Entries by richardsuffron

This is Not About Science or a Virus

Two days ago Tyrel added a comment to my December 17th post.  It was a short comment that only said “real science”.  Despite the brevity of the comment it was thought provoking.  Tyrel is correct our governments have unwittingly conducted a very well designed experiment. In any experiment you need a control group.  The control […]

Media Covidiot of the Week, Licia Corbella

I saw this article yesterday. Corbella: Kenney’s COVID hesitancy driven by his fear of splintering the right | Calgary Herald It is a column by Licia Corbella.  The point she tries to make is that Jason Kenney has been reluctant to impose restrictions because of politics.  She claims that the threat of Alberta separation and […]

Covid 19 is Not a Health Crisis, It is a Crisis of Confidence

My Brother sent me this interview with Colonel Redman a while ago and I just got around to reading it.  Colonel Redman has been involved with emergency planning for decades.  First in the Canadian military then with the Alberta government, now as a private consultant.  He would appear to be a real expert not the […]

When it Comes to Covid, Canadians are Herd Animals

The paper this weekend was full of columns and letters critical of How Jason Kenney’s handling of covid 19.  There was more ignorance on display than any healthy society can survive.  One columnist even declared that we had control of the virus until September 15th and that it was clear that we lost control on […]

Fake Pandemics are a Great Cover for Evil

A friend of mine asked me last week “why does Alberta have so many cases compared to the other provinces”?  My quick answer is because we test more.  I showed this plot several posts back. I have discussed this before.  The more you test the more cases you find.  The more cases you find the […]

When the Media are not Ignoring Sweden They are Lying about Sweden.

I ran across this article this morning. https://www.wsj.com/articles/long-a-holdout-from-covid-19-restrictions-sweden-ends-its-pandemic-experiment-11607261658?mod=djemalertNEWS I was taken back for a brief second because Sweden’s policy of not behaving like covidiots has been an unqualified success.  See below Like many countries Sweden saw a surge in infections and deaths as winter approached.  The surge is already over.  Sweden still has a lot […]

Government and Media, Different Shades of the Same Evil

In the US politicians are closet thespians, they love to perform for the camera by having hearings.  These hearings can at times be quite contentious.  No action ever seems to come out of these hearings, so it is easy to dismiss them as a waste of time.  That would be a mistake.  There is one […]