Entries by richardsuffron

The Bureaucrats are in Charge

I came across this video yesterday.  It starts with Doug Ford admitting that no Canadian premier is in charge right now.  Every single one of them have handed control of their governments to the chief medical officers.  Do you remember voting for Deena Hinshaw?  Did you realize that voting for the UCP meant that a […]

Lockdowns are Politics not Science

Once again I called it.  Jason Kenney did not increase restrictions yesterday.  Even though Alberta is seeing the same rising cases that spurred BC, Saskatchewan, and Ontario to ramp up lockdowns.  John Horgan, Scott Moe, and Doug Ford have been lawlessly depriving their citizens of rights for 12 months now.  Their political fortunes have risen […]

Stupid is as Stupid does, of Course I mean Doug Ford

In the last week BC and Saskatchewan have increased the severity of their lockdowns.  Restaurants, fitness facilities, and personal services have been closed.  Today Doug Ford decided to jump in to the fray.  Doug Ford is the only serious contender to The Prime Moron’s title of least intelligent Canadian.  Here he is in action.   […]

The Power of Big Pharma

This video both interesting and disturbing.  I do not know anything about this news station or news anchor.  I have seen her do some very unflattering stories on Justin Trudeau.  She was far more honest and accurate than any Canadian news media has been with respect to the man-child ruining Canada.  In this video she […]

Spring will cure COVID but not COVID Politics

On November 19th I discussed this graph about PCR testing accuracy. The graph clearly shows that beyond about 27 cycles most of the positives are false positives.  Every cycle doubles the “magnification”.  If you run enough cycles, you can find very small amounts of anything.   For this reason, the inventor of the PCR Technique was […]

The Only Lockdowns we Need to Considered are Prison Sentences for Those Who Enforced lockdowns

I have seen papers that claimed lockdowns were effective.  In all cases these papers compared actual post lockdown infections to model projections or pre-lockdown numbers.  There are inherent problems with both approaches.  The models have been so absurdly wrong that anything looks good to them.  Comparing pre and post lockdown numbers ignores that the infection […]

COVID is Helping Kill Science

Last fall Donald Trump was trying to find a way to reduce fear.  Trump tried in vain to convince people that while covid was a problem, it did not warrant lockdowns and mask mandates.  Of course this was in the lead up to an election.  An election that the media and bureaucracy desperately wanted Trump […]

The Tides are Starting to Turn.

I saw this interesting video on Ivor Cummins twitter feed.  The video explains why it was so easy for politicians to get us to surrender our rights.   The norm for humans is to go along to get along.  Humans are a social animal.  It is uncomfortable even stressful to be rejected by the group.  […]

Lockdown Pushback is Happening Everywhere but Alberta

Rand Paul is at it again.  He is a very curious politician; he has a habit of telling the truth.  It makes me wonder how he ever got elected.   Notice how quiet the show hosts are when Rand Paul points out there is very little evidence to support masks or lock downs.  The hosts […]

Lockdowns are a Deal with the Devil and the Devil Always Wins.

Chris Sky called it.  The evil Troll loves the lockdowns too much to give them up. https://globalnews.ca/news/7710816/covid-19-alberta-update-march-22-2021/ Once again Jason Kenney and his merry band of UCP Idiots could not stick to a plan.  This time the restrictions were to be lifted when hospitalizations fell below certain benchmarks.  As always just when we thought it […]