Entries by richardsuffron

Fat, Evil, and Stupid is No Way to go Through Life Chrystia

If you have not seen this you need to.  This is the most powerful woman in our country.  The most powerful woman our country has ever had.  She is the finance minister and the defacto prime minister.  Listen to what she says. Pierre Poilievre – Folks, lock away your money. | Facebook If you are […]

Mask Mathematics, Unlike Politicians Math Does Not Lie

Mask Mandates are now almost universal.  Joe Biden has said that when/if he takes office he will make masks mandatory everywhere in the United States for 100 days.  Joe is a senile idiot but he has a few people around him that can use a calendar.  100 days from January 20th is April 30th.  By […]

Out Damned Spot

A Friend found this on Ivor Cummins’ website. The author was described as a 12 year old.  Obviously this child has had enough of the covid lockdowns.  No motive was given but the child in this article made a statement by committing suicide during his zoom class. REPORT: 11-Year-Old Dies After Shooting Himself In Head […]

Normalizing Evil

I saw an ad on TV last night from the government of Canada.  The commercial was flashing between pictures of socially distanced people in masks and people living normally without masks.  The message was that we have to wear masks now so that we don’t have to wear masks anymore.  Like everything the government says […]

The Virus is Here to Stay

2 days ago I discussed how 98.5 % of covid fatalities in Canada have been nursing home residents.  Then today I found this study of Covid fatalities in New Jersey. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/stacey-lennox/2020/11/30/study-finds-89-of-patients-who-died-from-covid-19-had-a-do-not-resuscitate-order-n1181002 New Jersey was hit hard in the first season on covid.  They had the highest deaths per million in the US at 1940.  In […]

This Adoration of Serial Killers Must End

My wife accidentally left Pinterest and found this video. As of November 15 – there are 166 deaths from Covid outside of Long Term Care homes. Why is this not the lead story in the news every night. Instead, @CTV 'silent edit' out this information in subsequent versions of their newscast. Here is the missing […]

Sophie’s Choice, The Covid 1984 Remake

Yesterday Jason Kenney explained in great detail all the damage lockdowns cause right before he announced a new lockdown.  Don’t worry it is only for 3 weeks just like the one in March was only 2 weeks.  Jason has trouble telling time or using a calendar.  He is blissfully unaware that fall and winter is […]

Meet the New Pandemic Response Plan, Same as the Old Pandemic Response Plan

Yesterday Deena Hinshaw repeated her hand wringing performance for the cameras.  After Deena was done expressing her deep concern about the number of cases and hospitalizations the media went to Rachel Notley for comment.  Rachal thinks “we have lost control of the virus”.  Good Lord Rachel is stupid.  No one has control over a virus.  […]