Entries by richardsuffron

Of course they knew

One theme that re-occurs regularly on my blog is that they knew.  The people who dictated our pandemic response knew what they were doing was wrong and they did it anyway.  I came to this conclusion long ago based on one simple premise; it is simply not possible for everyone in government to be that […]

Slaying Canadian COVID dragons

Canadians are not that smart, or if you want to be more charitable you could say that they are unaware.  Whether it is lack of intelligence or willful ignorance it does not matter.  The net result is the same.  Canadians make incredibly poor decisions and the worst decision of all time is Justin Trudeau.  Canadians […]

Life lessons from COVID

The COVID scamdemic was one of our government’s most successful programs of all time.  In 4 short years senior politicians and Bureaucrats transferred billions of dollars from ordinary people into the hands of their wealthy friends. I have no doubt that a significant portion of the stolen tax money was also handed back to the […]

The inaction of police is shameful

A few days ago I posted about Andrew Bridgen’s letter to the police asking for a meeting so that he could present information about crimes committed under the guise of COVID pandemic response.  At the time I noted that it seemed Bridgen published his letter in order to shame the police in to doing their […]

Fortunately they lack the competence to sustain tyranny

Canada’s federal health minister, Mark Holland, recently gave his opinion that Canadians should not be allowed to use private health care.  Let’s put aside for a minute that health care is a provincial responsibility and there should not even be a federal health minister and consider his justification. “Going and paying your way out of […]

Pandemic Manufacturing

Creating a pandemic is way easier than you think.  All you need is a virus and some dead people.  Remarkably the virus is actually optional.  All you really need are deaths that can be blamed on a virus and people die every day.  It is also not that difficult to increase the number of people […]

To the tyrants humans are pawns

Lately an American friend and I have been discussing the chaos happening in the U.S. which to a lesser extent is also happening in Canada.  The United States is dealing with a flood of illegal immigration while Canada is being flooded with legal immigrants.  This rapid influx of people has been fueling inflation especially in […]

State secrets or arrogance?

According to the CDC myocarditis after COVID vaccination is rare. Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have rarely been observed after COVID-19 vaccination in the United States The CDC knows that myocarditis is rare because they have a 148 page study that tells them so.  We will need to take the CDC at their word because […]

When is the Ottawa renaming ceremony?

Justin Trudeau has an unhealthy admiration for communist Tyranny and he is a very big fan of China.  Justin is such a big fan of China Beijing and Ottawa have become synonymous. Who calls the shots in Canada, Ottawa or Beijing? It’s becoming harder to tell, especially after this week’s shameful performance by the House […]

Justice is remote but still possible

Just a few days ago I posted about Andrew Bridgen giving up on parliament and going directly to the police.  Something similar is happening in Alberta, Canada but in Alberta the police are also being bypassed.  The case is going directly to civil court.  Rath and Company has kicked off a class action lawsuit against […]