.  First the senseless lockdown regulations distorted the market.  All of the telecommuting workers bought up property in rural areas.  Why stay in the city if you can’t go in to the office anyway? This artificially escalated real estate values. […]

Justice Elizabeth Stewart, Chief Justice of the Dumb Ages

Theoretically you do not need to be either a moron or partisan political hack to be appointed to the bench in Canada.  I say theoretically because as of yet it has never happened but I still hold out hope that someday it might.  Our latest example of why Canada will never be a real country […]

Fairy Tales of the Dumb Ages

In the Dumb ages politicians say ridiculous things and people are expected to believe them without question.  Incredibly there are many who believe the obvious lies and are all too willing to help disseminate the lies.  The gullibility of the public is what has kept the COVID narrative alive for 2 years. Politicians were no […]

I will not Forgive the Unforgivable

Erica over at Distressed Liberal posted a very interesting article yesterday.  At the beginning of the Pandemic an odd phenomena was observed at Canadian nursing home.  The staff was falling ill to COVID but the elderly residents were not.  It turns out the residents were all taking Ivermectin to treat a scabies outbreak in the facility.  […]

Working the problem from both Ends

Previously I have presented information about excess deaths in New Zealand and Europe.  This morning I found as similar article about the United States.  More people have now died of this new mysterious aliment than died of COVID.  In Australia where COVID failed to produce a single excess death heart attacks, stokes, and cancer are surging. […]