Entries by richardsuffron

An ominous quote

A couple days ago Alberta Premier Daniel Smith released this video explaining her government’s new policy about Gender Identity.   Gender identity can be a hard thing to talk about, especially when you are involved. But this conversation is extremely important and parental involvement is critical. Kids need to know we love and support them. […]

Either limit Trudeau or live with how Trudeau limits you

Justin Trudeau illegally invoked the emergencies act.  This was not a mistake or something that could only have been seen in hindsight.  Trudeau or at least his handlers knew they were breaking the law.  That is why there was such a concerted effort at disinformation leading up to the declaration. It was the product of […]

The trickle will soon be a torrent

An Australian employment tribunal has just ruled in favor of a worker who was injured after being forced by their employer to take the jab. The Department of Child Protection (DCP) must pay compensation and medical expenses to a youth worker who developed pericarditis after getting a Covid booster under a workplace vaccination directive, the […]

Trillions of dollars later it is 1906 again

A new paper on climate change has been published that concludes doubling atmospheric CO2 from 400 to 800 ppm will result in far less warming than has been previously predicted. In plain terms, the work investigates the rise in temperature at three levels in the atmosphere as the Earth adjusts its thermal balance from heat […]

Matters of the Heart

I saw this article a couple weeks ago.  It seems ERs in the US are filling up with patients displaying symptoms of a new disease. Miami Hospital Rooms Are Seeing New Disease That Affects All Ages, Displays “All flu symptoms & swelling in their legs, water in their lungs, fluid in their heart, etc” Unlike […]

Trudeau’s final card is to eliminate legitimate elections

Justin Trudeau is a horrible human being.  When he is not doing things that are morally and ethically wrong, he is breaking laws outright.  He broke the law by illegally invoking the emergencies measures act.  I did not need a judge to tell me that but now one has done it anyway.  Now that a […]

The more the government has the less you have

Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely Lord Acton. A new paper has been published by some prominent vaccine critics.  The paper examined adverse events.  I confess I did not read the paper just the conclusions and I found this statement to be of particular interest. Many key trial findings were either misreported […]

Everything is broken, even the important things

I read the news each morning looking for things that I can use in my blog posts or as I like to call them, my rants.  Usually, I look for ways to link several articles into a common theme.  Sometimes, however, I find a single article that strikes me so profoundly that it needs no […]

Crushing the Freedom Convoy was illegal

The big COVID news out of Canada yesterday was that a Federal court has ruled that Justin Trudeau illegally invoked the Emergencies Measures act to crush the Freedom Convoy on February 14th 2022.  The suit had been brought forward by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Constitution Foundation. “I conclude that there was […]

What is best for Government is rarely what is best for you

The COVID jabs are the deadliest “vaccine” in history.  They have already killed a shockingly high number of people and in some ways those people were the lucky ones.  Other people were maimed and have had their whole lives ruined.   Colleen Brandse is an R.N. of 28 yrs who has been seriously injured by […]