Moving on from COVID Day.

Regular readers of this blog might have noticed that I have not been posting as much as previously.  There are 2 reasons for that starting with

  1. I am much busier at work.

For a couple years I had slowed down.  My consulting jobs were infrequent, and I was not actively soliciting work.  I had plenty of time to annoy people with my opinions.  Things have changed and I now find myself busy again.  This is not really what I want to do but I confess the income makes it a lot easier to live in the expensive dystopia that Trudeau turned Canada into.  Still if I had something to say I should still find time to say it right?  Well, that brings me to the second reason/excuse for not posting.

  1. I am finding it hard to say things I have not said before.

When COVID started I smelled a rat.  I have in the past controlled very large budgets.  Everyone is your friend when you spend money and many of those “friends” are not completely honest as they pursue the money.  What I am saying is that I am used to being lied to.  The lies are usually artful.  On the surface they do not appear to be lies.  There is usually a grain of truth and a promise of avoiding some future calamity if I just give up something (in my case budget funds) now.  By now that should sound familiar to almost everyone.

So, in March of 2020 it was apparent to me that the government was lying.  My analysis was also helped by my knowledge that governments are normally loath to tell the truth.  So known liars were giving clear signals that they were lying again.  That hardly builds trust in the narrative. I decided to do a little research and find out how big the lie really was.

Everywhere I looked I found small lies that all accumulated in the big lie that COVID was an existential threat that could only be avoided by producing economic hardship.  I also found people who had bought into the lie.  The best antidote for lies is the truth so I started an email chain where I discussed things that I had found.  That email chain eventually became this blog.

When I started this blog, I never imagined that I would still be discussing COVID more than 4 years later.  Yet here we are.  COVID the disease is over, it never really started.  But COVID the political PSYOP is still going.  Or at least the government is trying to keep it going.

“CDC recommends everyone ages 6 months and older receive an updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine to protect against the potentially serious outcomes of COVID-19 this fall and winter whether or not they have ever previously been vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine,” the agency said in a statement.

You see this is what makes it hard to find something new to comment on.  They are still pushing the same old lie for money.

Dr. Denise Jamieson, another member, said that members should not “get too caught up in cost-effectiveness currently.” She said, “If we compare it to other vaccine-preventable diseases it seems like a really good investment.”

Each dose of a new shot could cost up to $130, according to estimates presented during the meeting.

At this point what can I say about the vaccines and this phony pandemic hoax that I have not said before?  There was never any evidence that COVID was a particularly dangerous disease without the helping hand of government. And, even after 3 years there is still no evidence the Jabs worked or that they were ever needed in the first place.

Increasingly I find myself linking analysis and commentary that I did years ago when discussing “new” developments.  None of this is new.  It is like being stuck in the movie Groundhog Day.  In that movie Bill Murray is stuck repeating the same day until he can find what needs to do be done to break out of the infinite loop.  That is where I find myself now, in a movie titled “COVID Day”.  We are in a loop where the stupidity keeps repeating.

The frustrating thing is that I know how to break out of this loop, but I am powerless to do it alone.  Breaking out of this loop requires the participation of others, many others.  The solution is simple.  This constant stupidity ends when we imprison all the corrupt politicians and public health officials.  Am I the only one who wants to see the end of this movie?

Lessons unlearned

From my perspective people should have learned 3 things from COVID.

  1. Never trust government.
  2. You don’t need a virus to fake a pandemic you just need fear, isolation, and a new vaccine.
  3. Anything the psychopathic political elite don’t get punished for they will do again.

Not many people learned the first 2 lessons and that is why we are getting a refresher course on the third.  Finland is about to start vaccinating people for bird flu, a disease that has not killed anyone.

HELSINKI — Finland plans to offer preemptive bird flu vaccination as soon as next week to some workers with exposure to animals, health authorities said on Tuesday, making it the first country in the world to do so.

As far as I know bird flu doesn’t even kill birds; until the government shows up that is.  Governments have been euthanizing flocks all around the world.  So just as with COVID we find it is not the virus that kills, it is the government.  And, just as with COVID, we are going to relearn that injecting people with an untested treatment can have terrible consequences.

11/2,394 (0.5%) of people died on drug. That’s about 1 out of every 218 people. Died. 1/797 died on placebo

Finland is about to give people a vaccine that increases the number of people who die by almost 400%.

Humans are the dominant species on the plant.  There are times that I am mystified as to how that happened.  How does a species that seems incapable of learning get to the top of the food chain?  It seems to me that Darwin was horribly wrong.

The truth still arrives by snail mail

“Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it.”

Jonathan Swift wrote in The Examiner, Nov. 9, 1710

In 1710 Jonathan Swift noted how easy it was for a lie to spread.  That was before radio, TV, or the internet.  Now with those technologies lies spread instantly.  Before the first needle went in to the first arm everyone on earth knew that the jabs were safe and effective.  Except of course that they were neither.  For some reason the truth has not been able to take advantage of the information age.  It is stuck in the past only able to move as quickly as people will allow it.

3.5 years and millions of deaths later people still are reluctant to accept what a horribly bad Idea the jabs were.  For someone capable of critical thought this is quite frankly mystifying.  It was obvious from the beginning the jabs were unlikely to help and carried a substantial risk.  But obvious truths don’t seem to move any faster than any other truth.  People like lies.  They have a very hard time with the truth.

COVID was a prime example of this principle, but it is hardly the only one.  The Ukraine war is another.  In the first day of the invasion the whole world knew that Vladimir Putin was a madman bent on world domination.  Shortly after Russia invaded my brother-in-law was over for a beer.  He was quite concerned about nuclear war.  He asked me if I thought Putin would start a nuclear war and was startled by my answer.  I said no I was not concerned.  He asked why and my second answer startled him even more than the first.  I said because Putin is not insane.

My answer was not at all consistent with the lie my brother-in-law had already accepted.  The lie that was transmitted to him instantly as if on cue by the media.  He of course challenged me.  Lies are never challenged, just ask anyone trying to convince a climate alarmist they have been lied to.  But the truth is constantly challenged.  Thankfully the truth is always up to the task.

I gave my brother-in-law a short history lesson about how NATO has been interfering in the Ukraine trying to provoke conflict with Russia.  I ended my history lesson by stating that given the circumstances what Putin did was completely rational.  He is not a madman.  You may not agree with his decision, but it was rational, and he is therefore unlikely to start a nuclear war.

It has been 2.5 years since the invasion and that conversation, yet the truth really has not made any inroads.  When Nigel Farage dared to discuss how NATO orchestrated this conflict he was met with condemnation.  How dare he tell the truth in the face of a lie that has been accepted for 2.5 years.  There is a consensus that Putin is evil.  That makes it a scientific fact.  Right after the media told the world Putin was evil there was a show of hands and what do you know, Putin is evil.  It is just science.

Eventually people will come to the truth.  It is inevitable.  Lies are quick but have no stamina.  Our grandchildren will know that the government manipulated us about COVID and about the Ukraine war.  Unfortunately, when they finally accept this, I am sure the government will already be deceiving them with a whole different set of lies.  Some day with luck people will come to understand that the problem is not a virus, or a war.  The problem is politicians and government.  That might be the slowest moving truth of all.

Pfizer isn’t even the biggest liar in this fiasco

Kansas is suing Pfizer for making fraudulent claims about the COVID vaccines.

TOPEKA — Attorney General Kris Kobach filed a civil lawsuit Monday against pharmaceutical company Pfizer, alleging that “Pfizer misled the public that it had a ‘safe and effective’ COVID-19 vaccine,” violating the state’s Consumer Protection Act.

Kansas is the first state to file such a lawsuit, though Kobach says five other states will be joining. They will make announcements independently. The only other confirmed state is Idaho.

This news came out almost a week ago now and I have not commented before now because I really did not know what to make of it.  Pfizer has already won a fraud case with quite a Novel defense.  Pfizer said there was no fraud because everyone knew they were lying.  How could they possibly defraud someone who knew they were being lied to?

That defense won the day, and I don’t know why Pfizer would not use it again.  There is no way that Kansas public health officials could have possibly believed what Pfizer was saying.  Statistically it is not possible that they are all as stupid as Justin Trudeau.  Everyone in that IQ range is already in Trudeau’s cabinet.

Pfizer might try a different tactic, however.  They might simply point out that on the day these charges were filed the Kansas government was still recommending COVID Jabs.  One week later they are still recommending the jabs.  If there was fraud, why is Kansas still using the product?

I am happy that we are finally having this conversation, but I find myself asking again, “what took so long”?  3.5 years ago, it was obvious Pfizer was lying.  They did not use standardized testing or even follow up on suspected cases.  Dozens of people were mysteriously dropped from the trial and more people died in the vaccine group than the placebo group.  The whole thing screamed fraud.

Prior to the dumb ages Pfizer’s product would never have been approved.  But we are in the dumb ages and one of the defining characteristics of the dumb ages is blind trust in self-proclaimed experts.  Even experts who have financial incentives to lie.

Pfizer did lie.  Every single person involved with procuring and mandating the jabs knew they were lying.  So, Pfizer is guilty but what about everyone else?  Pfizer is a liar, but Pfizer did not mandate the jabs or institute vaccine passports.  It was the liars in government that did that.  When will the conversation get around to discussing the government’s role in this crime?

The world needs less Canada

“The 19th century has been the century of United States’ development… Let me tell you, my fellow countrymen, that all the signs point this way, that the 20th century shall be the century of Canada and of Canadian development. For the next 70 years, nay for the next 100 years, Canada shall be the star towards which all men who love progress and freedom shall come.”

Canadian Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier said that in 1904.  It is often shortened to “the future belongs to Canada”.  For a time that looked to be very prophetic.  Canada “punched above its weight” in both world wars and immigrants flocked to Canada for a better life.  Sadly that was then and this is now.  The 20th century may have belonged to Canada but the 20th century is over.  The country that once held so much promise now only produces poverty.

The department estimates 9.9% of Canadians, approximately four million people, live in poverty compared to 6.4% in 2020. That works out to  “approximately 400,000 more Canadians,” the report said. 

“High inflation coupled with lagging household incomes has led to affordability pressures among many households.”

Canada should be a cautionary tale to the world.  A century of progress is being erased by the cancerous growth of government.  Canadian governments no long govern for the benefit of Canadians.  They are simply in the game to plunder the public treasury.

“We (they) deserve more,” was the argument in favour of raises demanded by public employees.

“If that’s the case,” I replied, “Why do people in the private sector, struggling to pay for groceries, deserve less?”

The country of Canada once held the promise of a prosperous future for all Canadians.  Now all Canadians can count on is paying more for less.  Canada truly is broken.

But post-COVID, that pact feels broken: good governance has dissolved, from health-care wait times, to passport lines, to infant Tylenol shortages. Crime is skyrocketing — police have even encouraged residents to leave their car fobs near the front door to avoid violent interactions during auto thefts.

Progressive politicians have destroyed Canada with their greed and stupidity but they did not do it without help.  The Canadian media was their willing accomplice.  Many Canadians did not realize things were getting worse because the media told them things were getting better.  Canadian media lied to Canadians and they continue to lie to Canadians.  Take this article about the trial of the Coutts four.  The Coutts four were four men arrested on weapons charges during the COVID protest at the Coutts border crossing.  This is the photograph that was used at the time and that has been repeated in multiple news stories since.

Looks scary right?  These men had an arsenal; except they really did not.  RCMP testimony stated they found 3 rifles and one shot gun.  You might question why they brought a firearm to a protest but I question where the hell that photograph came from.  4 men had one firearm each.  The firearms were never seen outside of the trailer they were staying in but that story was not sensational enough so the media published a picture with 3 times as many firearms.

Canadian media lies, Canadian politicians lie.  Together they conspired to steal the promising future of Canada.  During the 20th century the phrase “the world needs more Canada” was common.  In the 21st century even Canadians don’t need more Canada.

Moving on should be easier than this

People who cooperated with COVID tyranny want everyone to move on.  No one wants to discuss how they made it possible for the government to destroy the economy and lives with their compliance.  They want us to forgive and forget but we can’t because it is not over.

An Australian teenager has tragically passed away after a long fight with leukemia. The 17-year-old girl had been rejected for a potentially life-saving lung transplant because she had not been vaccinated against COVID-19.

With everything we know about the COVID jabs how can this keep happening?  This was murder and the only explanation given was that she had to die to protect other patients.

Her father claimed that a doctor had told them that by refusing to get vaccinated, she would be a “major threat to everyone [who was currently hospitalized] who had done the right thing” if she contracted COVID-19. 

COVID will never be over until all of the COVID tyrants are in prison and all of the COVIDiots are purged from our health care system.  How the hell can you complete medical school and believe that someone can spread a disease they do not have?  At what point in medical school do doctors learn that vaccines work only up until you encounter someone who is not vaccinated?

COVID ushered in the dumb ages.  In the dumb ages people are controlled by fear and fake science.  Anyone who did not succumb to fear was aware of that from day one.  Everything we were told to do was ridiculously unscientific.  Not a single thing we were forced to do could have possibly worked.  It was all designed to make things worse.

When governments began to implement restrictive measures because of the pandemic, they did so following WHO mandates. As we later learned, most of them were stupid, bogus, or counterproductive. Governments embraced them, severely curtailing the freedom of their citizens, and all we could do was ask, “When the hell did I vote for Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Dr. Fauci to have so much power over my own life, over what I do in my neighborhood, over what my children do in school, or whether they go to school!”

This could never have happened without the support of the useful idiots.  The same useful idiots who now want us to move on while still enabling murder.  If you want us to move on the formula is easy.  Stop helping the government kill people and demand justice for the victims.

Continuing to cover up the crime

The American heart association wants you to know that 6 in 10 Americans will eventually suffer from heart disease.

At least six in ten older Americans may suffer from heart disease in the coming 30 years, according to the American Heart Association (AHA).

They also want to know that it is entirely your fault.  Americans just are not taking care of themselves.

He also noted that in the past ten years there has been a surge of cardiovascular risk factors including uncontrolled high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. Those things raise a person’s risk for heart disease and stroke.

Americans on average do not lead very healthy lifestyles but it is the same unhealthy lifestyle they led previously as heart disease was dropping.  So what changed?  Well I think every sane person knows the answer to that question.  What the American heart Association is really trying to say is that the impact of the COVID jabs is far higher than we realize.

Vaccine injuries are far more prevalent than the government wants you to know.  The people responsible for the Jab are trying to get out in front of this by conditioning your to believe something else is to blame.  The latest trend it to blame it on long COVID.  You don’t have to be on social media for very long to find multiple posts just like this one.

Blaming long COVID serves a dual purpose.  It explains all the unhealthy people and gives a reason to fear COVID again.  I have seen multiple posts now from people claiming that long COVID proves COVID is far more dangerous than we previously believed so we need to go back to masks and take more boosters.  Only in the dumb ages would the solution to a problem be to do all of the things again that caused the problem in the first place.

I doubt that blaming long COVID will work for the same reason the safe and effective narrative collapsed.  Too many people have personal experience that refutes the long COVID argument.  The unvaccinated people I know are in perfect health; even the ones who have had COVID.  The vaccinated people I know are not.

To be clear I do know vaccinated people who have not had a problem but I also known a number of vaccinated people who have suffered an unusual number of coincidences.  Many of the coincidences have been serious and required hospitalization.  My unvaccinated friends in contrast have suffered no coincidences that required hospitalization.

I doubt my personal experience is all that different from others.  If I see this others see this.  People know this has nothing to do with lifestyle or long COVID.  This is the COVID jabs and the government knows it.  That is why they are working so hard to convince you that it is not the Jabs.  They know what they have done.  This was a crime; the largest crime in history.  Don’t let them get away with murder and assault causing bodily harm.

When will the truth matter?

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a person holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time.

If you ask people “do you trust politicians” very few will answer yes.  There is a good reason for this.  Politicians get caught lying all the time.  So then if you ask “do you trust governments run by politicians” people will also answer that they do not trust governments.  Yet they do trust governments, often with their lives.  That is what made the COVID tyranny possible people trusted known liars rather than their friends and neighbors.


Everyone knows politicians and governments lie but when someone outside of those corrupt circles points out the lies no one believes them.  The public prefers to accept lies.  Even when the lies turn deadly as they did during COVID.

COVID lies have been killing people of all ages since 2020.  The government has killed so many children that they now must lie about how many children they killed.

A 2011 Harvard report found that less than 1% of all adverse events are reported to VAERS — but Benavides said child deaths appear to be concealed at a higher than average rate compared to reports of adult deaths.

When will we stop this?  When will we finally question the unethical and criminal behavior of politicians who kill with impunity and openly commit treason?

Some good has already come of Justice Hogue’s inquiry, at least to the extent that the penny is starting to drop, that what is happening here is not so much about “foreign interference” as it is about unseemly mutually beneficial collusions and collaborations between hostile foreign actors and Canada’s politicians at all levels of government, in both “witting” and “unwitting” arrangements.


This is exactly why the prime minister is not, strictly speaking, a traitor. Treason by way of collaboration in foreign interference operations requires that the conduct be clandestine.

With Trudeau, with only a few possible exceptions, it’s been in plain sight, brazen and in broad daylight.

Western politicians are openly working against the best interests of their citizens.  This after they just got finished KILLING CHILDREN.  When will we say enough?  When will we start believing the truth rather than politicians.

A small step forward

Last week the US 9th circuit court of appeals ruled that the Las Angeles school division’s COVID vaccine mandate was illegal.  COVIDiots were quick to hit the internet declaring that the ruling did not change much but I suspect this ruling will change far more than they think.

The appeal was of a lower court decision that the mandates were legal based on an older ruling known as Jacobson.  Jacobson dealt with small pox vaccinations.  The appeals court ruled that Jacobson did not apply because the small pox vaccine prevents transmission and the COVID vaccine does not.

At this stage, we must accept Plaintiffs’ allegations that the vaccine does not prevent the spread of COVID-19 as true. Twombly, 550 U.S. at 556. And, because of this, Jacobson does not apply.

The court in Jacobson ruled that the public health benefit of eliminating small pox transmission outweighed individual rights.  This court ruled that because the COVID vaccines have no public health benefit forcing them on someone is assault and battery.

in light of “the common-law rule that forced medication was a battery

That is one of the two reasons I think this ruling could have profound implications and I have discussed it before on this blog.  Pfizer might have legal protection but the doctors, nurses, corporations, and governments that took part in the mandates do not.  Everyone involved is guilty of battery and people died.  At the very least they are now all open to manslaughter charges.

The second reason is was a point made by this blogger.

This opens the door to eliminate mandates for any vaccine that is not sterilizing.

As it turns out school boards mandate many other vaccines that also do not prevent transmission.

IPV – injected polio.  Of note OPV, the oral version, colonizes the gut and is sterilizing.  We used to give IPV first to prevent the rare reversion that can occur with OPV and cause polio but since polio has disappeared from the United States we no longer do.

The aP portion of DTaP, the reformulated DTP shot that led to the injuries in the 1970s, and since it is not separable from the other two none of the three can be mandated so long as they are combined.  Further Tetanus, which might well be a very good idea to take anyway for what should be obvious reasons, can’t be mandated at all because it is not transmissible at all between persons.  Therefore it is entirely legitimate to legally force the separation of all three shots.

Flu shots — they do not sterilize.  Period.

Hep-B — Commonly given to infants this is a non-sterilizing shot and is utterly worthless in infants generally since Hep-B is passed only through blood and serum exchange, meaning injected drugs and (especially anal) sex.  Obviously an infant subjected to either of those is being wildly abused but this also means no mandate can be enforced in this regard when it comes to adults even in health care as there is no sterilization effect and thus it cannot protect potential patients from exposure.

Vit-K — Commonly given to infants at birth this has no immunization effect at all and thus is mere personal prophylaxis which the parents, as agents for the child, have an unquestioned right to direct in the acceptance or refusal without interference.

RSV – A new one the CDC is now pushing but it is non-sterilizing.  The safety profile over long periods of time is unknown as the shot is too new but it uses mRNA technology which makes it instantly suspect as the dose of the actual antigen producing thing cannot be controlled.

Rotavirus – Again, non-sterilizing.

Varicella (chicken pox) – Again, non-sterilizing however, since Chicken Pox is wildly more-dangerous in adults than children if you haven’t gotten it the old-fashioned way by the time you go into school you probably want to consider it for that reason.

Meningococcal – That too is non-sterilizing and yet colleges, in particular, try to mandate it.  Under this decision that is also illegal as the benefit is entirely personal.

And so on

It may take some time, but this decision could have far reaching implications.  Hopefully the immediate affect is that any COVID vaccine injured child lawyers up and sue the shit of the every school board that mandated the COVID jabs.  The people behind the jab mandates need to pay a heavy price or they will do it again; guaranteed.

Even Elvis death conspiracies are more believable than government

Over the last 4 years governments killed 10s of millions of people under the guise of public safety.  That already horrific total keeps getting revised upward.

Denis said he was coming out with some new data that covered more countries as well as southern hemisphere countries and his numbers were going to also approach approximately 35 million.

Normally there is no silver lining to mass murder but in this case there could be a lasting future positive impact.  People have finally realized that they should not trust organizations that are willing to kill millions.  Trust in government is falling and it is making things difficult for the criminals even in normally compliant places like Canada.

In Canada the Trudeau liberals want to steal more money.  The first step is to get access to more money by raising taxes.  The latest proposed tax hike is an increase in capital gains tax.  The liberals thought that this would be a slam dunk.  I mean in Trudeau’s Canada why you would not want to destroy people who have more than you.

“Do you want to be in a country where those at the very top live lives of luxury but must do so in gated communities behind ever higher fences using private health care and airplanes because the public sphere is so degraded and the wrath of the vast majority of their less privileged compatriots burns so hot?”

To their surprise the liberals have found that the usual ploy of blaming a mythical group of rich people who “don’t pay their fair share” is not working.  This time Canadians are not buying it.  No matter how hard they sell, Canadians are just not buying a new tax increase.  Finally Canadians are fed up.  Not only are Canadians not buying that higher taxes somehow makes us more prosperous, they have stopped believing the biggest liar in Canadian history about anything.

More Canadians believe Elvis is still alive than the ability of the country to reach net-zero targets under the Paris Accord.

I once thought it was impossible to wake up Canadians and truthfully I am not sure they really have woken.  This could all be erased with another handout of “free” stuff that really was just stolen from their neighbor by the government.  But cracks in Canada are significant because it means more intelligent countries could be much further in their climb out of the dumb ages.  We certainly saw that this week with the EU elections when the lunatic left suffered their first set back in years.

Things look very different today. As the results of last week’s European elections show, support for Green parties has dropped off a cliff. There were exceptions, such as in Denmark, where the Greens polled well. But overall, their vote fell sharply across the EU.

It only took worldwide tyranny and mass murder but people are waking up.  With a little luck people will reach this guy’s level of consciousness.  It can’t come soon enough.  The murderers don’t just need to go.  They need to pay.  It is time for some righteous anger.