We still have not asked the most important Question

Woody Harrelson told this joke on Saturday night live.


The very best comedy bites because it is underpinned by an uncomfortable truth and Woody Harrelson just exposed an ugly truth about COVID on national television.  But we live in an age where the truth is the sworn enemy of useful idiots everywhere so the public response was predictable.  Woody Harrelson was quickly attacked on social media.

The Truth can hurt, be funny, or be dangerous.  You can ban it, but it is still the truth.  With respect to COVID the truth is very dangerous for a lot of people because a lot of people made a lot of money by destroying lives.  Too many people have too much to lose if the public ever wakes up to the truth about COVID.  This was never about a virus.  It was always about money, your money.


Censorship was key to COVID success.  As long as people did not know the truth they would follow the false narratives.  For 3 years the media/government alliance was wildly successful with the censorship programs but Woody Harrelson’s joke is a huge blow to the narrative.  The narrative is collapsing on live television.  Even the most taboo of all subjects, the virus origins and the censorship surrounding it, is finally being discussed.

Millions have been spent to suppress any information indicating the SARS COV-2 virus was engineered in a lab.  We were to believe that the virus was just some unfortunate evolutionary accident, but that is a lie.  COVID was not some act of god; it was an act of human Hubris.  It was people playing god.  People with no moral compass brought the world to its knees.

That is why the story of the virus origins was censored so vigorously.  People followed all the ridiculous restrictions because they accepted that this was no one’s fault and we have no other choice.  Their ignorance was key to their compliance.  How happy do you think people would have been with house arrest if they knew none of it had to happen?  Governments knew the truth would cause social unrest and derail their plans so no discussion of the lab origin was allowed.

Those days are over.  People no longer believe this virus is natural but that does not mean the censorship is over.  In a way even the articles that admit SARS COV-2 was engineered are still censoring important information.  To understand why I say that consider this question.  Why do we call this the lab leak theory rather than the lab origins theory?

Those might seem to be the same but there is a subtle and important distinction.  They both admit the virus came from a lab but one is leading and the other is not.  Lab origins is neutral it says nothing about the next logical question.  Lab leak is leading.  People that use the term lab leak are trying to answer the next question before it is asked.  How the virus originated is not the same question as how did it get out.  By using the phrase lab leak the media is telling you this was still an accident.  Still somehow an act of god.

This was not an accident.  The people who built this virus built it for a reason.  It was released on purpose as part of a larger plan.  Don’t let them call this a lab leak.  It was not a leak it was a controlled targeted release.  When people finally accept that then we can ask the next important question.  Who was involved in this conspiracy?